THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 06:12 am
Hanging by both paws! Very Happy

You didn't manage to get a photograph of Tasha doing that, by any chance, mm? Wink
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 10:34 am
Unfortunately no. I didn't have my digital camera at the time Tasha was around.

Sometimes she comes to visit me in my dreams though. Wink
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 01:43 am
... As they do, mm. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 06:29 pm
Re: BorisKitten (Post 3701908)
I 'member my parents, with a Siamese, that night when The Boss came over for dinner...
Everything was Perfect for the dinner, except for our (Silver Point) Siamese cat, who carried into the Dinner Room my mom's bra, showing it happily to The Boss.

That was, oh, almost 40 yrs ago, and I still remember it!

Really, BorisKitten? Come on! You've gotta be making this up! Laughing

I swear it's true! I think this was the moment (I was 8 yrs old) when I decided I LOVE cats!

We got Silver when I was 7, neutered and declawed as a Kitten (reminder, this was the 1960's), and he remained a playful rascal his entire life.

He'd hide under tablecloths and grab your feet with his surprisingly strong, clawless hands when you walked by.

He would catch mice, rats, chipmunks, and birds, and bring them indoors ALIVE to horribly flutter/limp-about my mother's very-clean house. Mom wielded a broom many times at this cat-character.

Silver (Lilac-Point Siamese) was very fond of eating wool. No wool sweater or sock was safe from him, and we'd find remnants of our precious garments in his litter-box.

I vividly recall putting on a pullover one morning (I was about 8) only to find a perfectly-formed crescent of a cat bite out of the left sleeve, right at the cuff.

How very strange it was to skim a library book only today, and find that many Siamese/Burmese cats will eat wool! And here I thought Silver was one-of-a-kind.

Did the bra have wool in it? Well, maybe, way back when.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 06:32 pm
I had a ragdoll kitty named Tasha ...

Must... Have... Ragdoll.

Someday I will find one at my local Animal Control/Humane Society shelter.

Just like I finally found Boris (a Russian Blue) at that shelter.

<Squeal for cuteness!>
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Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 06:44 pm
AND... just this past week, I thought Boris Kitten HIMSELF was dead for many, many days. He was simply Gone for all that time, and what with the neighbor losing cats to local Coyotes, I thought for sure Boris had fallen prey to a Coyote.

Boris is NOT Dead! He is, in fact, fine, though more skinny and ratty than usual.

Even my husband (ostensibly NOT a Cat Person) searched and called for Boris while he was missing, and dreamed of Boris's return.

Hubby, just like me, would awaken terribly saddened to find the dream of Boris's return was NOT true.

Then 2 nights ago, hubby frantically gestured to me, and it was Boris Kitten, Returned!

I think I cried. I'm still SO Happy that Boris is back, and just fine!

Don't I wish Boris could tell me what happened to him during those 6 days and nights?

Boris is sticking VERY close to home now, thank goodness.

He is needy and crying a lot. On Boris's first night back, he woke hubby, crying at 4:30 AM.

Boris is presently getting a LOT of attention from mom, being carried about on her shoulder and purring like mad.

Boris, I Love You!

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 06:55 pm
Sorry to Hog Up this thread at the moment, but, well, I Love Cats!

Happy is a Maine Coon mix. I adopted him from our local Animal Control shelter in August, 2008, when he weighed 1 3/4 lbs at 8 weeks old.

In the past (almost) year, he's 'slpoded into the Biggest Kitten Ever!

If you like cats/kittens, I have a ridiculous number of videos on YouTube featuring Happy, Boris, and Nut.

Here's Happy's most-recent video:

Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 12:47 am
I swear it's true! I think this was the moment (I was 8 yrs old) when I decided I LOVE cats!

Well, how could you choose otherwise, BorisKitten? After a brilliant performance like that!! Very Happy

I vividly recall putting on a pullover one morning (I was about 8) only to find a perfectly-formed crescent of a cat bite out of the left sleeve, right at the cuff.

How very strange it was to skim a library book only today, and find that many Siamese/Burmese cats will eat wool! And here I thought Silver was one-of-a-kind.

Did the bra have wool in it? Well, maybe, way back when.

Silver must have had very sharp teeth! A perfectly formed crescent-shaped bite out of your jumper! Wouldn't you have loved to have seen a demonstration of exactly how to do that?Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 12:59 am
AND... just this past week, I thought Boris Kitten HIMSELF was dead for many, many days. He was simply Gone for all that time, and what with the neighbor losing cats to local Coyotes, I thought for sure Boris had fallen prey to a Coyote.

Boris is NOT Dead! He is, in fact, fine, though more skinny and ratty than usual.

Even my husband (ostensibly NOT a Cat Person) searched and called for Boris while he was missing, and dreamed of Boris's return.

Hubby, just like me, would awaken terribly saddened to find the dream of Boris's return was NOT true.

Then 2 nights ago, hubby frantically gestured to me, and it was Boris Kitten, Returned!

I think I cried. I'm still SO Happy that Boris is back, and just fine!

Don't I wish Boris could tell me what happened to him during those 6 days and nights?

Boris is sticking VERY close to home now, thank goodness.

He is needy and crying a lot. On Boris's first night back, he woke hubby, crying at 4:30 AM.

Boris is presently getting a LOT of attention from mom, being carried about on her shoulder and purring like mad.

Boris, I Love You!

Boris was GONE? For 6 days & nights?!!

Jeez, it would have been beside myself in similar circumstances, BorisKitten!

I'm so happy for you (and Boris, of course!) that he's returned.
Do you suspect some sort of foul play? (Given that he seems so distressed, poor little thing.)
Anyway, I suspect after this experience (whatever it was), he won't be straying too far from home for a bit!
Welcome home, BorisKitten!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 01:06 am
Sorry to Hog Up this thread at the moment, but, well, I Love Cats!

You do? I'd never have known that if you hadn't told us! Wink Very Happy

And please do continue to post away! As the spirit moves you! Absolutely no apologies required, BorisKitten. You are talking to similarly smitten folk here!

When I finally get off dial-up & make the transition to broadband (soon, very soon!) I will be able to enjoy your cat videos ... as I'm sure others are doing, as I type! Smile
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 10:02 am
Gads, msolga, I was heartbroken!

And here BK's "purring video" is Featured on my YouTube channel (happens automatically when a video's really popular). So it's right at the top of my YouTube page... I couldn't stand to look at it when he was missing.

Not to mention, Duh, I've named my very Self after him here on A2K.

Some cats are more special than others, y'know? They seem to love us more.

Speaking of which, was "Rats" the gray cat you spoke of many years ago? I think I recall him. Aaawww!

I had an all-white cat with one gold and one blue eye for 14 years, named Event, and he was Special, too. In his final decline I spent two weeks sleeping on the floor with him, I loved him that much. I still miss him, too.
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 10:04 am
One thing I've learned, when I go to the shelter looking for a new cat/kitten, I always pick them up.

Seems like a cat that doesn't like being picked up will never come to like it. And me, I adore picking them up and carrying them around.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 10:06 am
mm, I have this adorable image of you supervising your 5 babies in their safe backyard playroom. Makes me smile just thinking of it!
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 10:18 am
Our local Wal-Mart used to have an entire aisle named "Cat Furniture."

0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 10:36 am
OMG, msolga, you've no IDEA how many Cute Cat Videos you have to look forward to, when you get Broadband!

You simply MUST see YouTube's enormously popular "The Engineer's Guide to Cats":

Plus there's a 20-year-old fellow in Alaska who calls himself The Cat Guy. He spends his free time with the cats at his local Animal Control Shelter.

There's something so very cute about men who love cats!

Here's Cat Guy with his shelter favorite, Roger, a Maine Coon:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 07:17 pm
Ehn! I just found these photos, which I didn't know I had, of Happy, while he was still encaged at the Animal Control Shelter.

So very cute! He seems to be saying, "Adopt ME NOW!" in this first photo:


Darn it, I can't remember how to include a Flickr photo in my message... can anyone remind me?

And here's the same cat today (sorry, a link, not inline):

Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 08:30 pm
Do you suspect some sort of foul play? (Given that he seems so distressed, poor little thing.)
Anyway, I suspect after this experience (whatever it was), he won't be straying too far from home for a bit!

I actually do NOT suspect any foul play, though perhaps that's my own belief in Human Goodness...

I think Boris just got lost, somehow, and could not, for many days & nights, find his way home.

He's still looking very thin and ratty; his (skin) allergies look horrid. Still, he's eaten a great deal, so his little belly is kinda big right now, contrasting with his skinny limbs and face.

He is, in fact, sticking very close to home, thank goodness. Even today, 2 days after his return, he cries when he can't see me... he cries when he needs to go outdoors to pee/poop... he's just crying, period. Poor Baby!

Boris is the opposite of Happy Kitten, who is very calm and doesn't seem disturbed by anything. Happy's a Maine Coon mix, who fears nothing; Boris seems to fear Everything.

During Christmas we got a music-box, and both Boris and Happy checked it out. Boris ran away from the strange sounds, but Happy stuck his little head right into the box to check it out.

Happy seems too trusting to us: He sticks his head right into anything new, while Boris prudently runs away.

At any rate, don't I wish Boris could tell me where he was and what he experienced during his long absence!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 08:34 pm
P.S - Happy Kitten is NOT allowed outdoors! If I have my way, he will never, ever go out!

Happy seems content with his indoor life. I can "Park" him on his window-perch and find him sleeping there 6 hours later.

Even so, Boris didn't start his "screen-ripping" until he was about 2 yrs old. Worry for Happy!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 11:32 pm
Gads, msolga, I was heartbroken!....

I would have felt exactly the same as you - though perhaps a bit more hysterical? Wink
I'm not good in such situations ... at all!

... Not to mention, Duh, I've named my very Self after him here on A2K.

Very Happy


Speaking of which, was "Rats" the gray cat you spoke of many years ago? I think I recall him. Aaawww!

Yes, indeed he was, BorisKitten. He was very, very special to me. But what a memory you have! Surprised
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 11:39 pm
Wow, BK, Happy certainly did grow in size (& contentment!) under your careful supervision! Very Happy

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