hhhmmmm .... little lambs grow into hulking great sheep ... what will they do then???
Paddy has been in the wars
he came home on Monday morning with a paw that was obviously excruciatingly painful. I took him to the vet as soon as they opened and they felt it was possibly a cat bite.
They gave him a pain killing injection and an antibiotic one and said 'see how he goes'. £50
On Tuesday he was still in a lot of pain .... so back to the vet, they thought his hip might be dislocated and wanted to Xray him the next day and kept him overnight.
Today they Xrayed - it was dislocated - it took and hour and a half to get it back in and keep it there and several more xrays - the ligaments had stretched, So he's bandaged up with his back paw in a sling to keep the joint in place - one
huge bill for all that and he'll have to keep it on for 3 weeks.
and this afternoon a worrying development .... there were bubbles of air in the skin around his neck (stroking him you can feel them crackling like bubble wrap), so they were worried that his airway had a split and was leaking air slightly, Could be as a result of whatever accident (although it wasn't there until post op) or from the anaesthetic intubating. In itself the air will apparently dissipate over time and doesn't hurt him but the serious thing would be if his chest cavity gets air in it, which they feel unlikely ... but then so was this problem
So - he's stayed in again overnight to keep a check on that and make sure air
doesn't get into his chest cavity, There's a special animal hospital that does the overnight care £35 for the night, I delivered him there - if I couldn't the 'ambulance' would have been £50!
I have to collect him at 7.45 am and go straight back to the vet to check him over and see that all is well - if so he can come home - but can't go out for 3 weeks
he'll go frantic
He was so good bless him, never bit or scratched and behaved perfectly. (wish he would at home! not that he bites or scratches - just wants to go out all the time) The vetinary nurses think he's gorgeous. Little do they know!
The vet today felt he may have been hit by a car but I don't think so - there was no blood or anything, I think he fell from somewhere - like the ivy he climbs up - he was 3 storeys high in it the other day
How is mspoppy?