Rae that photo of Stanley and Lacey eating from the same bowl is lovely
is tolerant! I hope he moves with you when you move
Our pair are fine, Paddy is out most of the time in this weather - coming in to blink sweetly at us when he hungry, Rosie, being a big baby is in a lot more and likes the door open so she can run in constantly.
Being all black and with little ears, Paddy doesn't have such an expressive face as Rosie with her markings and big ears, he communicates with blinks and miaows! He adores my husband but merely likes me when I'm useful! Rosie is mine and is fond of himself - she doesn't snuggle up with him though, only me. Paddy doesn't snuggle up at all
though he likes to be stroked and made a fuss of. Rosie is happy to be held in my arms, on her back, like a baby and leans her head into me - Paddy HATES being picked up. He's as sunny natured, unperturbed by anything and independent as ever.
Cycloptichorn - I haven't flown with cats but I've done a longish car journey
not nice! I asked our vet about knockout tranquillisers and he advised against it. His actual words explaining why were that 'with cats, the wild animal is only just below the surface' and the drugs could tranqullise them or equally turn them into raging little demons!!!!! I didn't try it.