nimh wrote:Cycloptichorn wrote:So, what is the appropriate punishment? A slap on the wrist? Don't think so.
Eh, yeah - death, slap on the wrist, thats obviously the choice we face. I mean, nothing in between, naturally. If I'm against strips of minefield along the border that will blow up families illegally trying to cross the border into high heavens, I must just want to keep it to a slap on the wrist. Obviously. Whatever..
I think there's a LOT that can be done to discourage the current volume of illegal immigration, and much of it would be focused on the employers that hire such illegals. The current lack of serious action against employers who hire illegals does kind of reek of corporate welfare, and there's a lot to be achieved there.
Such measures will not, of course, stop illegal immigration altogether, no. But it should decrease it significantly. When establishing the balance between harshness of impact (on illegals) and restriction of volume (of illegal immigration), I'd go for such measures that will already limit volume a lot while not actually physically harming illegal persons, rather than aim for some zero-line of illegal immigration even if it requires putting up a Berlin Wall along the border. And making someone who chooses such a middle road out to be then just wanting to do nothing at all (the "slap on the wrist" nonsense) is just disingenious.
A lot of time in discussions we take a harder line than is neccessary in order to prove a point.
Let me re-iterate my position in order to avoid confusion:
Solving Illegal Immigration is a three-step problem.
First, as I have made abundandtly clear to anyone who bothered to read this and the 'US anthem in Spanish' thread, I consider the real criminals here to be those who hire Illegal Aliens, to their detriment and to our societies' detriment, in the name of increased profits and greed. The primary step that has to be taken is to eliminate the reasons for illegals coming by cracking down on those who employ them. I believe that this will help stem the flow of illegals who come to America looking for work.
Second, I believe that all those illegal aliens living here in America right now who don't have a felony conviction deserve the opportunity to become American citizens. All we really want from them is two things: first, to know where they are (like other citizens) and second, their money. Deporting people on a mass scale is a super-expensive and unworkable plan in my opinion. I believe that making it easier for those who have worked hard in their life to immigrate to America legally is also a step of this plan; people who can get in legally have less incentive to break the law by entering the country illegally.
Third, we have to close the border. Period. I don't care if it is a 'line of death' or a 'line of pillows.' Whatever it takes to keep streams of people from crossing our borders, we have to do.
I said earlier in this thread that
Cycloptichorn wrote:Quote:Amendment: Although I'm not sure about the line of death thing. We do need to make it hard to enter illegally... but a line of death might be a bit to harsh.
Perhaps it was too harsh. I don't really wish for anyone to die, just want to have the most efficient way to keep illegals from entering America, which I feel must happen.
Part of the 'line of death' argument is in deterrence. We simply don't have the resources IMO to fully man the border at all times. Fences can be useful, but only act as a passive deterrent to illegal entry into our country and can be easily defeated.
The situation becomes drastically different once the illegal realizes that he is actively taking his life into his own hands by attempting to break the law. You or I wouldn't try and rob a bank, not just because of the criminal consequences, but because we could get shot doing so. You don't try to assault police officers, because you get shot for doing so. What is so different about protecting our borders?
I understand that this is a difficult subject, and I guarantee that no matter what solution is worked out, not everyone - perhaps noone, really - is going to be happy with the compromise. But I do feel that there is no harm in considering all ideas for solving this problem.
I categorically deny that we 'cannot' close our borders. We can put a man on the moon, but we can't close the borders? Bull sh*t. It just takes money and effort, money that people don't want to spend, effort that people don't want to spend.
It also takes some form of deterrence. You see, criminals and crooks (and potentially terrorists) who cross over into America
aren't going to sign up to be citizens. They aren't going to play by the rules. That is why the first two steps of my proposal are incomplete by themselves; we must have some sort of border enforcement in order to keep people away, because just expecting them to follow the laws and regulations simply isn't going to work. The people in question have already demonstrated a great willingness to break the law in order to get what they want, so it is a
given that some sort of strict punishment is neccessary in order to deter them from attempting to do so.
Question time:
Given that we will crack down on employers, and that we will work to make those who are here Citizens,
What is the best strategy for keeping crooks, thieves, thugs and terrorists from coming across our borders?
What should the penalty be for being caught border-breaking?
Do you disagree completely that the US has the right to regulate who comes across our borders or not?
Should Illegal aliens in America be treated with greater respect than Citizens of the United States of America are treated when they are in other countries illegally?
If you don't favor the deportation of illegal aliens, what do you suggest we do to keep those who aren't going to follow by the rules of society? Jail them? If we deport them and they come right back across, do we just keep on deporting them? How will we keep accurate records on hundreds of thousands of people with no IDs?
I'm serious. Not one of you who is against the idea of having phyisicial deterrents to crossing the border has presented a serious alternative to doing so.
Nimh, you support legalization of anyone who has been here for over a few years; I support legalization of
all illegals who are here. How the hell are you going to prove that someone with fake documentation and no ID has been here for any length of time? Impossible and unworkable in the extreme.
Thanks Nimh, and please don't hold this against me personally; to me, this is not only a policy argument, but a reality of life.
Quote:Cyclo's "us and them" is as ignorant as you suggest Ebrown. Here we are on another subject I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you on... how did we get to be them? My vote carries the same weight as his... though I suspect I sway more votes since I don't back my opinions with bigotry derived from personal experience.
I am in no way a bigot. I'm not even sure how you got that from what I wrote. But I'll just chalk it up to your usual bloviating.
Do I have personal experiences, negative ones, with illegal aliens? Yes I do. Does that change the validity of my argument, or do my feelings about the policies that I proposed stem from this? No, and no. It merely adds conviction to my belief that only a multi-stage solution to the problem will be effective.
I don't blame anyone for trying to come to America; don't you believe that if I was bigoted, then I would favor the House bill which I have already condemned in this thread? That I would favor Fox's idea of deportation and re-applicance for citizenship? I favor neither. I simply do not agree with the idea that those who have come to America illegally are
doing nothing wrong. This doesn't make me a bigot, though of course it is conveinent for your argument to label me so.
This truly is an 'us and them' problem. You deny this? Tell me then, in the end, will it not be Americans who vote on the solution to this problem? No matter how much we debate what the right course of action is or isn't, in the end, it will be
us, American Citizens, who decide how to handle the problem of
them, Illegal Aliens in our country.