Raul-7 wrote:Disbelieving, disobedient jinn and humans are known as shayateen (devils). Jinn are just like humans, some of them are of the good and some of are the bad.
So you think I am the devil incarnate?
Mehdi, you are no messiah as your name suggests. Names were significant in ancient times. The suffix El meant it was related to the god El, a polytheisitic god. Your ignorance shows. The mythic angle is a creation by Jews in polytheistic times and Mohammed's ignorance shows by thinking Gabri-El is an angel of a monotheistic God. Gabri-El according to your theology being an agent of a polytheistic religion is a devil so Salman Rushdie was correct in suggesting "Satanic Verses".
talk72000 wrote:Mehdi, you are no messiah as your name suggests. Names were significant in ancient times. The suffix El meant it was related to the god El, a polytheisitic god. Your ignorance shows. The mythic angle is a creation by Jews in polytheistic times and Mohammed's ignorance shows by thinking Gabri-El is an angel of a monotheistic God. Gabri-El according to your theology being an agent of a polytheistic religion is a devil so Salman Rushdie was correct in suggesting "Satanic Verses".
Can you answer my question; how can Angels disobey God when they are under his command? You're the one who is clearly ignorant, Angels are made out of light they know no sin.
"Angels, strong and severe, who resist not Allah in that He commandeth them, but do that which they are commanded." (Quran 66:6)
The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by their Lord's leave, to
carry out every command. (Quran 97:4)
Regarding Gabriel; his name is not Gabri-EL, it's Gabriel. He was not a polythiest nor was a devil (God forbid); he is the Spirit who brought down the Quran, who helped the Messiah (PBUH) talk from the cradle and helped Moses (PBUH) defeated the Pharaoah's magicians.
This (Quran) is a revelation from the Lord of the universe. The Honest Spirit (Gabriel) came down with it. (Quran 26:192-193)
Say, "Anyone who opposes Gabriel should know that he has brought
down this (Quran) into your heart, in accordance with GOD's will, confirming previous scriptures, and providing guidance and good news for the believers." (Quran 2:97)
Gabri_El is not an angel of God but a messenger of El, a polytheistic god and according to your theology a demon.
Does your employee or servant do as Iask him? Gabri-El is not an angel of God and does not answerto God. There is n oproof God sent Gabri-El. Why would God send a devil?
Besides no religion has proven there is a god.
Your Quran and the bible are utter rubbish.
talk72000 wrote:Mehdi, you are no messiah as your name suggests. Names were significant in ancient times. The suffix El meant it was related to the god El, a polytheisitic god. Your ignorance shows. The mythic angle is a creation by Jews in polytheistic times and Mohammed's ignorance shows by thinking Gabri-El is an angel of a monotheistic God. Gabri-El according to your theology being an agent of a polytheistic religion is a devil so Salman Rushdie was correct in suggesting "Satanic Verses".
nice to have someone on board who knows what they are talking about talk. When it comes to questions of divinity, if I am honest, I have to say I dont know. What infuriates me about those infected with what Dawkins calls the religious meme is that they are not honest. They don't
know either. But they claim they do. Moreover they infect children and young people with the same poisonous mix of myth legend guesswork story-telling and pre recorded history and claim a right to do so in the name of education. What they are really doing is abusing the natural susceptibilty of young minds. Its child abuse imo, and should merit a long term in prison.
better off..
talk72000 wrote: Your bible is utter rubbish.
Better off...
Some guys just post anything like a hobby...Why don't they reason to what other readers are writing or requesting?
in the name of allah
that's just right brother
Steve, these guys are just as bad as the fundy Christians with their literal reading of the Koran. They don't realize that their religious foundation is on quicksand.
talk72000 wrote:Steve, these guys are just as bad as the fundy Christians with their literal reading of the Koran. They don't realize that their religious foundation is on quicksand.
Very true. But built on sand or not is irrelevant to the believer. Once these proselytising religions gain a foothold they develop a life of their own. I wish they would examine the roots of their "faith", but that of course is strictly forbidden for the lay member of a faith community. This blind faith is not quicksand. Last summer it caused a neighbour of mine to be torn to pieces on her way to work at the Boy Scouts association.
Re: 50,000 Errors in the Bible...Is Bible God's Word??
dalahow2 wrote:
WHY "ACCORDING TO?" Quote:"And as Jesus passed forth thence, HE (JESUS) saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and HE (JESUS) saith unto HIM (MATTHEW), follow ME (JESUS) And HE (MATTHEW) arose, and followed HIM (JESUS)." (Matthew 9:9)
The more The "Holy Bible" lends itself to all kinds of contradictory interpretations, the more many christians agree That:
From this Link...
The God That NEVER was
Who are the
Quote:Who is the author of:
1ST SAMUEL?............ Answer: Author "Unknown"
2ND SAMUEL........... Answer: Author "Unknown"
1ST KING?................. Answer: Author "Unknown"
2ND KING?............... Answer: Author "Unknown"
. Answer: Author "Unknown, probably
. Answer: Author "Likely collected
and a host of more other theories and stories.
Do U want the Truth about the Bible anyways?
Be convinced...
"according to" is defined as "as stated by or indicated by; on the authority of; (example 'according to historians'" American Heritage Dictionary. It is not used to indicate a supposition, that's your misguided interpretation of it.
I'm not even a Christian and your continual reposting of the same stupid misinterpretation and hyperbolic statements by "experts" no one has ever heard of is really beginning to p*ss me off. Think for yourself. Come up with something on your own. Can you do that? Don't keep reposting the same dreck.
And the Koran, incidentally, is no less full of myth and misinformation, as proved by the recent discussions of mountains and the Koran, which says they are stabilizers agaoinst earthquakes, when the fact is that the process which creates mountains is also the process which causes earthquakes. So where you have mountains you have earthquakes. Koran's wrong. So just shut up.
talk72000 wrote:real life:
Gabri-El also figures in announcing Jesus' birth:
Luke 1:19
And the angel of the Lord said unto him, I am Gabri-El, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings.
26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabri-El was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
What does this prove?
The name Gabriel is used both in the Bible and outside of it.
So is the name John. And Mark. And.......................
talk72000 wrote:Gabri_El is not an angel of God but a messenger of El, a polytheistic god and according to your theology a demon.
Stop with your unfound claims, show me some evidence. There is no way he was a demon; how many times have I provided evidence - are you blind?
"Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and apostles, to Jibrail and Mikail, verily Allah is an enemy to the unbelievers." (Quran 2:98)
Raul, your stupidity shows. The suffix El indicates the connection to the Polytheisitic, or demonic, God El. It was a common Canaanite practice which of course you are ignorant of. They connected their names to their gods they worshipped.
According to..
username wrote:"according to" is defined as "as stated by or indicated by; on the authority of; (example 'according to historians'" American Heritage Dictionary. It is not used to indicate a supposition, that's your misguided interpretation of it.
I'm not even a Christian and your continual reposting of the same stupid misinterpretation and hyperbolic statements by "experts" no one has ever heard of is really beginning to p*ss me off. Think for yourself. Come up with something on your own. Can you do that? Don't keep reposting the same dreck.
And the Koran, incidentally, is no less full of myth and misinformation, as proved by the recent discussions of mountains and the Koran, which says they are stabilizers agaoinst earthquakes, when the fact is that the process which creates mountains is also the process which causes earthquakes. So where you have mountains you have earthquakes. Koran's wrong. So just shut up.
After all that Hullabaloo, You couldn't still explain what "According to" refers to in the Bible...by just expressing "Dissatisfaction" about the whole question, you will never help our readers...
I think we need to find some other form of "ENGLISH"....
it seems your "anglais" is more superior to ours...We cannot define words like "According to Mathew"..."According to so and so" ...
does "according to" means "the real history" History according to Mathews, history of so and so.....
What do u have about mountains.....????anyways...
It means that Mark, or whoever, was the writer. That is how "according to" was used then. As, for example, "The Rules of Card Games According to Hoyle" was written by Edmund Hoyle, from close to the same period in the language. Whoever authored that thing you keep cutting and pasting, apparently had a sketchy grasp of English, and introduced "supposition" into it, which is not there in the English.
Look at the several topics claiming the Koran was prescient about scientific fact, which mention mountains as a particular example. The people who defend the Koran obviously have no idea of what we actually know about mountains, and it ain't what the Koran says. My last paragraph recapitulates that topic. Read it again, and try to understand it.
Re: According to..
dalahow2 wrote:What do u have about mountains.....????anyways...
Mohammed guessed wrongly about the mountains like he guessed wrongly about a lot of other things. Islam is founded on guesswork, superstition and myth. It is of no practical value whatsoever.
Question on the topic:
Let's compare the following two verses from the Bible (KJV):
- "The children of Zattu, nine hundred forty and five." [Ezra 2:8]
- "The children of Zattu, eight hundred forty and five." [Nehemiah 7:13]
So, how many were the children of Zattu? 945 or 845?
Note that:
1) 945 does not equal 845.
2) God almighty does not make mistakes.