BVT, 3-4 packs for 30 yrs?!
My god man, you are lucky to be alive and well right now!
And I'm so glad you are and you quit. That is very inspirational.
I'm still smoke free. Excepting I tried a herbal cigarette w/ clove and that was gross. So forget it.
Ehh...tycoon...I think you made a good point about the smell of the smoke. Yes, it is still appealing to me, and that worries me a bit. A part of me still wants to be a smoker, it's true. That was very observant.
I wonder what makes it so it becomes offensive. ? ? Possibly a switch of mind and mentality?
chai..hehee. That picture is perfect! I guess as a smoker we really can come across that way....i've seen that before and tried to repress that.
Yesterday was such a weird day for me. I work in support/advocacy, so I'm often being sent or roaming around different parts of the city to see people. Most times it's poorer areas, etc.
well, yesterday I had most of the day on my own time, just had a few things to do, and decided to go see a few folks i used to work with, check out how they were doing as I'd heard they were doing alright and i'm friends with one of guys who works with their family. So, yeah, I picked up some Tim H. coffee and I'm waiting to get a call to let me in.....
and I see this girl, maybe 18 or 20 or so, with a baby and a toddler and a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. She was wearing a cropped top that showed her stretched-out baby belly and jeans that looked like they belonged to a 12 yr old.
It was so sad. I won't go into it too much, but I wanted to cry for her.
I helt her toddler for a few minutes while she lit her smoke, and chatted for a bit.
Today I've been seeing things really differently, and I think a lot of it had to do with her.
So many people in my field and who i work with smoke, the people we work with smoke at a very very high rate, so it's usual to offer them a smoke and sort of form a bond and get them yapping that way.
This whole long story = I finally am starting to associate Smoking W/Sickness and pain.