Reply Mon 17 Apr, 2006 05:58 am
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Mon 17 Apr, 2006 06:00 am
Wilso, don't you get it?
It may seem to us unbelievers that islamic rule is opressive and tyranical, but it's ok because allah wants it that way.
praise be to allah the opressor.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Apr, 2006 06:03 am
It's just an excuse they use to treat women like sh!t. Because they feel so insecure in their manhood, they need to oppress women to make themselves feel like men. That's why they rape in groups, and attack in groups. Because alone, they're just cowards.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Mon 17 Apr, 2006 06:05 am
Well I would hate to pidgeon hole all muslims as gang raping misogynists..but the shoe seems to fit disturbingly often.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Apr, 2006 08:14 am
Muslim 1 wrote:
Because God almighty, the Creator of the electron and the super-nova, who knows everything, knows what sort of dress is suitable for the women He created. And God almighty orders women to wear hijab.

Human have been on this earth for over 100,000 years. Now your going to tell me that in the last 700 years God told some caravan raider sitting in a cave what women are suppose to wear? Ridiculous. Why would God demand women cover their faces?

Muslim 1 wrote:
As for women driving, the scholars who ban it (not all of them) say that it is to prevent inter-meeting of men-women and to protect the jewel of Islam (the woman) from sitting with a non-mahram man.
Woman is the source of beauty and the builder of future generations. That's why Islam protects her from any evil.

You claim women are so cherished that you will suppress their rights to protect them from men? I guess what your saying is Muslim men are such trash, such vermin, that extraordinary circumstances must be taken to protect Muslim women from said Muslim trash. It appears your religion can't prevent your Muslim men from raping and abusing women so you have to confine them, escort them and hide their faces.

In the Christian world it's unnecessary to stoop to such disgusting behavior to protect our women. Perhaps a sign of civilization and the emergence from backwardness is the freedom given to women. When Muhammad made his rules he was making them for a backward, barbaric tribal society that believed in paganism. Judging by the way Muslims treat their women they recognize that they have, as yet, not left that environment.

Now I know what you will say; in the Christian world women are raped as well. True, they are, but in the Western world we allow women to drive, vote, move about unescorted and wear sexy clothing if they choose. It is the responsibility of the man to behave in a civilized fashion, show respect and behave honorably. This is something Muslim men are not capable of so the alternative is to suppress and restrict your women.

With regards to Muslim men and rape;

Alarmed at last week's police statistics, which revealed that in 68% of all rapes committed this year the perpetrator was from an ethnic minority, leading Muslim organisations have now formed an alliance to fight the ever-growing problem of young second and third-generation immigrants involved in rape cases against young Danish girls.


It appears that one of the greatest fears Western nations have from Muslim immigrants is rape.

In Australia, gangs of Lebanese youths were targeting white girls - "Anglo-Celtic" in Australian parlance. In France, gangs of North African youths were gang-raping French girls...


Another example of Muslim men unable to control their sexual appatite; hence the suppression of their women. According to al-Qaradawi raped is justified if a woman dresses immodestly. And you call your religion civilized?



Sheik Yusaf al-Qaradawi is interesting. He's a famous and contaversial Muslim scholar that is considered to be a moderate conservative. However the moderate seculars are critical of some of his fatwas and public statements.

Many secularists have criticized Qaradawi for allegedly using his fatwas and other public statements to advance reactionary beliefs. Qaradawi has supported suicide bombings, and more specifically the killing of Israeli children [3], as well as of American civilians in Iraq. Critics allege that in his book, The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam, Qaradawi supports the execution of all males who engage in homosexual acts. [4] [5] He has also stated that he "personally supports" female circumcision, albeit one of the less destructive types of female genital mutilation, [6] and that Muslims who have turned away from their faith "deserve killing" [7]. Although Qaradawi says that he believes that domestic violence is undesirable, he has supported a husband's light beating of a disobedient wife [8]. In addition, Qaradawi also made some unequivocal statements about secular democracy: "Secularism may be accepted in a Christian society but it can never enjoy a general acceptance in an Islamic society." [9], and "Since Islam is a comprehensive system of `Ibadah (worship) and Shari`ah (legislation), the acceptance of secularism means abandonment of Shari`ah, a denial of the Divine guidance and a rejection of Allah's injunctions.".
In the same line, on the relationship between universal human rights (as laid down by a human vote) and on the shari'ah (as believed to be the exact instructions of Mohammed) he states: "the Shari`ah cannot be amended to conform to changing human values and standards, rather, it is the absolute norm to which all human values and conduct must conform".

Muslim religious fanatics don't care for him either.

Qaradawi has been attacked by all sides of the Islamic ideology spectrum for his vision of "moderate" Islam. Qaradawi during elections in 2002 in Bahrain, released a fatwa allowing women, especially those past their child-bearing years, as candidates in municipal elections. A Saudi scholar quickly responded that this was illegal under his interpretation of Islamic law.
Qaradawi also urged the Taliban to reconsider its decision to tear down the Buddha statues in Afghanistan in 2001. He was quickly criticized for supporting "idol worship". However upon meeting with leaders from the Taliban he changed his position and praised the act of the destruction of the statues. [10]
Qaradawi's vision of moderate Islam is one that in his own words "seeks balance between intellect and the heart, between religion and the world, between spirituality and materialism and between individualism and the group."
Some Muslims (such as Salafis) claim Qaradawi is a heretic, deviated scholar, and wicked jurist because of his easier more facilitative opinions. Most Salafis see Qaradawi's teachings as too lax.


Usually the belief is if your criticized by the left and the right you're a moderate. If al-Qaradawi is an example of Muslim moderation then this shows us how primitive, intoleratant and harsh the Muslim religion is. It is not a religion for a civilized world.

Muslim 1 wrote:
Proof? Or do you naively follow all what the mass media tells you?

I would believe the mass media well before I would believe someone trying to defend his religious dogma.

Under the Taliban's rigid interpretation of Sharia law women can neither work or attend school -- a regulation that has bought a flurry of condemnation from the international community.
Forms of entertainment are severely restricted and television banned outright.

JALOZAI REFUGEE CAMP, Pakistan -- The head-to-toe robe that women in Afghanistan are compelled to wear by the Taliban regime is to many the most overtly sinister symbol of the absolute subjugation of that country's women. It restricts air supply, shuts out the light, inhibits movement and snuffs out individuality.
But from within the prison of their cloth cages, Afghan women are fighting back.
Using their burqas as cloaks for covert activities, a group of dedicated Afghan women is waging a secret war against the Taliban's suppression of women's rights. The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, known as RAWA, advocates a modest agenda of gender equality. In the context of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, however, it is a movement as radical and as revolutionary as any of the militant Islamic organizations America is battling in its war on terrorism.


Muslim 1 wrote:
The women of the great Iraq are worried about their dignity being destroyed in the AbuGhrib (and other) prison. They are worried about their parents, children, brothers being massacred by the evil american and british soldiers. The women of the great Iraq struggle to end the darkness of the occupation in order to live under the lights of the Shariaa, God willing.

This is nonsense. If you want respect you should give honest answers. Living under the "lights of Shariaa" will offer the women of Iraq less freedom than they had under Saddam Hussein.

Your answer justifying polygamy is nothing more than an endorsement of my response as to why you suppress women. Muslim men cannot control their sexual appetite so the only alternative was polygamy. Again you recognize that in the Muslim world only the men's appetite and desires are important, not the women's.

Lastly, let me say that in the Muslim world I'm sure there are many secular Muslim monogamist who feel about women's rights as do the Western countries. They show acceptance and tolerance of other beliefs and ideologies. Unfortunately Muslim 1 you don't seem fit into that pattern. You display the ugly side of Islam. You support Shari'a and, I suppose, the execution of Muslims who leave their religion for another, such as Christianity. I suspect you also support the killing of anyone who criticizes or make fun of Muhammad. I suspect you believe the stoning of adulterer's is good and cutting off the hands of thieves is proper. You, and the fanatics of Muslim religion, still live in the days of Muhammad, the days of the primitive barbaric tribal societies.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Apr, 2006 08:44 am
The leader of the pack in Australia was caught, and sentenced to 55 years in prison. He's an animal that got exactly what he deserved.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 17 Apr, 2006 11:31 am
And God almighty orders women to wear hijab.
Laughing Did he say what colour? What material? Where to buy it? You clearly have no idea how absurd this sounds to western ears Muslim1
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 04:32 am
Thank you xingu for your detailed response, I appreciate that.

xingu wrote:
Human have been on this earth for over 100,000 years. Now your going to tell me that in the last 700 years God told some caravan raider sitting in a cave what women are suppose to wear? Ridiculous. Why would God demand women cover their faces?

First of all, Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) received the Revelation from Almighty God 1400 years ago, not 700. It is always important, xingu, to gather sufficient knowledge about a thing before criticizing it.

Secondly, your description of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) as a "caravan raider sitting in a cave" shows that you know very little about him. To have a better understanding of the life of our beloved Prophet, here is a link to his biography: This Is Muhammad

Thirdly, you and I disagree on what women should wear. So what's the solution? We need a judge who knows better than both of us, someone who knows what benefits women as well as men. I suggest God almighty as a Judge. But, before expanding on my argument, can I ask you: what is your religion, do you believe in God?

xingu wrote:
You claim women are so cherished that you will suppress their rights to protect them from men?

Women are indeed so cherished in Islam, but who said they have no rights? On the contrary, Islam gives women their full rights. Here are a few: http://www.able2know.com/forums/a2k-post1495067.html&highlight=#1495067 (second answer)

xingu wrote:
I guess what your saying is Muslim men are such trash, such vermin, that extraordinary circumstances must be taken to protect Muslim women from said Muslim trash. It appears your religion can't prevent your Muslim men from raping and abusing women so you have to confine them, escort them and hide their faces.

Pray reconsider what you wrote here. You know very well that Islam uplifted and dignified men. The words you used about Muslim men are far from from being realistic.

xingu wrote:
In the Christian world it's unnecessary to stoop to such disgusting behavior to protect our women. Perhaps a sign of civilization and the emergence from backwardness is the freedom given to women. When Muhammad made his rules he was making them for a backward, barbaric tribal society that believed in paganism. Judging by the way Muslims treat their women they recognize that they have, as yet, not left that environment.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) was not only sent to the pagans of Arabia, but to all the people including those of Christian faith. The Message of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) is for all human beings and is valid forever.
By the way xingu, do you know that a great deal of Christian women turn to Islam nowadays? Would you mind explaining why they left "civilization" into "backwardness" (to use your words)? Can you give me a reason why 30000 "civilized" swiss women converted to Islam: http://www.swissinfo.org/eng/swissinfo.html?siteSect=107&sid=5416761

xingu wrote:
Now I know what you will say; in the Christian world women are raped as well. True, they are, but in the Western world we allow women to drive, vote, move about unescorted and wear sexy clothing if they choose. It is the responsibility of the man to behave in a civilized fashion, show respect and behave honorably. This is something Muslim men are not capable of so the alternative is to suppress and restrict your women.

xingu, I can't accept such an unlimited, lawless freedom. If the woman (or man) is allowed to do whatever she wants, to wear anything... then we no longer live in a civilized human society but rather in a forest where there are no restrictions, no laws. And if a man considers the shameful clothes of some women as normal, then he is not really a man.
By wearing Hijab, the woman increases good ethics, develops the best morals and proliferates modesty in the Islamic society.

xingu wrote:
With regards to Muslim men and rape;
It appears that one of the greatest fears Western nations have from Muslim immigrants is rape.

Rape is clearly one of the most horrendous crimes in Islam (does your "civilized" world consider rape as a crime?) and the punishment of it is very severe in the Noble Shariaa. If a "Muslim" commits rape, then either he is not really a Muslim, or he is a Muslim but committing a kabiira (very big sin) and must be punished.

xingu wrote:
Sheik Yusaf al-Qaradawi is interesting. He's a famous and contaversial Muslim scholar that is considered to be a moderate conservative. However the moderate seculars are critical of some of his fatwas and public statements.
The difference amongst scholars in Islam proves that our religion gives us the freedom of thought, all Praise be to God (Allah in Arabic).

xingu wrote:
It is not a religion for a civilized world.

Do you knows that Europe was living in darkness and backwardness when Islamic civilization came into Spain? Can you deny the fact that Islamic Andalusia was the torch that lightened all Europe (and therefore America centuries after) with science, knowledge and civilization?

xingu wrote:
I would believe the mass media well before I would believe someone trying to defend his religious dogma.

That's a problem. You will not believe a religious person who gives you a logical reasoning just because he "defends his religious dogma", and rather believe a mass media which does not stop repeating lies and false propaganda? Your standards are quite strange.

xingu wrote:
This is nonsense. If you want respect you should give honest answers. Living under the "lights of Shariaa" will offer the women of Iraq less freedom than they had under Saddam Hussein.

With all my due respect, I completely disagree. Living under the shade of the Glorious Shariaa is the dream of every Muslima (Muslim girl/woman). That's why many women are and will be turning to Islam, the only religion that gives them full rights.

I noticed that you often use links to very biased websites against Islam. Yet you did not provide a single verse from the Holy Qur'an (the main Book of Islam) nor a Hadith from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) to support your claims.

xingu wrote:
Your answer justifying polygamy is nothing more than an endorsement of my response as to why you suppress women. Muslim men cannot control their sexual appetite so the only alternative was polygamy. Again you recognize that in the Muslim world only the men's appetite and desires are important, not the women's.

Let's be precise: your original question was: [but women can't have more than one husband? That's not equal.], it was about the prohibition of polyandry (woman having more than one husband) in Islam. As to why polygamy (man having more than one wife) is allowed, I can give you a detailed answer if you wish.
Islam declared men and women equal in rights and duties: "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you." [Glorious Qur'an 49:13]. The criterion that makes a person better than another is not sex, color, nationality, strength... It is righteousness.

xingu wrote:
Lastly, let me say that in the Muslim world I'm sure there are many secular Muslim monogamist who feel about women's rights as do the Western countries.

Every Muslim, as long as he/she does not commit an act of disbelief, is my brother/sister. We may disagree on certain issues, but we are a single Umma (Nation). The last horrendous crime committed by some evil cartoonist against our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) showed this wonderful unity between Muslims all over the globe.

xingu wrote:
They show acceptance and tolerance of other beliefs and ideologies.

As Muslims, we are convinced that Islam is the belief system chosen by God for His creatures. We will not stop, by God's grace, calling people for the Truth as best as we can.

xingu wrote:
Unfortunately Muslim 1 you don't seem fit into that pattern. You display the ugly side of Islam. You support Shari'a and, I suppose, the execution of Muslims who leave their religion for another, such as Christianity. I suspect you also support the killing of anyone who criticizes or make fun of Muhammad. I suspect you believe the stoning of adulterer's is good and cutting off the hands of thieves is proper.

Islam teaches us to be honest and to say only the truth. "O ye who believe! Fear Allah and be with those who are true (in word and deed). " [Glorious Qur'an 9:119] (verse surah tawba). That's why I'll be honest with you. Yes, I support the Noble Shariaa. Yes, I support the execution of apostates (who persists in their disbelief). I do not accept making fun of the best of creatures Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him); When the best man ever is humiliated, then the whole of humanity is humiliated. Yes, there is no doubt that the stoning of adulterers and cutting off the hands of thieves are good things because I believe God Almighty commanded so. I do not pretend to represent Islam, what I described is what I personally think in all honesty.

xingu wrote:
You, and the fanatics of Muslim religion, still live in the days of Muhammad, the days of the primitive barbaric tribal societies.

Indeed Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) is the dearest person to our hearts. May God forgive our sins and help us follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet so that we can meet him in the highest ranks of Paradise, Amen.

Thank you again xingu, and I look forward to continuing our interesting discussion.

And your Creator Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 06:08 am
muslim1 wrote:
That's why I'll be honest with you. Yes, I support the Noble Shariaa. Yes, I support the execution of apostates (who persists in their disbelief).... .. there is no doubt that the stoning of adulterers and cutting off the hands of thieves are good things...
Well thank you for your brutal honesty Muslim1. In England (where are you btw?) we do not inflict cruel and barbaric punishments such as stoning and limb amputations. We abolished capital punishment many years ago, and I totally oppose any moves to restore it. But supposing for one moment we did execute criminals for certain offenses. What would those offenses be? Pretty horrendous certainly... murder being the obvious example. Then rape, particularly of children....(how old btw was Mohammed's youngest wife...8 or 6?)...perhaps conspiracy to commit acts of terror...all these very serious offenses have been cited as deserving the death penalty. Some people would go further, and want to see armed robbers and muggers exectuted. Where do we draw the line? Sheep stealing? Parking on a double yellow line? Being rude to a government minister? Of course no one advocates that, it would be totally absurd. Execution of criminals for trivial offenses is not a hallmark of a civilised society.

However if you had your way, and we lived under shariaa law, you would have people exectuted not for something they did but because of something they thought. In your world, UNBELIEF itself is a capital offense. Lets be quite clear what we are talking about here. NO-ONE, no child born on this planet is born a muslim. Or a christian or a buddhist. They are brought up, as were you, in a particular faith, and develop ideas about divinity which often last with them all their lives. But not always. Often people change and modify their ideas as they grow older. Indeed it would be surprising if they did not. You yourself are always keen to show the number of converts from Christianity to Islam. Thats a change of belief that you welcome. But suppose we in this country were to introduce a law which made conversion from Christianity to Islam a criminal offense. Not just a crime but a crime punishable by death. Someone ceases going to Church on a Sunday and goes to a mosque on Friday. They should be killed. For simply going to a different building on a different day of the week. That is your wish for those leaving Islam. Those young people who grow up to question the beliefs imposed on them as children. Who as adults decide they would prefer another religion or see no reason or need for religion at all. In your view, the punishment for thinking not as you do should be death. I have read some pretty horrendous things on a2k, but frankly NOTHING as spine chilling as your wish to see your fellow muslims killed for simply changing their beliefs. Mohammed said "Let their be no compulsion in religion". What he obviously meant was that anyone is free to join, (though of course the vast majority have no choice, being born in in Islam), but try and LEAVE and you will have your throat cut. In England, thinking "outside the envelope" is encouraged. Its not a crime, its beneficial to society at large. Shariaa law makes George Orwell's nightmare vision of 1984 seem relatively benign.

I want you to think very carefully about what I have said here Muslim1 and consider if Islam is compatible with modern liberal secular democracy. And if its not, which of the two systems is the more civilised?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 06:58 am
He's not capable of thought. Only acting based on the ridiculous superstitions that have beaten into a now severely damaged mind.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 07:45 am
tend to agree, but we will see if I get any sort of "thoughtful" reponse. Muslim1 is a woman btw.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 03:56 am
What country does she live in?

Shows just how much that religion in particular damages people.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Apr, 2006 08:20 am
dalahow2 wrote:
While I am quoting from various HOLY BOOKS of the three different religions, readers of able2know have the will to listen and see the differences between these three religions from their HOLY BOOKS, The Quraan, The Bible and The Talmud.

The Quran severely condemned this heinous practice

Quraan (16:59)
"When news is brought to one of them of the birth of a female child, his face darkens and he is filled with inward grief. With shame does he hide himself from his people because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain her on contempt or bury her in the dust? Ah! what an evil they decide on?"

It has to be mentioned that this sinister crime would have never stopped in Arabia if it were not to the power of the scathing terms the Quran used to condemn this practice in various chapters (16:59, 43:17, 81:8-9).

The Quran, moreover, makes no distinction between boys and girls.

In contrast to the Bible, the Quran considers the birth of a female as a gift and a blessing from God, same as the birth of a male.

The Quran even mentions the gift of the female birth first,

" To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates what he wills. He bestows female children to whomever he wills and bestows male children to whomever he wills"(42:49)

"Allah has heard and accepted the statement of the woman who pleads with you (the prophet) concerning her husband and carries her complaint to Allah, and Allah hears the arguments between both of you for Allah hears and sees all things...." (58:1).

Can you give me the sura or chapters these verses came from? I have the quran in front of me, and i will have to go through all the chapters just to fnd these verses. thank you
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Apr, 2006 08:31 am
I am new here, and I actually read all the pages in this topic....I am a muslim, and I have learned to respect each and every post.....

I have read all the holy books, not in depth, but I have the deepest respect for all books......that is what the quran teaches me.....not what "man" taught me....

there is a big difference in what man thinks, and what the holy books, including the quran says.....

man does not necessarilily follow the holy books.....

as for the women not treated equally in Islam.....it is man that makes those rules, and says it is what Allah wishes....

we all know that women was always treated as second to man....not only in religion, but in general.....especially today.......just don't look at women being treated poorly in a relgious point of view......

it is culture not religion that treats women poorly.....

i am treated with great respect among my muslim brothers, and so does all the other women......

god never told those muslims to fly the planes in the twin towers, it was man....for the sake of revenge, power, and money.....

i know that i will be "attacked" for what I said.... and i await for the responses.........

by the way, yes islam had alot of wars and bloodshed during the time of its start, try and remember that war started before that.......
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Fri 21 Apr, 2006 11:03 am
I am new here, and I actually read all the pages in this topic....I am a muslim, and I have learned to respect each and every post.....

I have read all the holy books, not in depth, but I have the deepest respect for all books......that is what the quran teaches me.....not what "man" taught me....

there is a big difference in what man thinks, and what the holy books, including the quran says.....

man does not necessarilily follow the holy books.....

as for the women not treated equally in Islam.....it is man that makes those rules, and says it is what Allah wishes....

we all know that women was always treated as second to man....not only in religion, but in general.....especially today.......just don't look at women being treated poorly in a relgious point of view......

it is culture not religion that treats women poorly.....

i am treated with great respect among my muslim brothers, and so does all the other women......

god never told those muslims to fly the planes in the twin towers, it was man....for the sake of revenge, power, and money.....

i know that i will be "attacked" for what I said.... and i await for the responses.........

by the way, yes islam had alot of wars and bloodshed during the time of its start, try and remember that war started before that.......

Finally a muslim capable of articulating a coherent argument has come to A2K. It's been a LONG wait.
Do stick around miss Adele
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Apr, 2006 11:57 am
Welcome to the forum sister Adele! May Allah reward you Jannah for your two important posts.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 21 Apr, 2006 12:09 pm
I put some serious effort into a serious post on the previous page. I asked some specific questions. Would either of you two ladies Adele or Muslim1 care to respond?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Apr, 2006 01:14 am
Actions talk, and bullsh!t walks. The words in these books are irrelevant. What matters, is the actions of muslims. islam is NOT, a peaceful religion, because it's muslims who are blowing up trains, buses and aeroplanes. The quran is irrelevant.
islam does NOT treat women with respect, because of the murders, and laws that discriminate them. The quran is irrelevant.
muslim1 herself in another post, says that she agrees with the death penalty for apostasy. I wonder, does she think I should be killed for my belief that islam is religion that produces filthy f@cking pigs.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Apr, 2006 04:21 am
Wilso, i can understand that you do not like the way these fundamentalists are....neither do I. but you don't need to be nasty and call names like that.... I am not a pig. And I don't like the death penalty......Have some respect for the muslims here.......Please
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Apr, 2006 04:41 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
And God almighty orders women to wear hijab.
Laughing Did he say what colour? What material? Where to buy it? You clearly have no idea how absurd this sounds to western ears Muslim1

Hmmm... I never knew God to "order" anything. God is a merciful God, a forgiving God.....

Covering of a woman's head has been going on long before Islam came about.....in the time of the old testament...... hijab is just the arabic word. In the eastern world, they still follow customs from thousands and thousands of years ago. In the western world, where I come from, it is not obligated to wear it.....you can but it is your choice. I am from Trinidad, and there are different muslim sects, just like there are different sects in Christianity, where they follow some of the culture from long ago. If I wear the hijab, which I won't cause it is my choice, it is for the respect of myself.....they only wear it outside the home.....

nuns wear head pieces. Ever wonder why? :wink:
0 Replies

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