So now our debate is a) are our immigration laws unjust? Most Americans believe they are not. And most Americans at this time do not agree with people breaking them and most Americans do see an injustice being done to many who are trying to operate within the law.
That is not the debate at all.
The debate is what to do with the 11 million people who are here.
Specifically, are we going to give people here illegally now the chance to become citizens or are we going to round them up and deport them?
I am making the argument that giving people a path to citizenship is the only solution that is compassionate and understanding. I am claiming that this is also what is best for the country, and given the way our country has benefitted from immigrants both legal and illegal, it is the only fair solution.
You are making the arugment that treating "illegal" immigrants with compassion encourages lawbreaking and is harmful for the country as a nation of laws. You are supporting (but not commiting to) the idea that harsh penalties including deportation are necessary for the country and will be supported by most Americans.
Don't mischaracterize my argument (or your own). The issue for me is compassion, not lawbreaking and as Walter says, I want just laws that are respected by all.