Ah! Well, Georgia makes more sense than New York. If this sort of thing makes any sense at all, that is. Which it doesn't.
Re: black vs. white churches...I've spoken several times at an annual conference of churches in the Caribbean. I am white, and the churches in that part of the world are predominantly black. I love the singing & general enthusiasm...it always refreshes me! There does not seem to be a big divide between black and white there. I am one of a small minority there, but I never feel out of place.
Hard to believe? It's mind boggling what a backward country the US continues to be. But then, you elected a redneck, racist halfwit as president, so I suppose nothing should surprise me anymore.
Does it occur to you Wilso, that you go over the top now and again?
Backward country, Racist, Redneck, getting carried away aren't we?
Wilso- We are overgeneralizing, aren't we???
It is okay Wilso is from Australia, he is just mad the AEIA is so boring so he has to look to America for his entertainment. As does the world.
Case in point an Australian website for entertainment has an article on the season finale of Dawson's Creek - a year late - they started broad casting a year late.
Some questions from the article "Will Jen croak? Will "Dawkson" make it as a film producer? And will Joey finally choose him over Pacey as life-long soulmate? "
Yes. Yes. No.
It is no suprise that he would have to look to America for interest of Entertainment - be it bad or good - because all most half of the Entertainment news on a website is about or from America.
BlueMonkey wrote:It is okay Wilso is from Australia, he is just mad the AEIA is so boring so he has to look to America for his entertainment. As does the world.
I never realised the Australian Egg Industry Association (AEIA) actually had such a high profile. Too many eggs in one basket I suppose.
BTW: Have this 'prom' thing actually occured yet?
Anyone of any race should be able to go to any prom.....BUT when blacks or any other minority have their own segregated functions the word PRIDE is generally associated with it, whereas the word RACIST is generally associated with any all white function, and that's not equitable.
Goes to show what I have always said, everyone is a racist self centered scumbag.
I'm glad I'm a Bear.
Mr Stillwater wrote:BlueMonkey wrote:It is okay Wilso is from Australia, he is just mad the AEIA is so boring so he has to look to America for his entertainment. As does the world.
I never realised the Australian Egg Industry Association (AEIA) actually had such a high profile. Too many eggs in one basket I suppose.
BTW: Have this 'prom' thing actually occured yet?
I believe this is the second year this has been an issue in this particular town........
I can't make the mental leap from Wilso's post being a result of TV programming. But then, I do have a problem with spotting such pointless connections................
that is horrible to hear and it is imoral to believe. its discusting to hear that some people still cant accept that we are all people no mater our color
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Mr. Still, allow me to be the first to congratulate you and your entire nation on the sudden leap to renown and popularity of your humble husbandmen's prosaic organization . . .
Racism in the USA
I am saddened by such ignorance & bigotry. I live in Montreal, Canada & although we are not enterily free from racism- we are light years away from such behavior!! I can honestly say that I will walk into any bar/club/party without calculating whether its black or white or indian.
Despite what some readers on this forum will have you believe, its not about cultural prefences & comfort. After-all, a white boy from Nova Scotia & a black boy from Toronto have more in common than 2 whites from the west & east coasts- except for the amount of melatonin in their skin!!
Spirit Dog, good post, welcome to a2k (even though I live on a coast).
SpiritDog, Welcome to A2K. Bigotry is alive and well in the US and elsewhere on this planet. Ignorance is a disease that's hard to eradicate.
It is of great sadness you cannot eradicate the ones that are.
Wow.. I had no idea things like things still happened in civilized countries.. (Dane personally). Actually now allowing people to parties because of their race.. I mean.. I thought Mandela won that fight in South Africa a long time ago, and even before that Martin Luther King in the states.
I think that the colleges in this country are to blame.
They have been in the forefront of setting up special houses on campus-
For Blacks; For East Indians; For Africans.
What is the outcome?
Go to any campus in America. There you should find true brotherhood in action.
Instead you will find self imposed segregation at almost every lunch table on campus.
When the administration promotes separatism, what will the natural outcome be????
People tend to associate with the familiar. There is nothing at all strange about that. That is why you will find in almost any industrial lunch room what you called self segregation. It is not that people are unwelcome it is just a natural tendency to seek people in common. I guess we could say birds of a feather.