Vivien wrote:Msolga how are you feeling?
I'll definitely take a photo of Paddy in his pretty new collar! he's out playing at the moment. It's cold so he won't stay out too long, he'll need to come in and thaw out by the radiator soon.
Yes to the photograph, Vivien! Apart from being a
very naughty big black cat, Paddy is
extremely ravishing to behold! He's a stunner!
How am I? A lot better, thanks. I've come to the conclusion that I'm quietly relieved that I'm not still helplessly watching Flatty's ongoing health problems continue to worsen. And that's the way that things were rapidly developing. I think the thrombosis & the terrible effects were simply
another symptom of his poor body packing up. It was awful to watch & I felt terrible about what he went through, but I'm grateful that it was relatively short. I'm very grateful, actually, that he is not
still struggling with even
more debilitating physical decline. I'm glad there is no more pain. I miss him very much, though. It is taking some adjusting, him not being here, going everywhere I go around my little house & yard.
(I'm wondering, Vivian, did you receive my email, of about a week ago?)
An interesting development. Since Flatty's been gone this little pigeon pair have decided that my yard is
their home! Actually, they've been around for quite a while, but never have they been so brave &
tame, almost! See what the absence of a cat can do? When I'm sitting outside on my decking they come within a few feet of me. They observe me & I observe them!

We had a very hot, dry spell recently, so I put a big bowl of water out for them, which I kept refilling. It's quite lovely to see the 2 of them delicately balanced on either side & gracefully dipping their little beaks as they drink heartily. Anyway, I'd better move that bowl to safer/higher ground very soon, as I suspect I will be visiting one of the local animal shelters in a week or so & rescuing a year (or so old) female tabby who needs a home. That's my thinking at the moment. But I have hugely enjoyed the antics of the pigeons, even if I haven't been over-joyed at the
huge splats of pigeon poo I regularly find on my decking!