dlowan wrote:Awww.....my beloved Phoebe was a car greeter.....had to be careful where I parked to avoid having her run across the road!
I know you don't have favourites, Deb - but I sort of got the impression in the past that you had an
enormous fondness for Phoebe. Lovely, isn't it, when a critter is so thrilled that you're home? And it's not just about the food!
Reminds me of when he-who-will remained-unmentionable ( :wink: ) & I had our four. Our home-comings were wild! The feline menagerie would go particularly crazy at the sound of my bright yellow VW, which they could hear approaching from about a mile from home!

On my/our actual arrival, all mayhem would break loose! One cat would be doing frenzied "cat sharpening" things to a tree in the street, another would rush up & sharpen it's claws with great gusto on my/his shoes, another would run up & down the house side-drive ... & poor Polly (who was a little slow) would rush to the back of the house, to the door, meowing to be let in. (All the rest of us entered through the front door, but Polly never worked that out! :wink:)
The home-coming experience was exhausting & overwhelming, though, I can tell you! We often wondered what the neighbours thought.