Swimpy wrote:Thanks, Eva. Please don't make me out to be a saint, though. I'm still not going to be this woman's best friend. If she wants to talk about it, I'll listen as long as she respects some resonable boundaries.
Chai, your co-worker sounds like a pathological liar! Good luck with that
She's not a pathological liar, that would imply anybody would believe her. One of her main problems is that she has no filters...if some little fantasy is going on in her mind, it just spills out her mouth and she may not even realize she's talking. I've said this before, but she's like one of those dolls where if you pull the string NOTHING will stop her until the cord totally retracts back in. The problem is, simply walking into the same room, or saying hi pulls the string....it's actually pretty funny, you can totally walk away from her, go into your office, take a phone call, and still hear her talking for another 2 minutes. She can see you're not there, I don't think she even realizes her mouth is moving.
Oh, thanks for wishing me luck, but I've grown so accustomed to this, I started in 1998, she started one year later.
Anyway didn't mean to hijack your thread....I can definitly understand what you said about not going to become this womans best friend, and keeping boundaries. That's very wise. Not like she's going to pull anything, it's just that, cold as it might sound, having cancer does not automatically qualify you for amnesty for your entire life.