50,000 Errors in the Bible...Is Bible God's Word??

Mon 8 Feb, 2016 09:48 pm
@Harry Blake,
Yes, to show that even though Asimov was an atheist, he was still open-minded enough to speculate on biblical happenings.

Who are you trying to kid? Your intention in bringing Asimov into the conversation was to help support biblical accuracy concerning the flood. Apparently Asimov forgot that the biblical account of the flood has the waters covering the tops of all the mountains.
you seem too shy to tell us whether you're atheist, satanist, Tinkerbell worshipper or what.

You like labels, don't you? I don't call myself anything. Why would I do that? I have my own identity, and I see the folly of the herding instinct.
Harry Blake
Mon 8 Feb, 2016 10:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
said-"I see too many illogical incidents in the stories of the bible. The world flood would have killed innocent babies. What's with that?"

Much of the Bible is metaphor and symbology, for example Noah's Ark could represent Christianity, the only safe refuge from the coming Apocalypse.
By contrast, all the other ships afloat out there are like non-christian 'ships of fools' and are going to the bottom like Titanic..Wink
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Harry Blake
Mon 8 Feb, 2016 10:31 pm
said]- "I have my own identity, and I see the folly of the herding instinct"

If you're running with the atheist herd you're much like people who run with the herds of organised religions!
PS- I run with no herd, I'm a non-denominational Christian and don't need no herd to do my thinking for me..Wink
Mon 8 Feb, 2016 10:40 pm
@Harry Blake,
Harry Blake wrote:
Incidentally I've looked at your profile, it's as long as your arm but you seem too shy to tell us whether you're atheist, satanist, Tinkerbell worshipper or what..Smile
Have you ever met this fellow? He also obsesses about Tinkerbellists and is a prolific profile reader.

How come you have not posted your profile, Mick, er Harry? Are you hiding under your bed?
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Mon 8 Feb, 2016 10:42 pm
@Harry Blake,
Harry Blake wrote:
If you're running with the atheist herd you're much like people who run with the herds of organised religions!
PS- I run with no herd, I'm a non-denominational Christian and don't need no herd to do my thinking for me..Wink
Sort of a 'Freelance Christian', eh?

Mr. Green
0 Replies
Harry Blake
Tue 9 Feb, 2016 01:02 am
A little bird tells me there are closet Mormons,Rapturists,Baptists,Pentecostals,Jehovah's Witnesses, Universalists, Fatalists etc at A2K who are too shy to admit it in their profiles..Wink
Tue 9 Feb, 2016 01:18 am
@Harry Blake,
It would be a rare bird indeed who could not discern my relationship with the Watchtower Society by reading a few posts and clicking the link in my profile. Nevertheless, I am not an authorized representative. Some of my posts contain speculation and inference. It's strictly WYSIWYG.

And, as you have astutely pointed out in your sock puppet appearances, I admit to occasional error while you are never wrong.

But it is good to see you back. You at least have a sense of humor. We have used much oil on Squeaky, but he is still dry and incomprehensible.

So go ahead and use your stuff from Poor Old Spike.
0 Replies
Tue 9 Feb, 2016 08:06 am
@Harry Blake,
If you're running with the atheist herd you're much like people who run with the herds of organised religions!

I'm not running with the atheist crowd. You've just grown fond of labels.
. . . don't need no herd to do my thinking for me..

Maybe not a herd, but a book, most certainly.
Harry Blake
Tue 9 Feb, 2016 08:15 am
said- "Maybe not a herd, but a book, most certainly"

I loved my Davy Crockett books as a kid, he was my hero, what a man! (He kilt him a bar when he was only three you know)
I also liked Flash Gordon books, he was totally fearless and Ming didn't scare him a bit!
Later I found another book with a hero in it , a dood from Nazareth who went around busting the snooty priests asses..Smile
Tue 9 Feb, 2016 08:24 am
@Harry Blake,
Later I found another book with a hero in it , a dood from Nazareth who went around busting the snooty priests asses.

Yes, as I said . . .
0 Replies
Tue 9 Feb, 2016 02:32 pm
@Harry Blake,
I remember that guy. Didn't his mother get pregnant to another guy while she was married? Freaky.
0 Replies
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 08:43 am
Who the heck started the story that the bible is 'the word of God'? The book itself never claims that. At best, you could say it was written by men inspired by God but as we know, men are not infallible.

AFIK, the Quran is the only book claimed to be the literal words of God.
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 01:20 pm
Leadfoot wrote:
. . .Who the heck started the story that the bible is 'the word of God'?
Probably one of the writers
All Scripture is God-breathed . . . (2 Timothy 3:16)
For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.(2 Peter 1:21)
Leadfoot wrote:
The book itself never claims that.
See above.
Leadfoot wrote:
At best, you could say it was written by men inspired by God but as we know, men are not infallible. . .
I suppose they need some special power . . . like From God!
cicerone imposter
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 01:51 pm
Good show, neo.
0 Replies
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 03:31 pm
All Scripture is God-breathed . . . (2 Timothy 3:16)
You do realize that that is the literal meaning of what I said? - Inspired by God.

Granted, there are a few places where God is quoted in the bible but to say that the book is the literal 'word of God' is, well, not literally true.

Most of it is written by men who struggled to know God and later on his Son, and they say as much in the book. That doesn't mean I value it any less. It is a priceless resource for those who want to know the truth about God. But to claim that it is in total the literal 'word of God' is to open yourself up to the charge of speaking falsely but even worse, the book itself.

I'm satisfied to let the book speak for itself.
cicerone imposter
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 04:00 pm
"Inspired by god" is just about as credible as "god created the heavens and the earth." Nobody is capable of describing god, because it's all in the head. Even artists/painters paint Jesus from other art works, and not from personal observation.
Most everything that has to do with the christian god was established some 400 years after the 'fact.' Human memory is not that good - to quote biblical figures after four centuries have passed. It's all fiction, and nothing else. Some of it is pretty good story-telling; it's creative and inspirational.
0 Replies
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 04:33 pm
AFIK, the Quran is the only book claimed to be the literal words of God.

As told to Mohammed.

A little like Joseph Smith, come to think of it.

Funny how time passing lends legitimacy - or does it just give power structures time to refine and evolve?
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 04:42 pm
the christian god was established some 400 years after the 'fact.'
You can't even get Catholic history right. The council of nicea was 325 AD. There are multiple copies of Greek & Hebrew text going back much earlier.
cicerone imposter
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 04:54 pm
I was wrong about the age of the bible.
Wed 10 Feb, 2016 05:26 pm
Leadfoot Quote:
"AFIK, the Quran is the only book claimed to be the literal words of God."

As told to Mohammed.

Who got it from the angel Gabriel no less. But Gabe swore it was word for word straight from God. Which is also similar to J. Smith and the gold tablet story.

I was interested in reading the story directly from the book but Mo insisted that the Quran is never to be translated and I can't read Arabic. And neither do most Muslims.

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