What should be done about illegal immigration?

el pohl
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 02:30 pm
Thanks for your comments FF.

Although my name is Paul Reynaud, I started writing the name "Pohl" after a friend's suggestion. I dislike when people in Mexico call me "Paúl". Razz
Little did I - or my friend - know that, its actually some name in German! Walter should know Wink.

I appreciate the fact that you express your opinions eloquently Fox. Sometimes, you can read anger in people's posts... which aint much constructive.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 02:39 pm
A former (and much younger than I am) friend from the times when I studied social work, studied later later law, became a lawyer ... and my assistant at university: his family name is Pohl Laughing
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el pohl
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 02:47 pm
And a pretty lady in the german beach volleyball team last olympics! Couldnt miss her NAME...
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 02:52 pm
I know whom you mean, but she'd really got a name as well ... ? Laughing
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 04:08 pm
Oh, umm... an uncle of a friend crossed the border so her wife can give birth in San Diego. They are financially very good, but do consider that the child, being american, can achieve so much more. I agree.

Did they stay in the US after the baby was born?
If they did,they are here illegally,and they should be arrested and given a choice.

They will be returned to Mexico,and the baby would immediately LOSE its US citizenship,OR they will be returned to Mexico,without the baby.
The baby would keep its US citizenship,but its parents would be forced to return to Mexico without it,and they would never see the baby again.

Either way,they would be returned to Mexico.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 04:11 pm
mysteryman, hahaha. I feel your pain.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 04:27 pm
frederic pohl , one of the greatest science-fiction writers

0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 04:32 pm
pohl is god
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el pohl
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 04:33 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Oh, umm... an uncle of a friend crossed the border so her wife can give birth in San Diego. They are financially very good, but do consider that the child, being american, can achieve so much more. I agree.

Did they stay in the US after the baby was born?
If they did,they are here illegally,and they should be arrested and given a choice.

They will be returned to Mexico,and the baby would immediately LOSE its US citizenship,OR they will be returned to Mexico,without the baby.
The baby would keep its US citizenship,but its parents would be forced to return to Mexico without it,and they would never see the baby again.

Either way,they would be returned to Mexico.

Well, dont you think thats an innocent question? And what do you mean by staying? An hour? A day? Razz

And no, they where not there illegally, they crossed with their VISA's, before sunrise, wife pregnant. There where 2 people on the car, guess how many returned? Add 1 more american please, and 2 to go.

As a kid, I asked myself: "Why are people born in Tijuana? Everybody should give birth in San Diego! Duh!". And blamed my parents for my Mexican birth. Innocence...

Im gonna check that Frederic partner... Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 04:42 pm
say hello to frederik pohl !

Frederik Pohl
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This article is about the writer and editor. For the historian, see Frederick J. Pohl.
Frederik Pohl (born November 26, 1919) is a noted American science fiction writer and editor, with a career spanning over sixty years. From about 1959 until 1969, Pohl edited Galaxy magazine and its sister magazine If, winning the Hugo for If three years running. His writing also won him three Hugos and multiple Nebula Awards. He became a Nebula Grand Master in 1993.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 05:24 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
And your "Professional Fake Book" may be correct, Walter. But there are music historians who are not certain of the Smith link and, again, even if he is credited with the melody, there is uncertainty that it actually originated with him given the propensity in that era to reuse good melodies with several different sets of lyrics.

No, there's not. If there are music historians who are not certain of the Smith link then they are not studying enough. Please name two such ignoramuses. As to the rest, it's your usual razor thin nit-picking (Golly. I wonder if Smith just didn't pick it up in a bar like F Scott Key did.) So, in order to feel superior to Walter, you go on to whatever lengths it takes to obfuscate what is very settled information.

Walter was right on this and you owe him an apology for being so so
so you.

Joe(I vote for This Land is Your Land)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 06:05 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Oh, and welcome SierraSong. Smile

Well, thanks.

Not that it matters, but I'm a she...


And, thanks for clearing up that matter of the civil rights thing with pohl. You understood my meaning perfectly.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 06:24 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
And your "Professional Fake Book" may be correct, Walter. But there are music historians who are not certain of the Smith link and, again, even if he is credited with the melody, there is uncertainty that it actually originated with him given the propensity in that era to reuse good melodies with several different sets of lyrics.

No, there's not. If there are music historians who are not certain of the Smith link then they are not studying enough. Please name two such ignoramuses. As to the rest, it's your usual razor thin nit-picking (Golly. I wonder if Smith just didn't pick it up in a bar like F Scott Key did.) So, in order to feel superior to Walter, you go on to whatever lengths it takes to obfuscate what is very settled information.

Walter was right on this and you owe him an apology for being so so
so you.

Joe(I vote for This Land is Your Land)Nation

I owe Walter an apology? He's the one who thought we should be all upset that the Star Spangled Banner was written by a Brit royalist. I wasn't trashing his national anthem.

All I did was say there is some question as to the origin of the music. It is true that Smith was the first to publish the tune in 1799 in a collection entitled Fifth Book of Canzonets, Catches, Canons & Glee and this is why the work has generally been attributed to him. The melody itself bad been a popular drinking song popular some 20 years before however and, while some still think Smith is the composer, there is no way to know for sure.

Now, how about an apology for being so you?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 07:12 pm
SierraSong wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Oh, and welcome SierraSong. Smile

Well, thanks.

Not that it matters, but I'm a she...


And, thanks for clearing up that matter of the civil rights thing with pohl. You understood my meaning perfectly.

Well, survival on A2K sometimes requires a bullet proof vest and a really good bullshit detector, but there are quite a few reasonable people here whether or not we agree on a particular issue. El_Pohl is one of them. Smile

But from now on you are a SHE!!!! You are woman. Hear you roar! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 07:16 pm
Since at least one poster here has seen fit to portray "Right Wing Republicans" as "anti-immigrant", I found this grouping of comments from one of the most blatantly liberal websites, DemocraticUnderground, very interesting. There's nothing these people hate worse than right-wingers and the president, yet read some of these downright ugly responses to the proprosed protests on May 1st.


2. This **** is going way too far. Way too far and it's going to backfire.
If Mexican activists LIVING IN MEXICO want to make demands, let them make it of their own corrupt government. Demand that these people be paid wages in their own country that will allow them to live decently.
Mexico is not a poor country. It's just a corrupt country.

3. This is going to back fire big time.
First of all, many undocumented migrants will be terminated the day they don't show up for work without permission. What legal recourse does that leave them if they are illegally hired in the first place?

Secondly, piss off enough Americans and they will start boycotting Mexico goods and services.

5. Well whoopee doo!
Apparently they're going to threaten to stay in their own country and find work there? Okay with me! Give our Minutemen a break so that they can visit their families

45.I am only referring to the truth here. They would only harm themselves doing this. Besides, there are a lot of them coming over illegally here, and it is not right. In some of the ways that they're protesting is not too colorful also. I work with a few Mexicans, that became US citizens, that agree with me on this, too.

13. What a stupid idea. Who is organizing these people? Napolean Dynamite? Who pulls a boycott that hurts their cause the most? "A day without immigrants" *Yawn* or *Yay!* ?

6. Blackmail.

In at least one instance, nearly 200 fired workers in Wisconsin were reinstated, demonstration leaders said, after the leaders met with employers, discussed the significance of the protests and threatened to identify the companies publicly

68.There is a boycott planned here at the same time
"a day without immigrants" it was described as in the local rag. Only get this: the Mexican business owners called on other minority businesses to close in support of their boycott, while Mexican-owned businesses stayed open.
That went over like a cement pinata

80. Thank you! So correct! And as far as their boycott...well, who cares?
They've done it how many times before here in CA? And did anyone care? NO.

Why don't they take all of that protesting energy and knock on Fox's door and demand change in their country? Why don't they demand change in Mexico and work toward a Mexican dream there?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 07:28 pm
SierraSong wrote:
Since at least one poster here has seen fit to portray "Right Wing Republicans" as "anti-immigrant", I found this grouping of comments from one of the most blatantly liberal websites, DemocraticUnderground, very interesting. There's nothing these people hate worse than right-wingers and the president, yet read some of these downright ugly responses to the proprosed protests on May 1st.


2. This **** is going way too far. Way too far and it's going to backfire.
If Mexican activists LIVING IN MEXICO want to make demands, let them make it of their own corrupt government. Demand that these people be paid wages in their own country that will allow them to live decently.
Mexico is not a poor country. It's just a corrupt country.

3. This is going to back fire big time.
First of all, many undocumented migrants will be terminated the day they don't show up for work without permission. What legal recourse does that leave them if they are illegally hired in the first place?

Secondly, piss off enough Americans and they will start boycotting Mexico goods and services.

5. Well whoopee doo!
Apparently they're going to threaten to stay in their own country and find work there? Okay with me! Give our Minutemen a break so that they can visit their families

45.I am only referring to the truth here. They would only harm themselves doing this. Besides, there are a lot of them coming over illegally here, and it is not right. In some of the ways that they're protesting is not too colorful also. I work with a few Mexicans, that became US citizens, that agree with me on this, too.

13. What a stupid idea. Who is organizing these people? Napolean Dynamite? Who pulls a boycott that hurts their cause the most? "A day without immigrants" *Yawn* or *Yay!* ?

6. Blackmail.

In at least one instance, nearly 200 fired workers in Wisconsin were reinstated, demonstration leaders said, after the leaders met with employers, discussed the significance of the protests and threatened to identify the companies publicly

68.There is a boycott planned here at the same time
"a day without immigrants" it was described as in the local rag. Only get this: the Mexican business owners called on other minority businesses to close in support of their boycott, while Mexican-owned businesses stayed open.
That went over like a cement pinata

80. Thank you! So correct! And as far as their boycott...well, who cares?
They've done it how many times before here in CA? And did anyone care? NO.

Why don't they take all of that protesting energy and knock on Fox's door and demand change in their country? Why don't they demand change in Mexico and work toward a Mexican dream there?

This is why I've maintained all along that this is not really a Republican vs Democrat or Left vs Right issue though of course there are politicians who will demagogue it for political advantage and there are always a few diehard partisans who can't articulate an argument without accusing or trashing somebody.

I think if our elected leaders do not come to a reasonable meeting of the minds on this issue, however, the fallout will be pretty severe for both parties.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 07:33 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
A question aside: does noone demonstrate against the music the music of the National Anthem of the United States of America since it has been composed by a royalist Britton?

Pathetic. He wasn't trashing anyone's nation anthem, he was asking a question.
What Walter doesn't realize is that the majority of Americans wouldn't know what the heck he was talking about, to say nothing of the number who couldn't sing their way through it. The most boisterous renditions of the anthem these days are heard at the start of NASCAR races, right after they wave the Stars and Bars and play "Dixie". No one knows for sure who wrote that one either, right? No one know anything for absolute certain as long as you can hold on to that, you never have to concede a point to anyone.

Joe(bite down hard and hold on)Nation

PS I'm still waiting for the two (only two) music historians who hold the same view as you do. They have to hold the exact same view, right?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 07:43 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
A question aside: does noone demonstrate against the music the music of the National Anthem of the United States of America since it has been composed by a royalist Britton?

Pathetic. He wasn't trashing anyone's nation anthem, he was asking a question.
What Walter doesn't realize is that the majority of Americans wouldn't know what the heck he was talking about, to say nothing of the number who couldn't sing their way through it. The most boisterous renditions of the anthem these days are heard at the start of NASCAR races, right after they wave the Stars and Bars and play "Dixie". No one knows for sure who wrote that one either, right? No one know anything for absolute certain as long as you can hold on to that, you never have to concede a point to anyone.

Joe(bite down hard and hold on)Nation

PS I'm still waiting for the two (only two) music historians who hold the same view as you do. They have to hold the exact same view, right?

One is my sister who has a Master's degree in music and has taught choral music and music history for some 30 years. She is at my elbow as I write this and concurs with my assessment. The other is my current church choir director, also with an advanced degree, who showed me an outline for a little 4th of July seminar class he will teach at our 'vocational college' series this summer. I'll throw myself in there too as I have done a bit of teaching of music history.

Now would you please present your credentials for declaring the three of us wrong. And could we take this to a different thread and not hijack this one further with this idiotic argument?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 07:46 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
This is why I've maintained all along that this is not really a Republican vs Democrat or Left vs Right issue though of course there are politicians who will demagogue it for political advantage and there are always a few diehard partisans who can't articulate an argument without accusing or trashing somebody.

I think if our elected leaders do not come to a reasonable meeting of the minds on this issue, however, the fallout will be pretty severe for both parties.

I agree, but I also think that the Democratic leadership, knowing they can't win national elections, somehow see this as a way to garner votes. While I don't think the sentiments I posted above apply to everyone in their party, I do think they're in for a rude awakening.
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old europe
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 07:47 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
One is my sister who has a Master's degree in music and has taught choral music and music history for some 30 years. She is at my elbow as I write this and concurs with my assessment. The other is my current church choir director, also with an advanced degree, who showed me an outline for a little 4th of July seminar class he will teach at our 'vocational college' series this summer. I'll throw myself in there too as I have done a bit of teaching of music history.

Now would you please present your credentials for declaring the three of us wrong. And could we take this to a different thread and not hijack this one further with this idiotic argument?

So all three of you experts agree on this:

Foxfyre wrote:
Francis Scott Key was an accomplished attorney, American born, and son of a Revolutionary War patriot who was fighting on the American side against the British.


Just curious...
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