@Frank Apisa,
Frank said- "People who try to command and contol other people...often use the tactic of trying to fake 'em out. They tell them..."The last thing in the world I want to do is to command or control you."
Some herd-instinct wimps LIKE to be controlled, that's why the Big Organised religions (and smaller sects) have thrived over the centuries because the wimps like to let them do their thinking for 'em, but it won't do them a bit of good if they're all going up the spout .
Jesus said:-"You have ONE teacher, ME" (Matt 23:10)
And people quickly cottoned on-"There is NO OTHER NAME under heaven that can save us" (Acts 4:12)
"There is ONE mediator between God and men,- the man Jesus Christ" (1 Tim 2:5)
"Let us fix our eyes on JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith" (Heb 12:2)
As for Jesus himself, he was no control-freak, he washed his disciples feet to underline it, and said- "You're my friends if you follow me. I don't call you servants, but I call you friends"- (John 15:15)