Sun 2 Apr, 2006 02:49 pm
Spirituality... what is it? Is it believing in ghosts and goblins? Is it worrying at night about a boogy monster under your bed? Maybe sitting on your shoulder? Watching your every move? Is it a God sitting on a throne somewhere out there... with a tie and suit... wringing his hands together in anticipation sending the next "sinner" to hell? Where do angels dare to tread? If there is no heaven... no hell... then it would stand to reason there are no angels... no demons... That our reality would be whatever we choose to make of it.
Hi Hep!
How are ya Darlin'! Maybe spirituality is what you make it, and you get out of it, what you put in it!
Doing fine Anon... Just fine. So good to see you.

How are you? Maybe it is. Then again maybe spirituality is just some fictitious character dancing around in a tutu throwing flowers at everyone... hmmmm....
I have no use whatsoever for 'spirituality' in my model of the world.
What is it suposed to be, exactly? Some magical X factor? I've just never been able to buy it.
My question is, what does spirit/spirituality explain that is not more easily explained by naturalistic means?
I see 'spirituality' as nothing more than a manifestation of superstition.
hephzibah wrote:Doing fine Anon... Just fine. So good to see you.

How are you? Maybe it is. Then again maybe spirituality is just some fictitious character dancing around in a tutu throwing flowers at everyone... hmmmm....
Have you ever considered that we're ALL right ... think about it. Then I'll explain myself.
Superstition... hmmm... There isn't some form of "spirituality" in the context of what you believe dok? Not an iota?
Hmmm... no not really... how can we all be right Anon? What an interesting concept...
Hep- IMO many cultures have developed symbols such as gods, devils, angels, and various and sundry other conventions that bind groups of people together.
Problem is, there is absolutely no evidence that any of this stuff is more than figments of peoples' collective imagination. For some. it serves a purpose; it can be a comfort to have things spelled out, nicely and neatly.
It is a lot harder though for an individual to develop a personal understanding of his/her place in the universe, without the assistance of some mythical figure.
hephzibah wrote:Hmmm... no not really... how can we all be right Anon? What an interesting concept...
Yep, all of us! Not as far fetched as you may think!
I'll go for: wonderment of the cosmos.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Hep- IMO many cultures have developed symbols such as gods, devils, angels, and various and sundry other conventions that bind groups of people together.
Problem is, there is absolutely no evidence that any of this stuff is more than figments of peoples' collective imagination. For some. it serves a purpose; it can be a comfort to have things spelled out, nicely and neatly.
It is a lot harder though for an individual to develop a personal understanding of his/her place in the universe, without the assistance of some mythical figure.
No evidence at all? What about all those wild fantacies people have? Seeing demons and such? Spiritual "experiences" of sorts...
Anon-Voter wrote:hephzibah wrote:Hmmm... no not really... how can we all be right Anon? What an interesting concept...
Yep, all of us! Not as far fetched as you may think!
Come on Anon... don't keep this to yourself! Explain!
Digging pretty deep huh Hep...soul searching is a good thing, and I believe that you will come out of all this a better person. Just try to give your new found outlooks on things time to be absorbed, before you implement them.
I've known several people that have hit this point in their life, for various reasons, and they basically do a 180 with their core beliefs...the results are usually not desireable...take your time.
"That our reality would be whatever we choose to make of it."
Yeah I'd agree with that.
Chumly wrote:I'll go for: wonderment of the cosmos.
Hmmmm... sounds interesting there mr chumly.
Hi Heph,
I just stopped by because I liked the title! Angels, dontcha know? :wink: Anyway, I'm reading.
This is the basis of my thought BUT IS BY NO MEANS totally inclusive. (I think I said that right).
If you're monotheistic, this concept has to at least have some logic for you. My concept actually expands from this (you knew I was different), but to me, explains everything, as well as all the religions!
2PacksAday wrote:Digging pretty deep huh Hep...soul searching is a good thing, and I believe that you will come out of all this a better person. Just try to give your new found outlooks on things time to be absorbed, before you implement them.
I've known several people that have hit this point in their life, for various reasons, and they basically do a 180 with their core beliefs...the results are usually not desireable...take your time.
"That our reality would be whatever we choose to make of it."
Yeah I'd agree with that.
Hi 2packs.

Good to see you. I am digging kinda deep here... in a way... I'm mostly entertaining myself at this point with different ideas and concepts. I'm not about to do a 180, well I hope not anyway. LOL
hephzibah wrote:Chumly wrote:I'll go for: wonderment of the cosmos.
Hmmmm... sounds interesting there mr chumly.
Or like a kid in the biggest possible candy store!