THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Thu 31 May, 2007 01:39 pm
Paddy as I've told you all keeps catching mice - he's a little monster, playing with them and tossing them in the air.

I can't remember if I told you but he'd not long gone out the other day when I saw him looking in the door and wanting to come in

.... then notice a large mouse in his mouth.

I told him he was NOT bringing it in to play - we'd had that the week before when he brought one in and dropped it near the shoes - he used to drop his little balls or toys in shoes so he could play fishing them out (he's a clever little devil and FAST).

So - he dropped it next the step out of sight and stood looking innocent - a little angel who merely wanted to come in out of the rain. As we opened the door a little he made a dive to pick up the mouse again and bring it in! he didn't make it Twisted Evil
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 01:14 am
Some years back now, by Boss Cat, BC, went missing for about 3 days, and turned up in the middle of the night.

There was no indication as to where she'd been until the neighbours across the road cane over the next morning.

They had been working around the house on the weekend, and had the door under the house open. BC must have sneaked in then, and they shut the door.

They thought they heard a cat, but couldn't find one, so thought they were imagining things. By the third night, BC was making such a racket, thumping and hollering, that there was no doubt. Jeff went outside (around midnight) opened the door under the house, and this fierce ginger rocket shot out.

There must have been enough critters to feed her for a day or so - and then she started to complain. She was fine after a big feed, thank goodness.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 07:23 am
Rosie's mum was feral - but I just don't think she'd have survived in the wild - she's so scared and so incompetent!!!

Paddy would be fine.
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 03:10 am
Oh, good news! Laughing
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 05:46 am
urs53 wrote:
Oh, good news! Laughing

Yes, isn't it!

Well done, Vivien & family! Very Happy
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 11:12 am
she must have had a horrible time as she's still being very appreciative! I wonder how long that will last ? :wink: She's being well and truly spoilt and we're making a fuss of Paddy too so he doesn't feel pushed out.

I'm feeling exhausted!
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Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2007 02:24 am
I'm not at all surprised, Vivien.
This past week has been pretty tough & stressful on you.

Things will be back to normal soon, I promise! ....
Rosie will swear outrageously when inconvenienced by you or other family members & Paddy will hunt down some big, helpless creature which you & himself will have to rescue from his jaws.

Ah, your life back to normal, again! :wink: Very Happy
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Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2007 11:13 am
How is Rosie? Back to normal?

We went to Leipzig for three days. The cats must have known we'd be back soon. Our catsitting neighbour said they hardly reacted when she came in.

When we got back on Wednesday evening, both cats ate a bit and then, of course, Mysan puked very loudly - she sounded more like a wolf than a little cat... Oh, the joy of living with cats! Laughing
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Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2007 07:35 pm
You don't suppose Mysan was trying to tell you something, urs? :wink:

Yes, I'm wondering how Rosie's going, too, Vivien. Has she (say nothing of the rest of you!) recovered from the ordeal?
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 02:44 pm
yes - we've all recovered now Smile thanks - your concern really helped me through a really nasty patch there

Rosie is if anything slightly less nervous outdoors - she's probably realised she can cope when she has to.

She's still loving but the thorny side is back indeed! Himself stroked her earlier and she hung on to him with tooth and claw (gently) to say STOP it! The ingratitude after the miles he walked! she does love him though.

She's got her summer coat and is looking much paler, having shed her long black hairs.

The weather has been nice and they are both really enjoying it.

My parents are currently cat-sitting my daughters cat while she's away so Mog Mog is getting spoilt to death and offered all sorts of tidbits that she doesn't get at home! This is the cat my daughter inherited with the house they bought. she was feral (abandoned rather than totatlly feral I'd guess) and wouldn't got beyond the woman's kitchen (she had 2 other cats) but they fed and looked after her and she was friendly but nervy. They felt she may not settle if they tried to take her with them to a new place. She adores my daughter and within a week had moved in properly and now is her shadow. Both daughters have incredibly talkative cats who I can always here miaowing for attention when I'm on the phone to them.

How is mspoppy?
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 05:53 am
Vivien wrote:
Rosie is if anything slightly less nervous outdoors - she's probably realised she can cope when she has to.

She's still loving but the thorny side is back indeed! Himself stroked her earlier and she hung on to him with tooth and claw (gently) to say STOP it!?

Well, the scaredy-cat phase didn't last long, did it, Vivien? Laughing I remember when leaves fluttering down from the trees used to frighten her! It's good that she's less nervy but I hope she doesn't get brave enough to go wandering off again! Heaven forbid! Forget I said that!
But how wonderful, though, that you actually got her back! I reckon "someone up there" was looking after you! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

So how's Paddy getting along these days? We haven't heard much about him lately.
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 06:15 am
Vivien wrote:
How is mspoppy?

Speak of the devil!
I just heard the cat flap bang extra loudly as she came flying in from outside. Then I heard some piteous squeaking noise (a mouse?). Whatever "it" is it continues to squeak now & then but when I try to find (it in the laundry somewhere) I have no success. I hope it's not a bird! Shocked
Poppy is sitting, waiting, waiting .... And I'm getting quite rattled.

I'll go look again now.

Ugh! She's moved away from the washing machine & the laundry & is now hovering around the kitchen! Waiting.

I'm going to have to go and investigate again in a minute. I don't like this at all! Sad

... Apart from this episode, she's getting along fine. It's winter & she sleeps in late each morning Rolling Eyes & is taking delight in the great outdoors when she finally emerges, around midday. She's having a good time climbing trees, sitting on top of the house & also indulging in lots of what I'd describe as frollicking up & down the decking (pretending I'm chasing her) at great speed!

I'm going to go check the kitchen again now. <sigh> I can't concentrate.

I'll report back later ... on some gory finding, I'll bet you!
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 07:45 am

A fat, black mouse!

Alive & well!
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 07:46 am
Damn that cat!
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 07:49 am
She appears to have lost interest! Rolling Eyes

I'm going to have to sleep with the back door open so the damn mouse can get out!

And it's freezing!
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 10:40 am
Damn global warming anyway...

Lou never let's 'em live. He eats the front half and leaves the tail end for us to find.

He did lose a blackbird he caught the other day. It played dead and he let up his grip. He was so embarassed he didn't come out of the bushes for over an hour.
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 06:33 pm
Clever blackbird! Very Happy

.... but ugh <shudder shudder> to the rest!

I'm hoping my (largish) black mouse left the premises overnight, never to return. Not a nice episode at all. Ms Poppy was out like a light on the bed all night. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 06:38 pm
I don't know what you're thinking, Miss Ukrainian Witch. If you open the door, not only will the mouse not[/i] leave, more may come in. Think about it, you've got food to steal in there and a warm place to sleep. The mouse ain'ta gonna leave--you'll have to trap it and kill it.
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 06:54 pm
Setanta wrote:
I don't know what you're thinking, Miss Ukrainian Witch. If you open the door, not only will the mouse not[/i] leave, more may come in. Think about it, you've got food to steal in there and a warm place to sleep. The mouse ain'ta gonna leave--you'll have to trap it and kill it.

There was in fact a method in my madness, doggy person ...

The cat brought the mouse inside (through the cat flap) in the first place. It (the noisy fat, black mouse <shudder>) escaped only because I disrupted Poppy's fiendish plan in the laundry. Little did I know it would run into the study & actually climb on the table to get away from the cat! Shocked After the cat lost interest & gave up the chase (Thanks, Poppy! Evil or Very Mad ) it was up to me to get the rodent out. I can't tell you how horrible an experience that was! It took me ages to get to sleep, though Poppy slept like a log!

I doubt the mouse will set up house here due to the presence of the cat, who can be quite a fierce predator when she's in the mood!

I swear I'm not making any of this up.
Agh, the horror, the horror ...
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 07:02 pm
Setanta wrote:
The mouse ain'ta gonna leave--you'll have to trap it and kill it.

If it turns up again I'm going to open every single door & window & chase it around with a broom (making lots of noise!) till it does leave!
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