THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Tai Chi
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 07:12 pm

We did it! We built a better
mouse trap and rodent trap!

It's the first sanitary trap. Press to set; squeeze to eject. Never touch the mouse or rodent. Rinse and reset. It's that simple.

* Environmentally safe because you don't throw the trap away.
* Made of tough, non-absorbent molded plastic
* 30% more force than conventional traps
* Grips mouse/rodent tightly, quickly suffocating without breaking skin. No messy blood or odors.
* The Better Rodentrap is effective on rats, gophers and chipmunks.
* 100% Guaranteed!

This is what you want, msolga. The only trap that really works (5 mice in 4 days up at the old school). Hygienic enough that even I'm willing to dispose of victim and then reset them.
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 07:13 pm
Good luck. You could do that, or get a passive trap and release it--but it will just come back in the same way it came in the first time. Mice and rats can collapse their rib cages, and can fit through truly unbelievably small spaces. I've seen a rat slip under a door, and just a few days ago, saw a mouse slip through the tiny space between the cabinet frame and a drawer. You'll have to kill it, sooner or later. Maybe you could catch it with a passive trap and find a neighbor who doesn't mind killing it for you.
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 07:26 pm

Thanks Tai.

I guess that's a better alternative than the conventional mice trap?


And thanks for your advice, too, doggy person.

I don't wish to sound like some sort of princess or something, but I don't know if I can actually do it. It's more than just squeamishness, even the thought sort of makes me feel seriously ill ......


But WHEN Poppy is in full, ferocious flight she's a predator! So it's not exactly enticing for a mouse to set up house here. You should have seen her last night. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't have disturbed her ...

Where is a he real man when I need one!? :wink: Laughing
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 07:40 pm
OK, I'm thinking about that "sanitary" mouse trap.
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Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 10:15 am
Lou got a car ride today, in his carrier. He bitched all the way, for over an hour, about his predicament.
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Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 11:30 am
I'm sure it will have gone out msolga so don't worry. We've never had mice they brought in decide to stay with a cat in the house.

Paddy is snoozing upstairs in Rosie's box - so she's had to settle for my wardrobe - it's supposed to be summer but today it's been raining heavily.

He hates being picked up, absolutely hates it, so if I do he tolerates it whilst letting me know that he's NOT happy and after a few seconds snorts - a sort of huffy noise - which is repeated LOUDER after a few more seconds if ignored .... and again with the volume on full after that! then the whingeing growly moan is next

- if I'm feeling miffed with him I jiggle his tummy at that point so it sounds funny like a growly teddy bear - he isn't amused Twisted Evil He's very much a one-person cat - himselfs. I'll do if he wants something and himself isn't available. He can be such a sweetie or just totally indifferent - and I get a lot more of the indifference Crying or Very sad - I've never had that from a cat before - it all stems from Rosie's reaction when we got him and the fact that I had to put her first and didn't get chance to bond properly Sad

He does often cuddle up on the bed sitting on top of me in the morning - but it's only to get me up really Rolling Eyes
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Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2007 06:21 am
You're right, Vivien. The black mouse has left the building - with a little bit of "encouragement" from yours truly! I won't go into the details. People will think I'm quite mad!

I'll bet Paddy's not completely indifferent when you're on dinner duty!
Lovely that all is back to normal again, Vivien. Very Happy

cjhsa, why were you driving Lou around in his carrier? A vet visit?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2007 07:42 am
No, he was going to our cottage on the lake. He loves it there, lots of mice and moles and bird and bunnies to chase. He just hates getting there.
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Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2007 07:47 am
So he wanders around the place then comes inside to eat & sleep? Interesting. Lots of folk would never risk it in case the cat wandered off, or might bolt . He sounds a clever cat!
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Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2007 07:49 am
He knows the place, he's been there many times before. He's also very social, dog like, likes to stay with us when he's not doing his feline duties.
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Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2007 07:52 am
Clever critter!

Any new photographs?
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 03:07 pm
Last Wednesday, I met Ramses, my friend's black cat. Ramses always comes along when they go on vacation. He has been to France, some Greek islands... He likes to travel. On the ferry to Greece he walked around and under the parked trucks, looked over the rails to see the ocean - I would have gone completely crazy!

He even found a friend in Greece that he liked to talk to. So now we guess that's the reason why he doesn't really get along with the cats in his neighbourhood in Germany. He speaks Greek!
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 11:20 pm
Ramses sounds a pretty amazing cat, urs, with quite a history! Very Happy
I've heard stories of cats (& many dogs, too) with lives just as independent & as adventurous as Ramses, but I've never actually had responsibility for one like that myself. I'd be too worried about the risks, the dangers or the loss of a beloved pet to even attempt it. But some critters seem to thrive on such a lifestyle!
I'm certain Ramses is absolutely handsome, charming & irresistible. And that folk who meet him are quite besotted. You wouldn't have a photograph, would you? :wink:
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Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 09:25 am
No, unfortunately no photographs of Ramses.

He is completely black with green eyes. His ears are a bit jagged from fights he got into. Of course, I fell for him the minute he looked at me!
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 06:27 am
Lou killed two jackrabbits over the weekend....

Now if I could just get him to chase the damn raccoons away...

It was quite surreal actually. I was sitting on the deck looking out at the lake, with the tall dune grass blowing in the wind, when I hear this noise, turn to look, and see Lou in mid-air about 10-feet from me, teeth bared, fully extended with claws out. As he came back down in the grass and disappeared, I heard the WHOP! as he sunk his claws into his prey, then an awful, frightened squeal as the rabbit I never knew was there realized his fate. I think Lou thought he was protecting me from that awful attack bunny. Wink

He caught another one the next day by simply staring at it then swatting it when it came close. I swear he hypnotized that rabbit.
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Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:11 pm
Ramses sounds lovely Smile

is his owner a fan of Egyptian gods or the novels of Elizabeth Peters? Smile I really like her books about Amelia Peabody the archeologist and her husband and son - nicknamed Ramses - and their cats, who are rather like your Ramses in character Smile

My parents used to take their (timid) cat on holiday with them and she'd go for a walk in the evenings with my father, she hated the journey and moaned a lot but was perfectly happy once they were there.

Once on their evening walk, my father was sitting on a grassy bank watching her explore, when she suddenly raced back to him and up inside his jumper - a minute later a horse and rider appeared - she'd heard it long before him! I don't know what the horserider thought of an apparently pregnant man!

I'm glad you found your mouse msolga - we think Paddy caught the one he'd let go - unless it was another one he'd brought in Rolling Eyes I'd banned him from going out until he caught it but softheart had the patio door open Evil or Very Mad He found him in the hall watching and catching a mouse, which he then ran outside with before himself spoilt his game. I do hope it was the same one.
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 05:17 pm
Vivien wrote:
I'm glad you found your mouse msolga - we think Paddy caught the one he'd let go - unless it was another one he'd brought in Rolling Eyes I'd banned him from going out until he caught it but softheart had the patio door open Evil or Very Mad He found him in the hall watching and catching a mouse, which he then ran outside with before himself spoilt his game. I do hope it was the same one.

My response was rather like "softheart" (himself is man of my own heart! Very Happy ), Vivien. And involved a noisy vaccuum (sp???) cleaner ( extension nozzle), lots banging & jumping, with both front & back doors open. With Ms Poppy running around, enthusiastically observing the proceedings! We actually saw the fat, black mouse bolt from the building! With Ms P in hot pursuit! Of course the mouse won the race! Laughing

A lovely story about your dad & his cat on their evening walk. Very Happy
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 05:52 am
I have to leave Lou in the house for three days. He came down for breakfast this AM, saw the big pie plate of dry food, got pissed, and disappeared. He wanted to go outside - but no way I can leave him out for that long.
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 06:17 am
How long has he been outside? Are you worried that he's not eating his dried food?
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 06:25 am
Right now, my two boys George and Joe are alone in my apartment, and will be until the 25th, when I come back. Five days is my absolute limit I will leave them. I fret about leaving enough fresh litter and food and water, etc. Next month, I have to leave them for 6 days, but I will have someone look in on them, freshen water, scoop litter, etc halfway through.

I was a dog person most of my life, so I think I might still be wired for that kind of dependency - but they do always seem to do just fine without me there.
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