THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 04:48 am
A pleasure, Aldistar. They really are very good!
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Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 03:46 am
I was really pleased with my Poppy today. Today I had to do the horror trip into the vet's for her annul shots. But, apart from a few half-hearted complaints (during the car trip there), she was terrific! She sat through the consultation in a cool, calm & collected manner. Amazing. Surprised Remember 3 years ago (when I adopted her as a "just off the street" 3 year old stray)? During her first visit to the vet she was so terrified the poor little thing actually shat herself! (And was so mortified! Sad ) But today she took it all in her stride, like a real trouper. I'm so proud of her! Clever girl, Poppy! Very Happy
Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 04:07 am
... AND the vet complimented me on Poppy's teeth. Said they were about as good as she's seen on any of her cat "patients". It's those raw chicken wings she just loves to gnaw on. Me, I'm feeling mightily relieved the visit went so well. And that it's over for another year! Phew!
Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 04:16 am
Some of us seem not to have the quote button for some reason or other.
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Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 04:17 am
In the meantime, I am looking after a very sleek & pretty two year old grey tabby, for a friend whose traveling in central Oz for a fortnight. A completely different kettle of fish to Poppy. This one's rather wired up & toey. And goes by the name of Mimi. This week she seems much more interested in sitting on my lap during my daily visits, than her dinner. Missing her owner, I think.
Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 04:41 am
Cats do not have owners instead they had human slaves<grin> after all it was the great cat god who created humans in the first place to serve and take care of his cats.
Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 04:45 am
Oh as if I didn't know this already, Bill! Wink Smile
Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 04:19 pm
A cat article in the NYTimes with some enjoyable comments from those responding to it...
Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 04:28 pm
Taking my Nermal to the vet is a hoot. He travels well and submits to the usual poking and prodding for awhile. Once he's tired of it, though, with great dignity, he steps back into the carrier. One foot at a time, and no facial expression at all.
Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 05:42 pm

Thanks for posting this. Very interesting, osso!

I have very strong feelings about the assertions being made, of course! Wink ... & may even respond later (when I'm not on the run, like now)

Right now I'm feeling somewhat indignant! Evil or Very Mad Razz

In Scorn (and Praise) of Cats

Cat-lovers, to arms, or at least to pen! A litany of unwarranted aspersions on our feline companions is to be found in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an otherwise objective publication.

Cats “are more attached to places than people” is the first calumny.

“Cats do not perform directed tasks,” is the second.

It gets worse. “Their actual utility is debatable, even as mousers.”

These deplorable judgments are part of the authors’ thesis that cats took a different route to domestication than did other domestic animals.

All the other species, in the authors’ view, were bred by people for their desired qualities. Cats, being without utility, were not. Instead, they domesticated themselves and chose their own mates without human interference. .....

Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2009 05:44 pm
Taking my Nermal to the vet is a hoot. He travels well and submits to the usual poking and prodding for awhile. Once he's tired of it, though, with great dignity, he steps back into the carrier. One foot at a time, and no facial expression at all.

Haha, clever Nermal, Roger. I do like to see a cat whose in control of the situation! Smile
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neko nomad
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 02:35 pm
As far as Miss Molly's concerned, happiness is a clean bunkie, an on-call
waiter in a year-round hunting lodge we, her guardians, call our house, and
access to live toys. This is what I saw out the kitchen window this morning.

She was briefly transported back to kittenhood out there under the apple tree.


If you look closely in the enlarged view, you'll see her eye peering through
the grass at the little critter as she's about to nudge it along with her paw.
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 08:10 pm
@neko nomad,
Very Happy

She's frisky, neko! What a delightful photograph.

Ms Molly enjoys the summer of 2009. (She looks in terrific shape if an "oldie" by the way!)
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Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 08:59 pm
@neko nomad,
"Nudge it along with her paw"! Yeah, my two are great and formidible hunters, too.
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Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 09:41 pm
Of course ...

but I read at least seven pages of replies and some of them were absolutely great. Memorably great. Not necessarily right away, but some very good writers replied. It got to be a sharp writers about cats thing, to me.

Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 09:53 pm
It got to be a sharp writers about cats thing, to me.


Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 09:55 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 10:40 pm
I have twins, both are identical in colourings and size...I have to place different coloured collars on them so hubby can tell them apart....I know their personalities too well. They hate the cold, but love the rain, Yana knows how to push my bedroom door open in the morning and dive into my bed.....and they both hide from hubby when its time to go to work, much to his annoyance.

Yuki wont bother with birds or mice its just not her thing...Yana on the other hand comes home with her prize catch and tries desperately to bring them into the house. She even stole the neighbors budgie and brought this poor lifeless little creature to the back porch...I had to get hubby to pry it away from her and dispose it into the wheely bin before any evidence floated into the neighbors back yard. Yuki is the neighborhood bully, for a tiny cat (who is all wired together from a hit and run) she certainly gets into scrapes all the time...she has cost us a fortune in vet bills.
But they are my babies.

Anyway there is some idiot in my area who is killing cats with antifreeze and its been all through the papers here, people get to write in all the pros and cons of cats to the newspaper. I had an open public argument with some clown from another area who wrote in and whinged about how cat owners should come to his property and pick up all the cat poo and so on....he further went on to suggest that there should be restrictions placed upon cats just like dogs.........I was like "whaaat!" so I wrote in and suggested maybe this Nitwit should place a sign up saying 'No cats Allowed' ... I didn't think the paper would publish it...but they did, and included the Nitwit part. He spat back publicly which made him look even more half witted than before, so I just laughed and left it at that.

Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2009 03:55 am
Welcome to the cat thread, KiwiChic! Smile (I think this is the first time you've posted here?)

Twin cats! Double the trouble! Lucky you!

Yuki wont bother with birds or mice its just not her thing...Yana on the other hand comes home with her prize catch and tries desperately to bring them into the house. She even stole the neighbors budgie and brought this poor lifeless little creature to the back porch...I had to get hubby to pry it away from her and dispose it into the wheely bin before any evidence floated into the neighbors back yard. Yuki is the neighborhood bully, for a tiny cat (who is all wired together from a hit and run) she certainly gets into scrapes all the time...she has cost us a fortune in vet bills.

Sounds like never a dull moment with these two! What type of cat are they? Perhaps "bistas*" like my cat?

Did the neighbours ever find out what happened to their budgie?

(bistas= bits & pieces of many cat cat breeds. In fact, sort of a breed of their own! Very Happy )
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 11:21 pm
Ok. so I don't mind being called the crazy cat lady. Smile I only have 5. I've shown you pics of Magic and Henry, but I can't resist throwing in a few more.

My "Magic" Black Cat. 17 years old and spolied. I've had her since she was 5 weeks old.
Another one of Magic......ahem... "Queen Magikistan".

Henry 17 years old. Magic's brother. Their mom kitty was a calico.

Sugar aka Shoogy Doo, Woogy Shoo, Woogy Shoodle...etc. (yes..I am crazy :crazy: ) About 3 years old. I got her from the Human Society. She was a package deal with Wiley.

Another one of Sugar, basking in the warm AZ sun

Sugar's littermate Wiley. 3 years old, rather skittish but loves her outdoor cat enclosure. Her and Sugar were a package deal. Wiley depends on Sugar's confidence. I could not bear to see Wiley have to live without her sister. I'm a soft touch. I know! Smile

This little guy found me in my work parking lot! Taz named himself when I went to pick him up. You can imagine what 6 claws can do. Well lucky for me, he's all bark and not much bite. I call him Fuzzy Face because his face has turned so fuzzy!
I cannot believe how much his mane has grown in just a few months. Here he is more what he looks like now. Last night he brought me a red kitchen towel, a cleaning towel, a stuffed owl, and a bunch of napkins and dropped them off the foot of my bed. He was so proud to show me he meowed all the way into my bedroom at 4AM. Lucky me! I can only hope he doesn't keep bringing the spider I found the other night. ....*shudder* Really, this cat lady doesn't do spiders...especially not big brown ones. >.< Can I hire some guy just to come get spiders and dead lizards out of my house?

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