urs53 wrote:Nisse sits at the open bedroom door and scratches and complains at the same time. Or he takes - throws rather - books out of the shelves and starts 'reading'. Last night, he was sitting right next to my head, talking very loudly! He does talk a lot... Mysan usually just complains.
Well you're going to have to find a way to wear them out before bed time, urs! :wink: (Thinking, thinking ....)
neko nomad wrote:Here's where Nekochan is most
likely to be found on sunny winter mornings,
the window shelf by the fireplace:

Dreaming of the coming spring & her very favourite garden spots ...
Miss Mollie in her element: enjoying an early spring day
at Dame Nekochan's estate,paying the resident chipmunk a
added April 11:
Nekochan sleepily ambling along yet-to-be completed Yellow
Crocus Road...
Something we just got to chase the cat:
VaneEnglish wrote:this is my cat!!!

I love ginger cats. Tell us a bit about him.
And welcome to A2K VaneEnglish.
I always wanted a cat with eye color to match the fur.
Devil Kitty
Dys & Di's Dante - Taken by Shewolfnm in Albuquerque circa 5/16/08
Roger, I know Dante looks like devil kitty in that pic, but he won over Walter and Thomas, both of whom stayed with us during the Albuquerque Roundup and, of course, he won you over a long time ago.
Shewolf took several photos of him, but I don't think she got one of him sleeping on top of the birdcage. (He has learned not to let his tail dangle down in front of Fred, our conure--it only takes one bite for Fred, all four ounces of him, to establish his title of Alpha Male).
Shoulda' known you'd track this one down. I would have asked first, but he didn't look like he wanted to be disturbed.
Actually, Dante has learned how to use the computer after long periods spent gazing at the keyboard. He already knows how to edit our posts.
Mr B and I recently returned from our annual trek to New Orleans for Jazz Fest. The boys decided to tell us what they thought about being left behind.
So, the new dog likes to straddle the cat whenever he comes in the house. She stays on top of him wherever he goes. It's hilarious, at least until the cat gets sick of it and takes a swipe at her nose.
What gorgeous cats, JPB! Wow!
Thanks, Eva. The two brown boys are litter mates and Kato is a couple years older. They're all Maine Coons and are a lot of fun.
Oh JPB...they are beautiful! I just have one black Tomcat...American Shorthair...he is my first child though. And resents my other three boys tremendously...
This is the only pic I have access to...I will have to get the ones where he rides on my shoulder...I can do everything - clean toilets, put dishes in the dishwasher and take out the garbage with him draped across my shoulders...kind of like a living stoll....he likes to be up on my shoulders...so funny.
heheh -- Mr B had a black American Shorthair when we met. I had to pass muster with the cat before I could get girlfriend status. The cat climbed up in my lap and went to sleep first time I went to his apartment. Later he curled up on my winter coat for another nap. The fact that I didn't freak out about a cat sleeping on my coat and sat still for a snooze on my lap qualified me for a return visit
Wow, JPB, they are beauties. That isn't a very subtle hint that they intend to go along on your next vacation.
My aunt had a siamese who would always unpack my bag whenever I was there for a visit. She was quite dainty about it.
margo wrote:VaneEnglish wrote:this is my cat!!!

I love ginger cats. Tell us a bit about him.
And welcome to A2K VaneEnglish.
thanks!!!! well it´s a really funny cat! and really sweet! his name is "mike wazouwsky" like in Monsters INC....