Parados, here is a graph I've put together to illustrate my argument.
I believe the graph illustrates a direct correlation between an increase in bureaucracy, the creation of the federal Department of Education, and increased spending, which does not correlate with better results.
Also, consider the following:
In recent times, home schoolers spend about 1/10 per student, yet score higher on ACT and SAT tests than students in public schools.
In 1996, a congressional committee documented 760 unconstitutional federal education programs located in 39 separate agencies, departments, commissions, and boards, with only 6% of them having their primary function of teaching math, reading, or science.
In 1991, an Ohio survey revealed each district was required to fill out an average of 330 forms, 173 of which were for the federal government, so even though the feds were contributing only 7 to 8% of the funds, it was responsible for more than half of the red tape.
Some of the districts that spend the most per student are the lowest achieving districts, and vice versa.
If education is the key to reducing crime, then our education system is failing, along with all the supposedly preventive safety net programs like headstart and all the rest. Numbers of crimes go from less than 1% of the population in 1933 with the start of our statistical information, and continues under 1% until about 1959, during which the federal government was largely uninvolved in education except for providing lunch subsidies and the like. After 1959, the crime rate climbed to over 5% by the 70's and has tracked in a similar range since that time.
As shown by the graph, high school graduation rates rose to approximately the current levels entirely before any significant federal education involvement, largely due to industrialization and a more technical society. This was achieved almost entirely by the motivation and efforts of local school districts and the states. Graduation rates have actually fallen since about 1970. Federal programs have failed. Increased expenditures have failed.
Parados, case closed.