You didn't provide a claim** You suggest that you are capable of it but neglected to. and as far as the list of examples you quoted from a website ^^^It clearly says I was getting to those NOW. fawk.
"one page worth thus far."
God good to all, or just a few? God provides abundantly, for all. That which a person lacks, is lacking only because it is taken away or withheld by a man against the guidance of God. This is not suggestive God is not good. Environmentally inflicted wounds are results of poor habitation, typically caused by surrounding one’s self with social conflicts (lack of love for neighbours)(love being: a lack of necessity to demonstrate itself sexually.).
War or Peace? Peace cannot exist in a socially unequal environment, or a politically unequal environment, or in an environment of selfishness, or perversion.
Who is the Father of Joseph? This is not an error a contradiction or an issue: This presents no anomaly or confounding nature to an argument – but the stirring of the questioner’s stupidity, as he presented no logic in asking the question.
Who was at the empty tomb? Is the answer not, “NO ONE”? How is this even a question of “Biblical Contradiction”? the questioner was an idiot.
Is Jesus Equal to or Less than? God said, “let there be Light.” And as Jesus made it, “it was so.” Jesus is the Lord God, he is the Word of God. He is gloried by God as being the “Person of God” so that we might perceive his personality. Lesser or Greater? Neither. He is the Word of God.
Which first, Beat or Man? Not a Biblical CONTRADICTION** retard questioner**
How many stalls and horsemen – regardless, Solomon was not permitted by Mosaic law to purchase a single horse from Egypt, he filled stalls with hundreds or thousands. And yet.. is the number varying by more than a singular digit, or is it variations in numerology? As in 1000 – 10 000, or is it 1300 -27 000? Let your own judgement be twice upon yourself.
Is it a Folly to be wise or Not? You call that a contradiction? Wise men are saddened by the raping of whores, and the drunkards, they regret the disrespect of children and human rights, the theft of property, whilst the Fool thinks only, “It is better that it was not me.”. Is this folly? What biblical contradiction are you suggesting this imbecil is referencing? Such grief it is to be wise amongst morons.
Human vs. Ghostly impregnation. – not an account of Biblical CONTRADICTION*
The Sins of the Father – being inherited by his children: are factual. A father’s son will inherit his father’s mannerisms through learned experience. “Monkey see, Monkey do.”(good or bad). A child in a poor house, inherited his father’s poverty, for better or worse. A child in an abusive father’s household, bears his father’s sins regardless of his personal morals. And the list continues to all the flaws of a father. These flaws can only go so many generations before the child’s variation in experience from learning, inevitably will resolve the initial conflict, but he will continue to inherit the products.
Hares do not chew their cud – wtf kind of a Biblical contradiction is that? Hares DO NOT regurgitate their food to chew it.
Fowls from water or ground – not a Biblical Contradiction** the Fowl came from land, which was already present at the time***. The eggs formed on land, while the eggs of sea things were formed under water (regardless of your willingness to accept it, this was a day of Egg Bearing**).
Odd genetics – hmmm? Wanna say this is a BIBLICAL CONTRADICTION in WHAT WAY?