Vietnamnurse wrote:Someone tell me how to copy an image to send to here and I will bring it. I am really not very "techy".
I'll try Diane, though I'm not exactly "techy" myself! (More of a Luddite, actually!) I will try to use non-techy language, OK?
* Start with the image (photograph or cartoon, say) you want to copy
* Right click on that image
* Left click on
properties (in the box that has appeared)
* A box called "properties" will now have appeared:run your curser over
ALL the text that appears in the
Address (URL) section. This text should now be enclosed in solid blue.
* Right click on that area that you just "
*Left click
* Go to the thread (eg New Cat Room)you want to post the picture to & left click on
post reply (as you would to do a normal post)
* click inside the blank comment box
* Above the (blank) comment box you'll see a number of little squares.
Left click on the
IMG box.
* A box titled
Explorer User Prompt will appear at the top of the screen.
* Right click into the white section & left click
paste into it after
* Left click
* Text beginning & ending with [/IMG] should now be in there.
* Click on
preview (just underneath) to see if your image worked!
PHEW! I hope that's not too clumsy an explanation, Diane! I had to have quite a few attempts (with many folk trying to help!
) before I got it right.
Af anyone else can explain that more clearly, please do!