My position has been 100% consistent for all those 84 pages.
I am still waiting to hear what this consistent position is....
I am opposed to any policy that encourages people to ignore or thumb their noses at U.S. law or that has the long range effect of hurting both the Americans who are here and the immigrants who come here.
OK we get what you are opposed to.
I am opposed to policies that break up families, send kids who have grown up here to a country that is foreign to them, and harshly punish workers who contribute to our communities and our economy whose only crime is crossing a border (or overstaying a visa).
What we are opposed to says a lot about our respective values... but it certainly doesn't bring us any closer to a solution.
I am in favor of and admire those people who come to the United States legally.
That's very sweet, but we all feel that way.
All serious proposals I have seen so far seem to me to reward lawlessness and encourage more of it.
No. HR-4337 (the bill the house passed) doesn't reward lawlessness nor encourage more of it. Of course it has the nasty side-effects that I oppose (as listed above).
But I would stop haranguing you for a proposal you support if you just say this is it.
I am interested in seeing all aspects of the issue explored with all the pros and cons laid out to examine and seriously consider before I take a position on what I think the policy should be.
84 pages of debate, plus months of a national debate. How much do you need?
As I have said before... I think the reason that you are afraid to take a position is that you know what the obvious drawbacks to any position that meets your criteria would be.
The humanitarian concerns-- family, kids, poverty, broken communities and uprooted lives are clear.
You are being forced to choose between accepting that people break the law... or harsh penalties.
... and you don't have the courage to make this decision.
Look! The debate has been had both here and nationally. There simply is no solution that satisfies both your values (strict adherence to the law) and mine (compassion and decency). If there were, the debate would be over and we wouldn't be having 84 pages of rigorous argument.
Make up your mind please. Take a stance and have the courage to accept the consequences.