Sheep - a poem in one sentence

Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:37 pm
I don't know what to say about all that.

The Bach fugue was a joke.

I understand that. I made no response to your joke. I responded to your question, which was "Do you like Bach". I said, "Yes" with qualifiers. And then I told you what they were.

It reminded me of the Stuart Smalley thing because his theme music was Bach's Prelude in C. It was very peaceful and soothing - almost anesthesizing, which is the mood in which he greeted his guests who thought they were supposed to be there to pitch a record or talk about their national championship and instead he had them looking into mirrors and affirming their strength and likeability. I guess you had to be there.

Perhaps Mathos is more to your taste.

More to my taste for what? I will say though that Mathos' rather light-hearted ability to get excited about the least little thing and general optimistic can-do attitude is more to my taste than your almost constant brooding.

Nonsense leaves me cold I'm afraid.

How sad for you. You used to be pretty nonsensical yourself, you know. It's a wonderful release in an often sad and too serious world.

Marriage has no meaning for me. It's an official category.

I know. It's a social construct that's useful for economic and familial stability- although even those benefits are losing importance as our society changes and more women work and illegitimacy has become less of a stigma.

When Gauguin set up his tent in his island retreat a young native girl entered and announced--"I your's, me with you." He'd never seen her before.

And this pertains to what exactly? Except I do think it is interesting to note that although he'd never seen her, obviously, she'd seen him. Maybe her acculturation was different than his. Maybe her behavior was the enactment of nothing more or less than what she had been raised to believe was her role and duty as a woman in that place at that time.

And from what I read of Gaugin, I don't think he spent the amount of time that he did on his island retreat simply to enjoy the ocean breezes and the quality of the light.

Mathos - I hate to burst your bubble, because your enthusiasm is really touching, but it aint gonna happen. But if I ever need a wedding planner, I know who to call.

But I can't believe there's not some other couple more appropriate for your nuptial ministrations. With all of the young, single men and women on this forum - there have to be two who would love to have you plan their wedding.

Speaking of which, what ever happened to Pragmatic? I thought she was smart (a law student), very polite and earnest, a good conversationalist, sensitive, and an animal lover. I remember thinking she'd be someone I'd love for my son to bring home. Maybe Spendius would be interested in marriage if someone along those lines was available. Although he would have to develop a sense of humor. She was funny. I remember when her avatar was that colorful bird and her signature said something like, "Don't let my bright feathers fool you - and... I can't remember the rest - but I laughed and laughed at that.

THANK YOU MAME. At least someone was listening. No gift, no presents - no wedding. But you may want to go ahead and buy Spendius a beer. Maybe it will cheer him up.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:47 pm
I bet that Spendius comes out with a really expensive gift list, Royal Dalton China and the likes,, then "No don't open it Aidan, we can flog this lot tomorrow at the Leeds Military Hospital car boot sale." Never miss a trick those Tykes.

You can be a joy to have around Mathos. Sorry Spendius - but you have to admit- this is pretty funny.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:14 pm
Aidan: it was a pleasure following this dialogue Smile I have to admit, I am much in agreement with you!

Now Mathos, she's right - back off and find some other poor unsuspecting and completely mis-fitted fools to arrange a wedding for ... if you do a good job, you can be the A2K wedding planner.

Spendi: you poor bugger, always getting in the ear. Cheer up - It sounds like you used to be quite a funny guy. Where did he go?
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 04:58 pm
Whoa, don't rush it Mame, this could just be nerves rearing its ugly head and causing irrational outbursts on both parties behalf. I cannot walk away from it now, if I failed in my duty as A2K's matchmaker, it could have a diverse effect on me.

What we need here is for both of these lovers to let us have sight of what they would consider to be a necessary aspect of each other, and then see how willing they are to comply.

I think we should leave any attempt at abandoning this highly valued Christian merger as a last resort.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 06:01 pm
Pray tell me my little sweetie-pie what I would get out of this proposed arrangement of yours.

What would be the upside. I have a pretty good idea of the downside. I can't be expected to risk that unless I know what the upside is.

Only a desperate man would take such a leap.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2006 01:11 am
I cannot walk away from it now, if I failed in my duty as A2K's matchmaker, it could have a diverse effect on me.

Mathos - this statement is somewhat worrisome if you plan to continue in your career as a matchmaker/wedding planner. You should never encourage unions that you know will fail because your failure to do so could have a diverse effect on you. You need to be sure that your motives in such a career are completely unselfish. Always remember - in this new line of work you're choosing to adopt - you can't make it about you.

I think we should leave any attempt at abandoning this highly valued Christian merger as a last resort.

Is Spendius a Christian? What an interesting concept - Spendius in church and worshipping a diety.

Mame, it's lovely to have you here, inserting a voice of reason. Thanks so much. Yes, Spendius did used to be quite the bundle of amusement. Sad how things change isn't it? By the way, are you British? Some of your terminology sounds oddly familiar. And in terms of him taking things in the ear - I've learned a neat little trick. If I'm not interested in hearing/reading something- I just don't click on it. It's amazing how well that works.

Spendius - I'll take your nasty little dig in stride, (as usual). But since you don't feel emotions like anger, you've probably never felt desperate to do or be something either, so I'll explain it to you.

Any people who marry each other are desperate in some way- they'd have to be to be willing to make such a drastic change in their circumstances and take such a huge leap of faith just to be together. Some are desperate for stability, some are desperate to escape lonliness, some are desperate to escape whatever circumstances they're in that they want to change. And some do it because they're desperately in love.
So yeah, any man I marry would have to be desperate. Desperately in love with me. Don't laugh - it could happen. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's out of the realm of possibility. (I truly believe there is someone for everyone). And I'd have to feel desperately toward him in the same way, because I don't need marriage as a social construct and I'm not in a situation in which stability and/or loneliness or escape are driving factors for me.

I hope you feel that you need to be with someone desperately someday. It's a wonderful feeling- as long as it's reciprocated-probably nothing else like it in human experience except maybe loving a child (in a nurturing way). I'd hate for you to miss it.

That broodiness will hold you back though. When I was telling my friend about Clive Owens (the actor) and what a hunk he was, she said, "Who is he - I'm not familiar with him." I said, "He's tall, dark hair, really handsome and brooding." She said, "That brooding bit is alright up on the screen, but wouldn't be such a treat to live with for more than a few minutes in real life."

She's right. Cheer up.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2006 04:54 am

I was addressing Mathos in my last post. I'm sorry that wasn't clear to you. There was no intention of making a "nasty little dig" at your expense and I am surprised how someone who is obviously much more amusing and cheerful that I am could think so.

But I am glad that it has inspired you to produce your little homily. I feel sure your many fans will derive much benefit from it.

But I'll take your advice, which I had never thought of before when I hadn't clicked on 99% of the threads on A2K.

I will stop clicking on this thread. It has become too daft for me I'm afraid.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2006 08:18 am
Spendius - Come on. I was confused by your use of the term sweetie-pie. I didn't think you meant me, but I couldn't imagine you meant Mathos, at this point - you could have been talking to Mame. How the heck could I possibly know?

And besides, even if you were talking to Mathos - you were talking about me when you said a man would have to be desperate to take such a leap.

The homily was for your benefit. I knew you'd get a kick out of it - it gave you so much room to make fun of me on so many levels. Fans - what fans? Probably pretty much the opposite. At least as far as I'm aware. Why do you think I'm afraid to click on anything but this thread?

I'm sorry for being so silly. I guess I got carried away. I enjoy serious discussions as much as I enjoy silly ones - honestly. I think I've tried to be more serious-minded when speaking with you, haven't I?

Don't go away angry. It won't be good for your soul in the long run. Believe me, I know.

I'll try to be less daft and more serious. I promise. I just got carried away with the whole thing. I meant nothing personally - it's just my ham-handed way of trying to make a joke. I'll miss you if you go, and I'll be sincerely sorry.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2006 02:31 pm
You soft gobbin of a pathetic tyke Spendius, fancy running away like a demented banshee when the going gets tough!

Be a man and give a bit back, your twaddling on every thread you think you can add a full stop or comma to and the minute you get ribbed, your taking 'your ball' indoors!

You should be ashamed at such a non English lack of control, I am deeply ashamed of you!

In fact it might suit the plot better if you marry Aidan you could then apply for American citizenship, I for one would be happy about that.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2006 02:45 pm
Can we change the subject please, Mathos?
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2006 03:11 pm
Indeed we can Aidan..

Take care.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2006 04:55 pm
Thank you.

You take care too.

Good night.
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Reply Sat 3 Jun, 2006 03:16 am
In fact it might suit the plot better if you marry Aidan you could then apply for American citizenship, I for one would be happy about that.

I know I'm the one who suggested changing the subject, but I just have one more thing to say. Disregarding the whole marrying Aidan bit, in my opinion any English person should be happy to stick with their English citizenship. I hope I stay long enough to apply for it and have it granted. And don't tell my dad this, but if I ever got it, it'd make me prouder in a lot of ways than my American citizenship does. It's a beautiful country with wonderful people.

Also, if I sounded belittling of anyone's Christian faith, I apologize. I have a lot of admiration for anyone who adheres to any convictions they hold deeply, religious or otherwise. (And this doesn't mean I support terrorists or fanatics of any stripe, but I do know alot of good, strong religious people of differing faiths I admire greatly). That was just a side of Spendius I was surprised to hear about, but when I read it over, I realize it sounded belittling. I didn't mean it to be.

Just wanted to clear those two things up. Disregarding any personal bullshit I've unwittingly thrown around, I really don't want to contribute to any cultural or religious misunderstanding on this forum.
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Reply Sun 4 Jun, 2006 03:49 pm
Your a gem Aidan, as well as a fantastic mother..

PS I was just wondering, do you want me to look around for you? :wink:
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 12:57 am
Really? You think so? Okay, if you had to picture me as a gem, what kind of gem do you think I would be?

Did you ever play those little games in highschool - like, "If you were a color, I think you'd be _____." Or if you were an animal, I think you'd be a ________." (Or maybe just girls did that).

What might you need to look around for me for? Because, guess what? I might not have to move after all. I talked to my landlord and he said that since he's having trouble selling, he might just let me stay in the big house and manage the holiday cottage they have for them here while they're living in New Zealand. I'll find out today for sure if he's going to do it though. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 02:20 pm
I'd not actually considered categorising you into any particular sphere and giving it all of 20 seconds thought, it would have to be a ruby.

There is no doubt what so ever in my mind Aidan that your in the least doubt of my 'looking around for,' do you think you can outwit me?

That sounds good news regarding your landlords change of mind, I sense you are happy in that property, you should try to do a deal with him whilst the 'iron is hot' prices will only go up.

Good luck, nice talking to you. By the way, Spendius will be back, he is nothing more than an attention seeking sot, as has been claimed on other threads, by other members. :wink:
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 03:39 pm
I'd not actually considered categorising you into any particular sphere and giving it all of 20 seconds thought, it would have to be a ruby.

Good choice. One of my favorites.

There is no doubt what so ever in my mind Aidan that your in the least doubt of my 'looking around for,' do you think you can outwit me?

I'm reading this great book by Mark Haddon. It's called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time It's narrator is a young boy named Christopher who has Asperger's syndrome. It's so interesting to read a chain of events as described by someone who injects absolutely no emotion or bias. He just observes events and reads them as they apply to him in his life experience. I guess that's how I read your post. Absolutely the only thing I'm "looking for" right now is to stay in my home- or absent that to find one just as welcoming and comfortable and home-like. So when you said you were looking around for something for me - that's where my mind immediately jumped.
Who'd be trying to outwit anyone around here? Don't get paranoid Mathos.

That sounds good news regarding your landlords change of mind, I sense you are happy in that property, you should try to do a deal with him whilst the 'iron is hot' prices will only go up.

Yes - I'm in total agreement.

By the way, Spendius will be back

How can you possibly know what Spendius will or won't do?

he is nothing more than an attention seeking sot

Not in my estimation.

as has been claimed on other threads, by other members.

And why would I or anyone else let that influence our own individual perception- unless of course we were unable to trust our own instincts, follow our own hearts and minds and feel the need to gather personal insight by gathering the opinions of others to add to our own and flocking together like a bunch of sheep.

I always find it nice to talk to you too Mathos. Have a good evening.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 04:50 pm
Paranoid, that is a very strong accusation young lady.

Spendius places me in mind of the proverbial 'bad penny' It always turns up.

Your estimation has to be valued, if only for your self esteem.

There are major differences between warnings and influence. If you wish to categorise a warning as an attempt at influence, so mote it be.

However, if I tell you not to sit on the ashes....

Sleep well young lady.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 10:41 pm
Paranoid, that is a very strong accusation young lady.

I didn't say you were. I said, "Don't be." A warning, if you like.

Your estiimation has to be valued, if only for your self esteem.

Laughing Laughing I chuckled out loud at that one Mathos (although it does happen to be very true, for most people and in general).

But it did give me an opening to tell you about something that has just boosted my self-esteem to even greater heights. I'll pretend that I'm not boasting and that I'm posting it here so I can "help" others with ways to boost their self-esteem.

I walked thirty miles on Sunday. Yep - thirty miles in one day. It was a charity fund raiser for Hospice and I walked the whole Western Mendip Way - which you should know means up and down pretty big hills for thirty miles. I'm proud of myself. I didn't know if I could do it. I'd only walked about twelve miles (between 3 and 4 hours) at one time before. It took me ten hours, including lunch and check-in points.
It was a gorgeous day - incredible scenery- and I proved to myself that I could do it.
The only thing I've ever done that called for more endurance was delivering a baby (which took slightly longer for me) and that also was an incredible self-esteem booster (for me, anyway). It feels good to know that you have within you the ability to do something hard even when you don't have to.

Anyway - now I know why marathon runners and the like do what they do. It feels good to have a goal and rise to the challenge.

There are major differences between warnings and influence. If you wish to categorise a warning as an attempt at influence, so mote it be.

A warning usually connotes danger. In what way is Spendius a danger on these threads?

However, if I tell you not to sit on the ashes....

You're starting to make me feel like you have something up your sleeve Mathos...

Sleep well young lady.

That "young lady" is always a self-esteem booster as well.

Thanks for the good wishes. I did sleep well. Hope you enjoy your day.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 01:48 pm
I rather think you are using your educational prowess with candour.

It is a pity indeed you mar the calibre of the same with continual bouts of quotinitus.

When I read your achievement regarding the 30 mile walk I was extremely delighted for you and very proud of you for accomplishing such a hard and tedious feat. Well done Aidan!

I have been witness to the births of children and helped deliver a baby many years ago in an emergency situation.

I fail to see what all the fuss is about.

Now;- 'Young Lady'

In what way is Spendius a danger on these threads you ask?

It must be a little over twelve months back when I came across Spendius on A2K. I had never heard the name prior to this, as I was aware of. Mathos by the way is simply Mt. Athos slightly abbreviated. One or two members of A2k had the conviction that Spendius and Mathos were the same person. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Clown was spouting off about being a celibate and twaddling on about the benefits gained by such an absurd manner of living.

I did point out to him that the late Alfred Hitchcock had gone to great time, trouble and expense in showing mankind in general that celibacy was an extremely dangerous way of life in using the screen character of Norman Bates as a prime example.

What you have therefore amongst these forums is a raving psychotic lunatic twaddling on about everything under the sun, of which he knows nothing except for the outdated readings he follows from his sofa whilst watching cricket, swilling beer down by the gallon, not washing or bathing properly, (I never use soap..his words) and wanting to be celibate.

I doubt he has much, if any luck at all in the serenading game. He could probably arrange a sexual flirtation with one of those down and out wino freaks who would appear to have the same life style as the oaf.

You in a crazy moment no doubt, were inviting the psycho Norman Bates down to your home.. You must be off your trolley Aidan, that was a plain stupid thing to do.

Even theologians who are also forced into celibacy have a wicked record of child molestation, all that in the name of the father, the son, and holy ghost.

A danger?? Oh yes he has to be a danger, don't you think?
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