I Was Invisible, Except for My White Skin

Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 12:48 pm
No. It truely speaks for itself.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 01:02 pm
snood wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
curious snood....what exactly has he written that impressed you so?

Was it the comment about loving to smoke weed?

The preference for baby feet smothered in butter?

The way he doen't really express an opinion, just immediately insults another poster by telling them their opinion is garbage or crap?

Or, is it just the way he reads one post, and decides he knows everything there is to know about a person?

Dissenting opinions make me think. When you're not jumping down someones throat, I find your posts intelligent, and have caused me to rethink my position on some things.

Running off at the mouth is just foolish.

We have obviously differing perceptions of what's been posted on this thread. I don't feel I need to qualify my opinion any further than that.

Well, before forming an educated opinion of our new member, perhaps it'd be a good idea to read his other foolishness in other threads.

I don't think it's that you don't feel the need to qualify your opinion snood. It's more you've formed an opinion based on very limited information. I asked a perfectly good question snood, if the situation were reversed and I gave you the same reply, I think you'd probably bring up the same points I have. Maybe not, but you're certainly too smart to accept that as the conversation.

Of course, if you don't want a civil discussion back and forth, that's up to you.

If you search this person out and read him, you'll see how sophomoric he is.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 01:30 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
If you search this person out and read him, you'll see how sophomoric he is.

Willfully so, IMO.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 01:34 pm
<shifting head from side to side>

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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 02:44 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
snood wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
curious snood....what exactly has he written that impressed you so?

Was it the comment about loving to smoke weed?

The preference for baby feet smothered in butter?

The way he doen't really express an opinion, just immediately insults another poster by telling them their opinion is garbage or crap?

Or, is it just the way he reads one post, and decides he knows everything there is to know about a person?

Dissenting opinions make me think. When you're not jumping down someones throat, I find your posts intelligent, and have caused me to rethink my position on some things.

Running off at the mouth is just foolish.

We have obviously differing perceptions of what's been posted on this thread. I don't feel I need to qualify my opinion any further than that.

Well, before forming an educated opinion of our new member, perhaps it'd be a good idea to read his other foolishness in other threads.

I don't think it's that you don't feel the need to qualify your opinion snood. It's more you've formed an opinion based on very limited information. I asked a perfectly good question snood, if the situation were reversed and I gave you the same reply, I think you'd probably bring up the same points I have. Maybe not, but you're certainly too smart to accept that as the conversation.

Of course, if you don't want a civil discussion back and forth, that's up to you.

If you search this person out and read him, you'll see how sophomoric he is.

That may well be the case. But I fail to see why you have such an obvious interest in helping me to grasp how 'sophomoric' he is. If it's as bad as you say, and if I am as intelligent as you think, then I will probably come to that conclusion all by myself, don't you think?
I welcomed him to A2K, and said I think his opinions might add to the forum. Why is that sitting so ill with you?
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 02:51 pm
We were so close to ending on a good note.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:25 pm
No, no amigo, I'm not trying to end anything on a bad note at all...I really am interested in what snood has to say, and, well, why he won't say it.

Snood, you sometimes very much confuse me. Ususally, you don't mind expressing not only your opinion, and how you came to think that way. But not in this case. Why is that?

Below are you exact words to the new member….

"from what I've read I think you might provide some of the fresh dissenting opinion that this forum sometimes sorely needs.... "

My question to you was
"what exactly has he written that impressed you so?"

I then gave a synopsis of his posts, showing very clearly that whoever wrote then doesn't really have the capacity to form an intelligent opinion, and is just stirring the pot. Not being sarcastic, just literally writing down the stuff he's said so far, none of it really good.

If you're taking from what you've read of him that he has fresh opinions or ideas, I'd really like to know, because frankly, I haven't seen anything worth pursuing as far as his opinions.

Now, you use the ruse you often employ of taking someone's words and paraphrasing them back in a sarcastic tone.

Seriously, I wish you wouldn't do that with me. I don't think I've ever said anything to you to cause you to be sarcastic to me. I don't want to fight with you. But it's really not pleasant having a conversation with you, because you're always looking for the knife the other persons holding.

I'm not holding a knife snood, I'm not trying to fight, I'm not trying to be your enemy. On the occasions I make friendly comments, you treat them as if I'm attacking you personally. It's just a question, and if you don't have an answer, fine. But there's been times when, frankly I really wanted to ask you a question to clarify what you're saying, and I don't, because I feel like I have to walk around eggshells around you so I don't inadvertently insult you. I never can figure out what gets you going, and it's not worth it to me anymore.

If you want to play the role of the person who is above answering a simple friendly question, fine. For all the words I've typed here, it's just not that big a deal anymore.

I used to want to be friends with you actually, but you immediately smashed any hopes of that by some ugly remark I can't even remember now. What I do remember was the feeling of hurt and surprise when whatever it was I said in good will was returned with some sarcastic retort.

Why do you have to be like this so much of the time Snood? Don't you ever just want to talk to someone without looking for the hidden meanings or some dark agenda?

Go ahead and laugh at me, tell me how wrong I am. I used to think you were joking with some of the things you say…I really thought you were joking when you and someone else would get to swapping insults….then I realized, at least sometimes, you're not. I don't understand that.

Maybe this will sound corny to you snood, but I really wish you peace.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:51 pm
snood wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
curious snood....what exactly has he written that impressed you so?

Was it the comment about loving to smoke weed?

The preference for baby feet smothered in butter?

The way he doen't really express an opinion, just immediately insults another poster by telling them their opinion is garbage or crap?

Or, is it just the way he reads one post, and decides he knows everything there is to know about a person?

Dissenting opinions make me think. When you're not jumping down someones throat, I find your posts intelligent, and have caused me to rethink my position on some things.

Running off at the mouth is just foolish.

We have obviously differing perceptions of what's been posted on this thread. I don't feel I need to qualify my opinion any further than that.

Do you experience difficulty in attempting to qualify what it is you don't know what your looking for?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 06:11 pm
Mathos wrote:
snood wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
curious snood....what exactly has he written that impressed you so?

Was it the comment about loving to smoke weed?

The preference for baby feet smothered in butter?

The way he doen't really express an opinion, just immediately insults another poster by telling them their opinion is garbage or crap?

Or, is it just the way he reads one post, and decides he knows everything there is to know about a person?

Dissenting opinions make me think. When you're not jumping down someones throat, I find your posts intelligent, and have caused me to rethink my position on some things.

Running off at the mouth is just foolish.

We have obviously differing perceptions of what's been posted on this thread. I don't feel I need to qualify my opinion any further than that.

Do you experience difficulty in attempting to qualify what it is you don't know what your looking for?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 11:30 pm
I think there is a serious issue lurking here on the surface....should we view certain kinds of racism differently?

Is a black person kicked out of a "whites only" club worse than a white person kicked out of a "blacks only" club?

It would certainly seem worse because of the historical context....is there an argument for punishing one more strongly than the other in an attempt to re-level the playing field?
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 03:30 am
Yup - serious issue there, alright....

And it isn't easy to talk about - if I don't just humbly agree "All discrimination is wrong", and say no more, it seems to unleash some pretty strong emotion, and people seem to feel free to accuse me of some pretty strong stuff.

All discrimination is wrong, okay?

I'm reminded though, of an experience I had while serving at Tripler AMC in Hawaii. I became privvy to several instances of whites being "hated on", so to speak, by the Asians and Polynesians there. I kept hearing whites talking about how they had been discriminated against for jobs, or how they had been disrespected in sundry ways. I gotta admit, my gut reaction was a deep sense of irony, and outright amusement at the angst the whites expressed. I couldn't help thinking "that's just a taste of it, but that's the general idea".

So, yeah - I admit whe Kuk mocked the original post, I thought it was funny. I can see where that isn't the ideal, mature, progressive response - I admit it doesn't display perfect equanimity. I think it's a natural, human response; it was for me, in any case. Shoot, I guess I ain't perfect. Go figgur.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 05:17 am
What a marvellous display of smug condescension. What a succinct statement of the "y'all wouldn't understand" conceit of blacks in America, as though they were the only ones who have ever experienced discrimination, the only ones capable of true, meaningful comment. What a load of self-serving hooey . . .
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 06:22 am
A graphic display of the quality of your participation.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 06:49 am
One time in the distant past (I was about twenty) we were in a rural setting, building a house. My uncle and two cousins went into town for some reason, leaving me alone to nail in some bridging between the ceiling joists. As I perched atop the two by four framework, I viewed a young black man approaching. I was at this stage in life very ill at ease around any strangers, no matter the color. Add to this the tension between Texas whites and blacks in the sixties, and you have a nervous guy, who blurted out, "Sir?" just as the stranger started to ask some kind of direction. He took my manner as a bad attitude, racially motivated, and turned on his heal. I felt pretty bad, but had in fact done nothing wrong. It is easy for folks to misread one another, now as then. I haven't read this entire thread - not enough time just now - but I am not all sure the ladies were motivated by predjudice.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 06:49 am
Setanta wrote:
... What a succinct statement of the "y'all wouldn't understand" conceit of blacks in America, as though they were the only ones who have ever experienced discrimination, the only ones capable of true, meaningful comment.

I'm not so sure there isn't a case to be made for never having walked in another's shoes. I think Eorl's question is a good one. Sure, all people can feel what it's like to be discriminated against, but I'm not so sure those feelings are the same in all situations.

As a non-Jewish family in a very close knit Jewish community, my children have been discriminated against by the majority in and out of school. But, we choose to live here and there are places we can go where there is no question of belonging or fitting in.

Maybe there are black Americans who have never faced greater discrimination than the white guy in the next neighborhood. And maybe the sense of belonging (or not) is the same whenever one is part of a local majority, I'm really not sure. I do think there is a case to be made for the constant need to figuratively look over one's shoulder and that it could result in a different outlook on being discriminated against.

Interesting thread....
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Bella Dea
Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 06:56 am
edgarblythe wrote:
I haven't read this entire thread - not enough time just now - but I am not all sure the ladies were motivated by predjudice.

You are right...one can't be sure. But it felt like it was. I didn't call them out for it and I don't think all blacks are racist. This won't affect me in the future when interacting with blacks or in a primarily black community.

It just made me think.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 06:56 am
You post illustrates my point, J_B. Blacks in America can make no exclusively claim to having been discriminated against, nor to understanding the feeling of being a victim of discrimination. As well as the situation which you describe, Jews and Catholics are routinely discriminated agains, especially as Protestant fundmentalist fervor grips the nation. Amerindians are obvious targets of discrimination. Many Vietnamese who fled Vietnam after the war settled on the Gulf coast, and have been discriminated against, and have had violent clashes with the white and black populations there over the issue of fishing and shrimping.

My point is that many different people can have many different experiences of discrimination. Which is precisely why, as you say, this is an interesting thread.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 08:14 am
Just for the record, I do not believe that I, or any black person, has any exclusive rights to victimhood, or commentary on race. Nor have I made any such claim.

Any contention that I am advancing such sentiment is a "bunch of hooey".
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 08:31 am
Y'know, it's funny...
I want to share some of an IM conversation Amigo and I had.

Basically, it was just that we all jump to some pretty major conclusions about each other on these threads, based on some pretty thin information.
For instance, I've never mentioned that my Mom is Filipina.

How well do we know each other? Do you think that if I was standing right next to you (that's 'you' in the generic sense), that you and I would be as uncivil with each other? I know I wouldn't. I may be the biggest perpetrator of saying things I wouldn't say face to face, and I know that's not good. It's kind of the same anonymous dynamic that makes us so bold when behind the wheel. A lot of us will utter curses to other drivers we'd never say to a fellow pedestrian.

Let me repeat -because I'm sure a couple of you will acknowledge nothing else in this post but this, so I want to be clear about it - I know I'm one of the biggest offenders that says things he wouldn't say face-to face.

What's my point? Well, maybe when we talk about race or other intrinsically hot topics, it's just something for me and others to consider. Would we say it if we had to face that person?
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 09:08 am
That was a cool post.

I think I usually say things here approximately as I would in real life. Not sure. In the thick of an argument I may even tone things down a bit compared to how I'd argue with some people IRL -- I have friends that I'll get way more blunt and rough with than I do here (but would also be leavened by body language and expressions that are too complicated to get across here, so I try to avoid that and keep things straightforward).

The body language thing is interesting -- I've definitely had reactions where if it was IRL I'd get into pick-up b-ball intimidation mode... something like, drawing myself up to full height, taking a step forward, flaring nostrils, glaring, and saying, "WHAT did you just say...?!"


Doesn't translate very well.
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