Advocate wrote:
The population of the USA is swelling to an unsustainable size, and this is mostly the fault of immigration. We must stop the illegals from coming in and expell those already here. We should also reduce legal immigration.
For instance, the country is rapidly running out of clean water. Large parts of the country are expected to almost run dry by 2020. In some parts, supplies that go back to the ice age are rapidly being depleted, and cannot be replaced. There is no substitute. Thus, we must stop population growth as much as possible.
At any moment, the moron O'Bill will weigh in with his desalinization argument. He will cite SA, which gets much of its drinking water this way. However, drinking water is a tiny part of the water we need -- e.g., for sanitation, irrigation, industry, etc. He is also the jerk who said that the USA could easily accomodate billions more in population.
Your idiocy knows no bounds, Chicken Little.
That sky is not falling. Only ignorance, indifference and apathy allow for water shortages in this country... and the world for that matter.
China and India already have billions of people, in smaller geographic regions, which are certainly not the United States' equal for ability to sustain life. Hence; the United States
could easily accommodate billions more in population. The United States ranks 142nd out of 192 countries at 30.71 persons per Square Kilometer. If we had a billion people; we'd move up to ranking about 74th... and still be considerably less dense than France, and less than half as dense as Germany or the United Kingdom. This isn't an opinion, fool; it is an easily verified fact. Only a moron argues against easily verified facts.
Desalination has been proven viable to you repeatedly, yet somehow you still enjoy making a fool of yourself there too. Large scale desalination; which you ignorantly, laughably claim doesn't exist, already produces 12 Billion Gallons of water per day worldwide. The Tampa plant I showed you is
currently producing 25 million gallons of water per day. Desalination currently costs between 2 and 3 tenths of a cent per gallon; which is roughly what Americans pay for water out of their tap on average; regardless of the source. The supply of water to desalinate is virtually unlimited, so there isn't a supply problem; there's a stupid problem.
Not only is there an unlimited supply of water for Americans; the fact is we could supply every needy person on earth's needs (Billions) for less than a 10th of what the Iraq war costs us annually. The fact that we don't, is an ugly stain on our collective soul. The fact that you choose to remain ignorant of the simple truth speaks volumes about you.
And, the above is before you even consider conservation. The average American flushes more water down the toilet than the Average person living in Africa uses. You want to talk waste? In Africa, for instance, women and girls spend 40 billion person-hours per year hauling water. At minimum wage; that's a quarter of a trillion dollars worth of labor... many times more than it would cost to supply food and water to them all... even at ridiculously high American consumption standards.
You should consider at least stopping at Wikipedia, before demonstrating your profound ignorance further.