THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Sun 13 May, 2007 12:33 pm
OH being wealthy would be nice!

I delivered the work today - labelling, pricing, titling, writing artists statements, doing same for friends who remain non-computer-literate. It's a group show at a local gallery with friends.

Rosie climb trees????? she's much too much of a scaredy cat! she's where the expression scaredy cat came from! She used to climb up (inefficiently) when she was little but not now.

She makes a few dives at the birds and wiggles a LOT and gets excited a lot - she's only ever caught one - and I want to keep it that way.

The wind blows her fur and she runs back in, tummy to ground, all worried that it'll GET her! there's a noise in the street she slinks rapidly back in, anything loud sends her flying, well not even loud - just anything!

.... but she'll gang up with Paddy to defy Bad Cat (vicious neighbourhood Tom) and her grasp of swear words is extensive - she's especially brave if himself or I are standing behind her Wink

Bad Cat has learnt what turning the outdoor tap on means and flies!

Paddy on the other hand is a natural born killer Sad those extra toes really give him the edge on catching things, he's fast and climbs like a little monkey, There isn't a day goes by when he doesn't come trotting back from somewhere or other with a mouse, which he proceeds to torment to death Sad - they get flipped 3 feet in the air and caught again, it's horrible to see and hear, they squeak pitifully sometimes Sad - I don't want mice in the area but I wish he'd kill them quickly and cleanly - and then sometimes he'll eat them <shudder> ( so I wormed him). If I try to get them off him he just scoots to play elsewhere.

Youngest daugther took a nice photo of him up the crab apple tree last week - I'll look it out and post it.
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Reply Sun 13 May, 2007 12:54 pm
ok Smile Here they are


see how the thumb curls round the other side of the branch to help him grip? it shows best on the bottom branch - those extra toes are really useful to him.

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Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 08:33 am
Just acknowledging both your posts, Vivien. Delightful! Very Happy
Sadly, though, I've just discovered that it's 12:30 am! Shocked & I have to be in the city for an early-ish appointment tomorrow morning ... so I will respond in more depth tomorrow.
Now off to bed with me! No dilly-dallying about!
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 05:59 am
Vivien wrote:
OH being wealthy would be nice!

I delivered the work today - labelling, pricing, titling, writing artists statements, doing same for friends who remain non-computer-literate. It's a group show at a local gallery with friends.

That sounds a helluva lot of work! Here's hoping you do manage to sell a few, Vivien. Are yours mainly landscapes?

Vivien wrote:
Rosie climb trees????? she's much too much of a scaredy cat! she's where the expression scaredy cat came from! She used to climb up (inefficiently) when she was little but not now.

She makes a few dives at the birds and wiggles a LOT and gets excited a lot - she's only ever caught one - and I want to keep it that way.

The wind blows her fur and she runs back in, tummy to ground, all worried that it'll GET her! there's a noise in the street she slinks rapidly back in, anything loud sends her flying, well not even loud - just anything!.

It sounds like she hasn't changed all that much since she was little. (I remember you posting about her first hesitant ventures into the great outdoors.)
I have to smile at that image of her, running back inside (tummy to the ground) to escape the ferocious birds! Laughing
So, she's mainly an indoor cat unless you're outside, too?

Vivien wrote:
.... but she'll gang up with Paddy to defy Bad Cat (vicious neighbourhood Tom) and her grasp of swear words is extensive - she's especially brave if himself or I are standing behind her Wink.

Go, Rosie! Laughing
How come every single neighborhood has its resident Bad Cat? And how come they always end up in our back yards, trying to take over?

Vivien wrote:
Paddy on the other hand is a natural born killer Sad those extra toes really give him the edge on catching things, he's fast and climbs like a little monkey, There isn't a day goes by when he doesn't come trotting back from somewhere or other with a mouse, which he proceeds to torment to death Sad - they get flipped 3 feet in the air and caught again, it's horrible to see and hear, they squeak pitifully sometimes Sad - I don't want mice in the area but I wish he'd kill them quickly and cleanly - and then sometimes he'll eat them <shudder> ( so I wormed him). If I try to get them off him he just scoots to play elsewhere.

Looking at those photographs of Paddy, it's really hard to imagine him as a ruthless killer, a relentless torturer of helpless mice! He looks quite the opposite. I hope he doesn't get caught up in ferocious territorial battles with that neighborhood bully cat. That can be ugly!
I see he's fully recovered from his injuries of some months ago. He's looking very fit & active!
I love that second picture. He looks so innocent & playful.
Those eyes! Very Happy
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Reply Thu 17 May, 2007 02:50 am
I love Paddy's toes!

My sister got a another cat a couple of weeks ago. Her husband was sure it would never work out with Hexe, her black cat who owns the house and said that they should not even think about a name for the little one. Well, the little grey tiger is still there and we decided to call her Tigerlilly. She follows Hexe everywhere and does not get intimidated by her. Way to go, Lilly!
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Reply Thu 17 May, 2007 11:24 pm
urs53 wrote:
I love Paddy's toes!

My sister got a another cat a couple of weeks ago. Her husband was sure it would never work out with Hexe, her black cat who owns the house and said that they should not even think about a name for the little one. Well, the little grey tiger is still there and we decided to call her Tigerlilly. She follows Hexe everywhere and does not get intimidated by her. Way to go, Lilly!

Yes, way go, Lilly! Very Happy
I take it that she's a little grey tabby, urs? (Grey tabbies are my favourites, but don't tell Poppy! :wink: )
So, two female cats in the one house? Surprised (Have I got that right?) That's interesting, all the "learned advice" about such an arrangement would suggest disaster. I think Hexe must be a terrific critter then, & must welcome the company. I can imagine other established female cats monstering any new "interloper" in similar circumstances.
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Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 08:56 am
Yes, msolga, two females. And now the little one is even allowed to snuggle up to Hexe. She is a grey tabby - although I haven't seen her yet. About the name - the guys of the house decided against Tigerlilly so she still goes by the name minimieze. Mieze is German for 'kitty' and is pronounced something like meetsa.

She watches how Hexe is playing with mice and killing them...
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Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 12:18 am
urs53 wrote:
She watches how Hexe is playing with mice and killing them...

That's wonderful, urs! (the relationship between the two, not necessarily the "killing" bit! :wink: ) Very Happy

I've always been intrigued by the "mentoring" process that goes on between established cats & the newcomers. The commitment to the process always seems so dedicated on the part of the older cat, with total respect exhibited by the newcomer. I have observed this a number of times (when living in "many cat" households) & it seems to me that there are terrific benefits on both sides. But it only works if the newcomer is very, very respectful of the wisdom & superiority of their older companion. No respect = disaster! Aren't cats interesting? Very Happy
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Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 12:51 am
it's lovely that they've settled so well Urs.

yes, interesting and strange characters! Rosie won't eat until you go away and don't watch, Paddy likes to be stroked when he's eating

Paddy used to drop his little ball into shoes, boots, handbags so he could fish it out and play and it was more challenging - I realise he was doing the same with that mouse he brought in - he dropped it where there was cover so he could hunt it with more 'fun'. Monster.

Mspoppy hasn't come home with any more little furry friends then msolga? (of the mouse variety) Twisted Evil
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Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 01:08 am
Vivien wrote:
Rosie won't eat until you go away and don't watch, Paddy likes to be stroked when he's eating.:

Such a contrary pair you have, Vivien! You have to be there & gone & the same moment! Laughing

Vivien wrote:
Mspoppy hasn't come home with any more little furry friends then msolga? (of the mouse variety) Twisted Evil

No, oddly, she hasn't. (though I can see tendencies!) Maybe Flatty (her predecessor) killed off the lot (what a hunter he was!) or maybe it has something to do with the drought? Come to think of it, Vivien, I haven't seen a mouse for ages ... Hmmmm
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neko nomad
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 10:55 pm
Here's a pic I simply had to take of two old friends enjoying their siesta.


Nekochan and Max,who lives two houses away.
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 01:10 am
What a delightful picture, neko!

So this is how Nekochan spends her sunny spring afternoons?
Snoozing & chewing the fat with Max!
What a charmed life (for both of them!)Very Happy
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neko nomad
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 10:07 am
To be honest, I took that photo for the benefit of Max's family, who sent copies to relatives. You see, msolga, Max is in decline and may not have too many days left. He's loved dearly at his home.
Yesterday he was taken, along with the rest of the family, to their country cottage, where they usually spend their summers.

Nekochan is a bit uneasy over his absence, staring in the direction of Max's house from the driveway while I'm having coffee out front, instead of sitting on my lap as usual. I think she perceives his condition.

His guardians agree that he's been one lucky cat, having lived in safety in our neighborhood, with a friend to visit daily. We feel that way, too, about Nekochan.
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 12:50 pm
what a lovely image - Nekochan and Max Smile

they must both have very sweet natures Smile
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 02:18 am
neko nomad wrote:
To be honest, I took that photo for the benefit of Max's family, who sent copies to relatives. You see, msolga, Max is in decline and may not have too many days left. He's loved dearly at his home.
Yesterday he was taken, along with the rest of the family, to their country cottage, where they usually spend their summers.

Nekochan is a bit uneasy over his absence, staring in the direction of Max's house from the driveway while I'm having coffee out front, instead of sitting on my lap as usual. I think she perceives his condition.

His guardians agree that he's been one lucky cat, having lived in safety in our neighborhood, with a friend to visit daily. We feel that way, too, about Nekochan.

I'm touched, neko.

How old is Max & how old is nekochan? It looks to me that they are very comfortable & happy together. Old friends. And for a couple of "oldies" they look in fantastic shape!

Both of them, then, have had wonderful, charmed lives! Max with his owners & nekochan with you. And the companionship they've had with each other is an extra bonus. What more could critters ask from life? Very Happy
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Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 06:26 am
Rosie was deliriously happy in the sunshine in the garden this morning, chirruping and being very loving and wanting company out there Smile It's a gorgeous day, warm and sunny - I should be at the coast.
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Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 06:31 am
Yesterday I found the back half of a baby rabbit, a big one too, on my porch. Thanks a lot, Lou....
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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 04:54 am
Vivien wrote:
Rosie was deliriously happy in the sunshine in the garden this morning, chirruping and being very loving and wanting company out there Smile It's a gorgeous day, warm and sunny - I should be at the coast.

Ah, spring!

<wistful sigh>

Enjoy, you lot at Vivien's!
(& Vivien, too, of course! Very Happy )
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neko nomad
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 04:24 pm
Nekochan is about a year younger than Max, Msolga : we figure she was about a year and a half when we got her in 1992 -- so approximately sixteen and a half. Max's owner says he's around seventeen and a half.

While Nekochan is very healthy and active, Max is terribly underweight, to the point of emaciation,and has been for some time now.

the night before they left for their cottage his owners came to the house to tell me that his kidneys are failing and requires dialysis, and offered to supply with the special kind of food he's restricted to to give him during his stayovers.

This is so sad to hear, because he's been coming over for years now to the point we regard him as next of kin to Nekochan.

Lately his visits to us must have required grim determination, because in order to get to our glass patio door in the back -- in order to let us to know he's here-- he had to climb over a closed gate at the side of the house.
During bad weather I would carry him back and let him into his house to ensure he was safely inside.

Max and family will be gone until the end of August, so I'm wondering how he'll be when he gets back. If he does come back.

He has curiously constructed paws, in that he has fully developed thumbs which enable him to lift and toss out Nekochan's toys from the basket. And he's such a likeable type of guy, totally harmless.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 06:15 am

It's almost as though you've had a commitment to two cats in your life, not one, neko.
And I suspect you'll probably miss Max's presence almost as much as nekochan will.

But I hoping Max & nekochan can enjoy one last leisurely spring together in your beautiful garden. Wouldn't it be good if that could be?
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