50,000 Errors in the Bible...Is Bible God's Word??

Sun 19 Jul, 2015 06:55 pm
He asked for "one" example, I provided links to dozens. People don't like walls of text any more than they like multiple links. It's a dilemma. I did what I thought was most effective.
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Sun 19 Jul, 2015 06:58 pm
GorDie wrote:

Thank you Krumple.

Now this was not a witnessing of the Resurrection** so your first claim was false*

second of all. None of those four men were there* SO this was not an eye witness account*

Third of ALL! and the most important. This is a LESSON for men. To scrutinize the things you hear.

The Bible is the source of the famous quote that says, "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see."

It shows quickly how fast you are to judge over matters which are of no relevance, whilst you quickly over look the significant moral of the story. You arrogantly focus on such trivial things, while you banter the good wisdom and advice before all the world needlessly. YOu fool

The point is. I would have been more impressed had the accounts been exact as they should be if they were truly eyewitness accounts. It calls into question the validity of the entire account. If the stories were just handed down and passed around before they were recorded, who's to say that the actual event even occurred?

When a lie is made up, since it doesn't accord with actual reality, often times the details get messed up, forgotten or additions are made or omitted. When actual events happen the details are much more distinct and focused especially if the people are actual eye witnesses. But the biblical accounts of the resurrection are not written by eyewitnesses. They are retold stories of the event.
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Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:02 pm
Leviticus 11:6
And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.

[edit]Leviticus 11:6 Notes
Hares (and rabbits) don't chew cud, but instead swallow some of their own droppings for a second pass.
[edit]Leviticus 11:19
And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.
[edit]Leviticus 11:19 Notes
See the main article on this topic: Biblical scientific errors#Bat classification
Thanks to science, bats are now classed as mammals instead of birds.
[edit]Leviticus 11:20
All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you.
[edit]Leviticus 11:20 Notes
See the main article on this topic: Biblical_scientific_errors#Anatomy_of_insects
Other translations use "winged insects", which is problematic anatomically.

Hares and rabits don't chew a cud, bats are mammals, not birds, and insects have 6 legs, not 4.

six legs
On the thorax, insects have wings and legs. All insects have six legs (three pairs of jointed legs) and usually four wings (two pairs). The abdomen is the back part of the insect.
Insect - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:04 pm
Snakes, while built low, do not eat dirt

GEN 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
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Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:07 pm
Order of creation

Here is the order in the first (Genesis 1), the Priestly tradition:

Day 1: Sky, Earth, light
Day 2: Water, both in ocean basins and above the sky(!)
Day 3: Plants
Day 4: Sun, Moon, stars (as calendrical and navigational aids)
Day 5: Sea monsters (whales), fish, birds, land animals, creepy-crawlies (reptiles, insects, etc.)
Day 6: Humans (apparently both sexes at the same time)
Day 7: Nothing (the Gods took the first day off anyone ever did)

Note that there are "days," "evenings," and "mornings" before the Sun was created. Here, the Deity is referred to as "Elohim," which is a plural, thus the literal translation, "the Gods." In this tale, the Gods seem satisfied with what they have done, saying after each step that "it was good."

The second one (Genesis 2), the Yahwist tradition, goes:

Earth and heavens (misty)
Adam, the first man (on a desolate Earth)
Eve, the first woman (from Adam's rib)

How orderly were things created?
#1: Step-by-step. The only discrepancy is that there is no Sun or Moon or stars on the first three "days."
#2: God fixes things up as he goes. The first man is lonely, and is not satisfied with animals. God finally creates a woman for him. (funny thing that an omniscient god would forget things)

How satisfied with creation was he?
#1: God says "it was good" after each of his labors, and rests on the seventh day, evidently very satisfied.
#2: God has to fix up his creation as he goes, and he would certainly not be very satisfied with the disobedience of that primordial couple. (funny thing that an omniscient god would forget things)
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:11 pm
The value of pi
The mathematical number π is the ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference. The value of π truncated at 10 digits is 3.141592653.[4] The bible itself gives us a different value of π in 1 Kings 7:23:

"He made the sea of cast metal, circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim and five cubits high. It took a line of thirty cubits to measure around it." "It was a handbreadth in thickness... It held two thousand baths" - 1 Kings 7: 23,26(NIV) abbrev.

A circle with a diameter of 10 cubits should have a circumference of about 31.4159265358979(…) cubits (10×π) and not 30. Alternatively, if we used these numbers to calculate π (circumference ÷ diameter) we would get a result of precisely 3. However, these preliminary calculations do not account for two additional dimensions given in verse 26: the wall thickness and volume quoted above.

Additionally, the exact ancient measurements are unknown, but the cubit is approximately 18", the handbreadth is in the approximate range of 2.5 to 4 inches, and the bath is approximately 5.8 gallons (1,339.8 cubic inches).

Incorporating thickness of the sea (verse 26: a handbreadth) into the calculation makes the inside diameter somewhere in the range of 172 and 175". Additionally, since the volume of the sea was the critical dimension, the circumference was most likely measured as the inside diameter of the sea. Calculating π as (circumference / 172) and (circumference / 175) yields π in the range of 3.0857 to 3.1395.

Going backwards from the volume back to π, yields a diameter of 172.3 inches. 2,679,600 (in^3) = 1.333 * π * r^3 r = 172.3 inches

Remember that our ancient measurements are approximate!

Additionally, the scripture says "He made the sea of cast metal"... meaning that it was, in fact, constructed and therefore existed. If the measurements are reported, then they were taken from a material object and therefore cannot violate the laws of mathematics.

On the other hand, perhaps the circumference is accurate at 30 cubits, and the diameter, 9.5492965855137(…) cubits, has been rounded off to the nearest cubit, i.e, 10 cubits. While from context it would appear that it is the diameter (the 10 cubits) that is most strongly defined, coming first and all with the other measurement seeming more of an afterthought, it should be noted that a few verses earlier we have:
1 Kings 7:15
For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.
…a circumference defined but not a diameter.
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:15 pm
another page of reproval...

Shape of the earth – Bible says Earth appears like a circle. Never says it is fat. Earth has four corners. Earuope, Africa, south asia, north asia. – but we can also say, squeeze an orange. How many corners?

Snakes, while built low do not eat dirt – they have not been condemned yet. The most dangerous creature can kill anything on earth, minus maybe a few (2) creatures like a badger. Yet, snakes are not the predominant species in evolution. How humble.

Earth supported? Earth is supported by the laws of physics, which are ruled by God’s Word.

Heaven supported too. – heaven does have a grounds by which the laws of physics rule over it… same concept. The universe has a bearing, and that bearing is supported. ~such retarded examples…

Order of Creation. – the atheistic THEORY of creation is not factual* no one witnessed it, and no one can defend it as avidly ass I can defend the model of Creation having geological evidence that the Planet did in fact expand from within itself. “You cannot use a Theory as evidence the BIBLE is false** shitthead”

Mose’s Personality – this does not present BIBLICAL CONTRADICTION. Moses said he was old and tired, Joshua said he was vigorous, and God killed him then for his criminal conduct.

Righteous live? – Yet. Isaiah is My hero. Every sinner has no legacy** Hitler, had his merits. He specifically expressed that his actions did not represent Christianity, and that he would bear the guilt of his nation for the betterment of the future world*. He provided the circumstances that brought about women’s rights, and shown lights on poverty, inequality, medical issues, scientific phenomenon, social issues, and expressed a desire to erect a non oppressive government to serve a race of praise worthy CHRISTIAN moral citizens.

Jesus’ first sermon, plain or mount – OHHH THE impeding significance of where he stood is outrageous. Can not one say there was a gathering whom Jesus spoke to which adored him, and again Jesus repeated this same “sermon” somewhere where it was considered an actual event? Perhaps. Even remotely – this was just not worth mentioning. Sheeze.

Jesus Last words – It is arrogant to be a sinner. Jesus, the Word of God, shouted out at the cosmos, “Why have you forsaken me?” because it is by choice and only by choice every sin has taken place. Every time a man rejects wisdom and righteousness God is the victim of those sins, through prosecution and manifest pain. So Jesus asked, for there is NO good reason, WHY have you , YOU, the sinners who cover the broad expanse of the Image of God which is manifest reality, whom God lives within, “Why have you forsaken him?”.

Years of Famine – not a Contradiction***

Moved David to Anger? – David was a fool. He crowned his son instead of appointing God as the ruler before the people of Isreal. DO not nag me with such bullshit. We read the words of David, because he was a wise man, and it was an accurate historical record which illustrates the beliefs and lifestyles of the people in the age, so that when the Empire collapsed do to the son of Solomon, we have a clear understanding of what sins played into it. It is the Word of God to KEEP A RECORD of the HISTORY OF THE ISREALITES. So fawking smarten up, and provide a decent example of a flaw in the Bible or I’ll just say You GO FAWKING FIND OUT THE OTHER ANSWERS YOURSELF.

The Genealogy of Jesus – How is that a CONTRADICTION? Wtf

your first LIST of examples have all been 100% lacking in content suggesting here is error or flaw in the Bible. and it is labelled as a list of CONTRADICTIONS*
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:17 pm
I have always liked the attempts to claim that the earth is six thousand years old and yet the creation story suggests the stars were created after the Earth was. Many stars are millions of light years away and some are billions. This means if the earth was six thousand years old we shouldn't even be seeing their light.

I have had apologists attempt to refute this but it becomes increasingly silly. They will suggest that god sped up the light so that it would reach the Earth. So god does a bunch of meddling with the speed of light so that we can see a star that is billions of light years away?

Ultimately it comes down to lumping nonsense on top of nonsense on top of nonsense to make a myth seem plausible. So it isn't that you have faith in just one thing, you have to have faith in dozens of things, that they are all true for the whole to work.

Occam's razor suggests that we should never do this if we want to arrive at the truth.
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:20 pm
Your scripture is quoted contradicting itself. Your weasel words are pathetic attempts as rhetorical evasion and misdirection. Try logic for a change. You have done nothing to discredit those claims. Your opinion is meaningless against direct quotes and scientific evidence. Do better.
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Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:20 pm
The Bible doesn't speak of the value of Pie, nor does it say the Basin was EXACTLY 30 cubits you twit. wtf kind of example is that. someone can't round? The Basin was stolen anyways.

God made Adam and Eve in the same day. Forgot something? DId you forget something? fawk.

that was your example? You must be a homosexual.

Grass hopper shave 4 legs. the leaping legs do not support it. Dragon flies have 4 legs* The definition of INSECT existed prior to it's definition being changed to only accommodate, "6 legged creatures**" first off, and second. man insects have varying functions for their appendages. Meaning 4 legs is common, regardless of the fact that INSECT DID NOT ALWAYS MEAN 6 LEGGED BUG. you Dim-nut.
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:21 pm
You nailed it. Every ad hoc rationalization requires more to cover the illogic in the former one. And not a scrap of genuine evidence to support any of it.
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Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:22 pm
GorDie wrote:

The Bible doesn't speak of the value of Pie, nor does it say the Basin was EXACTLY 30 cubits you twit. wtf kind of example is that. someone can't round? The Basin was stolen anyways.

More weasling.

God made Adam and Eve in the same day. Forgot something? DId you forget something? fawk.

Your scripture says otherwise. Give it a read sometime, eh? Wink

that was your example? You must be a homosexual.

Well, that was logical. Not a non sequitur at all. Nor an ad hom, since there's nothing wrong with being homosexual, even if I were one.

I can tell from the spirit of love in your words that you are a genuine Christian. Laughing
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:26 pm


you ******* putz. It is blasphemy to be arrogant concerning the denial of the word of God, therefor, your condemnation is justified. Go eat **** and die. You're not forgivable. You've been weaseling this whole time and I have been flawless but for my reference to the HAre. which you never even read up to. You simply Rebuked logic and continued to argue in willingful arrogance.

you fawked up piec-
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:28 pm
GorDie wrote:



you ******* putz. It is blasphemy to be arrogant concerning eh denial of the word of God, therefor, your condemnation is justified. Go eat **** and die. Your not forgivable. You've been weaseling this whole time and I have been flawless but for my reference to the HAre. which you never even read up to. You simply Rebuked logic and continued to argue in willingful arrogance.

you fawked up piec-

Ahhh, that good ol' Christian love and forgiveness. Heart-warming.

Luke 6:33…32"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33"If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34"If you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount.…
0 Replies
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:29 pm
GorDie wrote:
Shape of the earth – Bible says Earth appears like a circle.

God missed an opportunity here. Rather than circle which is not very accurate. Why not take this opportunity to slip in oblong spheroid? That would have amazed me. God fail.

GorDie wrote:

Never says it is fat. Earth has four corners. Earuope, Africa, south asia, north asia. – but we can also say, squeeze an orange. How many corners?

Squeeze an orange? Are you serious here? It still doesn't have any corners. But it's odd that first you go into claiming the continents constitute the corners and then suggest a squeezing of an orange gains corners.

You do realize that these continents move around and haven't always maintained their position relative to each other right?

GorDie wrote:

Snakes, while built low do not eat dirt – they have not been condemned yet. The most dangerous creature can kill anything on earth, minus maybe a few (2) creatures like a badger. Yet, snakes are not the predominant species in evolution. How humble.

This is all over the place. Snakes are not the most dangerous creature on the Earth. They haven't been condemned yet? When are they suppose to be condemned?

GorDie wrote:

Earth supported? Earth is supported by the laws of physics, which are ruled by God’s Word.

Another failed opportunity. God could have slipped in some physics. The scribes wouldn't have understood but god could have just suggested to record it for the people of the future to be amazed. Failed again.

You can't say the word of god is the physical laws. I know it's convincing to you but it doesn't convince me. You are drawing conclusions that do not support each other. If you think this is valid reasoning then you can draw any conclusion you want to, no matter how absurd, with your line of reasoning.

GorDie wrote:

Order of Creation. – the atheistic THEORY of creation is not factual* no one witnessed it, and no one can defend it as avidly ass I can defend the model of Creation having geological evidence that the Planet did in fact expand from within itself. “You cannot use a Theory as evidence the BIBLE is false** shitthead”

We have evidence. Just like in a crime scene. Sure you weren't there to witness the crime take place, but evidence was left behind that can be pieced together. No one in science says we definitively know how life arose or how exactly the Earth formed. But we do have clues and those clues do not support the biblical account.
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:31 pm
Looks like the condemning was done way back there:

Genesis 3:14 ►
Parallel Verses
New International Version
So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:33 pm
Do you answer a fool?

PRO 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

PRO 26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:34 pm
Did those with Saul/Paul at his conversion hear a voice?

ACT 9:7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

ACT 22:9 And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.
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Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:48 pm
FBM wrote:

Looks like the condemning was done way back there:

Genesis 3:14 ►
Parallel Verses
New International Version
So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.

You can even back step that a little more. If god is suppose to be all knowing, wouldn't he have been aware that the snake would foil his plans? Why curse something when you already know it's going to mess up your plans?

It's like you build a robot and program it to murder your wife and then get upset when it murders your wife. It doesn't make sense. But the entire genesis story does not support a god that is all knowing at all.

When Adam and Eve are hiding after they ate the fruit. God calls out to them wondering where they are and asking why they are hiding. Shouldn't he have known why they were hiding? And better yet, where they were hiding.

But at the same time where the hell was he? Off taking a nap while the snake was tempting Eve? How come he wasn't aware of this taking place? If you ask me this is bad parenting. Off doing some other **** while there is a gun laying on the table for your six year old to play with.

Not only that but wouldn't he have known that they were ultimately going to eat the fruit in which he commanded them not to?

The genesis account suggest a reactionary god, one who is not aware of future events. Becomes angry any time something disrupts his plans. Condemns the snake for informing Eve about the fruit. Casts Adam and Eve out of the garden for disobeying him.

Wouldn't he have known they were not worthy of the garden to begin with? But it doesn't end here, the rest of the biblical stories god is constantly on the reactionary status. He responds to events after they occur as if he had no idea they were going to occur and is annoyed that this was the result.

The flood story is a good example. Seeing that the entire Earth is corrupt so he wants to cleanse it? He didn't foresee this happening? The list goes on and on. So how christians come to the conclusion that god is all knowing baffles me because the biblical accounts do not support an all knowing god.
Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:53 pm
The conundrums and contradictions just keep piling up the more you look and think. I can see why blind faith is praised so highly in religions.
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