THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 02:37 am
Ok. so I don't mind being called the crazy cat lady. Smile I only have 5.

Hey mm, I wouldn't be calling you "crazy" unless your critters were neglected & looked half-starved & miserable! But this bevy of beauties look absolutely terrific! (I tried really hard but couldn't really pick a favourite. They all look absolutely delightful! Very Happy )
Kudos to you for giving them all a good home & (obviously!) looking after them all so well. It must cost you a small fortune! Five very lucky cats, I reckon! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 02:41 am
I love this photograph, though ... (nothing to do with the particular cat, mind! They're all very beautiful! Smile )

neko nomad
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 08:25 am
Oh,Msolga, you and the Nomad have got to be kindred
souls! Were it not for me, this house would be overrun
with the neighborhood's cats. Particularly that Murphy
or Ronald,the tuxedo playboy from next door.




Miss Molly
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 01:18 pm
@neko nomad,
Ok, just I want to rub that white streak on Miss Molly's nose! It is sooo awesome! Smile

Such a cutie neko!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 01:31 pm
Ah, yes. I took this pic when I was recooping from surgery. That is the view I could see from my bed. Miss Wiley kitty. So curious!

I often use the pic as my desktop background. Smile

Shuggy Doo found a friend today

Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 05:40 pm
<Ehn!> (Sound in response to Excessive Cuteness...)

Gads, Magic Black Cat looks like my Kato, my first cat ever as a grown-up. She lived to be 17. Got her at about 8 weeks from a local Humane Society. I STILL miss her, and she passed on some 8 years ago.

And WHAT could be cuter than bringing you objects in the middle of the night? OMG, that's adorable!

Back in my Tampa days, living in a very, very old house (apt), Kato used to bring me roaches in the middle of the night.

Just be glad Taz doesn't bring you things that are, you know, Alive! Oh wait, was that spider alive? <Shudders>
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 08:03 pm
@neko nomad,
Oh,Msolga, you and the Nomad have got to be kindred
souls! Were it not for me, this house would be overrun
with the neighborhood's cats. Particularly that Murphy
or Ronald,the tuxedo playboy from next door.




Miss Molly


Dear Ms Molly

Always an absolute delight to hear from you! Very Happy
And (depite my own weaknesses) I do understand your concerns! Neko nomad seems to go looking for extra cats to adopt! I think he must wander your neighbourhood, looking for more! But, you know, I doubt he'd inflict Ronald,the tuxedo playboy from next door ( Shocked ) on your household. That would be just too much! So I think you're safe, for the time being, anyway. But I think you still keep a close watch on neko, anyway ... you never know when he might come across some irresistible critter, who's looking for a new place to reside! He's a bit of a soft touch, that's what I think!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 08:08 pm

Shuggy Doo found a friend today:


...er ... did the new friend survive the meeting, mm? I don't think it would have, if befriended by my cat!
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 09:03 pm
<Ehn!> (Sound in response to Excessive Cuteness...)

I know, BorisKitten! I get terribly sucked in & kinda gooey, too! Laughing

Back in my Tampa days, living in a very, very old house (apt), Kato used to bring me roaches in the middle of the night.

Oh that sounds nice! Smile
Quite a few years ago, I had a cat that used to "distribute" my jewelery & socks, etc, around the house while we were at work. I'd arrive home at night & there'd be a trail of bits & pieces, the whole length of the passage. I would have loved to have seen him at it! And I often wondered "why?".
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 10:28 pm
I suspect the "why" has to do with "love"... just my opinion.

I 'member my parents, with a Siamese, that night when The Boss came over for dinner...

Everything was Perfect for the dinner, except for our (Silver Point) Siamese cat, who carried into the Dinner Room my mom's bra, showing it happily to The Boss.

That was, oh, almost 40 yrs ago, and I still remember it!

Gads I love cats.
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 10:33 pm
Er, wait, I think they call them "Blue Point" Siamese cats.

His name was Silver, and although declawed (we're talkin' 1960's here) he'd bring home birds, chipmunks, squirrels, etc. SUCH a character.

Still love that cat, almost 40 years later.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 10:38 pm
mm, Would that, by chance, be a Skink, with a blue tail?

At any rate, those little lizards are poisonous.

A friend of mine had a cat who ate one of these Blue-Tailed Skinks, and the cat had "tremors" for the rest of her life. Her head would "shake" in a strange manner, and the cat didn't live very long.

SO many dangers for outdoor cats! Cripes, these days I try pretty hard to keep cats indoors.
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 11:47 pm
Yes it is the first time I have posted onto this thread msolga, their mother is a pure bred Burmese, the father ....unknown. They are both sound asleep hogging the fire at the moment.....my little corn children!
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 01:30 pm
BorisKitten wrote:

mm, Would that, by chance, be a Skink, with a blue tail?

At any rate, those little lizards are poisonous.

A friend of mine had a cat who ate one of these Blue-Tailed Skinks, and the cat had "tremors" for the rest of her life. Her head would "shake" in a strange manner, and the cat didn't live very long.

SO many dangers for outdoor cats! Cripes, these days I try pretty hard to keep cats indoors.

No worries. I intervened on the lizard's behalf after a while. It will live on for Sugar to befriend another day Smile

As for the lizard being poisonous. I don't think it is, but Sugar is really very gentle with them. Pushes it along with her paw to make it move. She's never seen critters like that as food so thankfully for me she doesn't really try to eat them.

BorisKitten...yes...the brown spider was alive! *shudder*

All five of my kitties are indoor cats, but they do get heavily supervised time outside in my back yard. I have a six foot block wall all the way around (which only Sugar can manage to jump to the top of thankfully) . I still watch them a lot. (Hence why I have so many pictures Smile ) They are even learning my language a bit. I'll say "Ok time to go inside babies." 4 out of 5 of them head for the door. Of course, Taz kitty doesn't know what it means yet, but he'll learn....eventually. Until then, it's good practice for us both on how to pick him up without him tazzing out. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 09:35 pm

Some good looking kitty critters there.

Love ginger cats!
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 05:01 am

I 'member my parents, with a Siamese, that night when The Boss came over for dinner...

Everything was Perfect for the dinner, except for our (Silver Point) Siamese cat, who carried into the Dinner Room my mom's bra, showing it happily to The Boss.

That was, oh, almost 40 yrs ago, and I still remember it!

Really, BorisKitten? Come on! You've gotta be making this up! Laughing
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 05:09 am
Burmese, KiwiChic! They're beautiful! And they're supposed to be very cheeky & playful, too! (I do read my cat breed books! Wink )
I once had a cat who was suspected (!) of being part-Burmese. His name was Rats. He was incredibly loyal - a strictly one person (me!) cat. He followed me everywhere, always thinking up clever & often very funny ways of getting my attention. I just loved Rats. Never had another cat quite like him.
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 06:38 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 10:10 am
Thanks Margo. Smile

0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 10:14 am
I had a ragdoll kitty named Tasha who was quite famous for attaching herself to a door knob, (hanging from it with both paws!) then looking over her shoulder at me and giving a soft and pathetic "mew" Who cannot resist letting a kitty out when they ask sooo nicely!

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