THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

the prince
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 09:08 am
I know excatly what I am missing sweetheart, that is precisely why I dont get one :p
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 06:09 am
@the prince,
Hmmm, perhaps you should get yourself a fluffy little dog then, G? They might be more your thing. Wink
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 06:32 am
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooo - I just got home - my black kitty is hurt - he's got something wrong with his eye - oh, it looks horrible. You can't see his green eye - only white and it's all weeping - if I try and open his eye its.... looks like his eye has been cut and is gonna pop out. I gotta get him straight to the vet. Sad fretting.

oh oh oh........... off to vet ...
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 06:53 am
Oh nooooo, Iz! Poor little black cat! Sad

Good luck. I do hope he'll be OK. Please let us know what the vet says when you can manage it, Iz. (You poor ol' thing! You don't need this!)
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 08:23 am
Poor poor black shadow kitty - his cornea is punctured and been leaking fluid and his third eyelid is ripped apart. They are operating on him now. Sad

Gonna phone me in a few hours and let me know if his eye is going to be OK. We had to wait for an hour as the emergency vet was in surgery - then they took him straight in for surgery. The vet said that with humans - you can superglue the cornea if there is a puncture - but with him they think they are going to have to stitch his eye. YUK. The third eyelid they will stitch together as best they can. The fluid would have been leaking a maximum of 5 hours from when I left for work 'til when I came home ... I hope he doesn't lose his eye.

Pdawg - if you're around - what do you reckon?????????

Poor black kitty - vet said he would have been in pain - but he was purring in my arms and just looking at me - with his one good eye.


Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 08:49 am
Oh that's terrible, Izzie! Poor little cat & poor you! I do hope that they can save his eye! Sad

I wonder what happened to him? A fight, do you think?
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 10:18 am


yep, most certainly, a claw poke in the eye! Prolly his brother when rough and tumbling - they play together all the time, it's play fighting gone wrong. Boyz will be boyz.

so..... they have sewn his eye together. Shut.

The puncture in his cornea they have looked at very closely and think putting the stitches in will cause more scarrring to occur. The third eyelid was shredded and all the surrounding cartilage (?) (it really was disgusting to look at, poor fella) .... he has had lots of tiny stitches. They believe that if the whole eye third eyelid is stitched shut together then the cornea will hopefully repair itself.

So, he's in a bit of a sorry state with just the one eye right now - of course, being a pirate cat, that would be about right a?

I can go pick him up at 6 and then have to keep him inside until he gets used to seeing with only one eye. Then in 10days or so they will remove the stitches and re-open the eyelid and ..... hope for the best. Bless my kitty. Such a shame.
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 10:31 am
So, he's in a bit of a sorry state with just the one eye right now - of course, being a pirate cat, that would be about right a?

I can go pick him up at 6 and then have to keep him inside until he gets used to seeing with only one eye. Then in 10days or so they will remove the stitches and re-open the eyelid and ..... hope for the best. Bless my kitty. Such a shame. Sad

Oh oh oh! ... that sounds so painful, Iz!

Sighing in sympathy.

I guess all we can do now is hope (like crazy!) that that a little miracle happens in 10 days time. Poor kitty! Poor tired Izzie! You didn't need this!

Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 10:45 am
The vet was very reassuring - lovely kind gentleman - hopefully Kitty will be alright - I think I'm going to have to keep the boyz apart for 24 hours or so because they tumble all the time, but they also curl up and sleep and wash together - Murphy may want to wash and clean Kitty when we get back from the vets - which prolly won't do Kitty's eye any good at all - so, just gonna keep him in the conservatory overnite so he can have some peace. Bless him.

Kitty is my boy. He cuddles up to me and rests his head on me when I'm tired. Strange, it is - I'm sure he senses every little thing I feel. He does. He's ma boy!

Off to pick him in up in 5mins. Very Happy

Yep, MsOlga.... tired tired right now, overly so.

Thanku hun... thanks x
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 12:34 pm
<cut and paste>

Oh My Goodness

He’s such a trooper Razz

Kitty is doing really well. Eeeeeeeeeeeuw " eye looks awful - nasty nasty nasty " but he’s on the happy meds and tho he’s a bit wibbly wobbly " he’s straight out in the conservatory chasing flies " as if nothing has happened.

He pulled his own canula out at the vets “me-ow thankee very much, had enough of that, that’s coming out right now, me-ow!!!!!!!!!!!” " took off his bandage when we got home and now he wants to play!

Have to keep him inside until Saturday (he's not gonna be happy about that) " then back to the vets just to make sure all is healing OK " then another week later, take out the stitches and open up his eyelid " hope for the best then, but the vet was very reassuring that he should still have most of his sight. So that’s great news. And he’s feeling no pain right now. Antibiotics too.

(only pain is the very large hole in my bank account Shocked hey ho, he's my boy!)

You wouldn’t believe how active he is already " he really wants to go outside " but no can do!!!! and he’s verra handsome still.



Chasing flies

Scooby is concerned!


How handsome is he!

Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 09:12 pm
So glad to hear he's perked up today! He certainly sounds super-resilient, Iz!
And (Awwww!) he's such a beauty! (I'm a sucker for black cats. Very Happy )

So ... fingers crossed that the vet is correct in his predictions about the eye. In the meantime, you try & get a bit of rest, hear? Sounds like you really need to. I'm sorry about the dent in your savings ... I know all about that! Unavoidable when one has critters, isn't it? Generally when one can least afford the expense. Goes with the territory. Neutral
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 09:16 pm
... oh & I love the photograph with Scooby. What a sweet dog you have there! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 10:42 pm
Owie!!!!! OWIEEE!

They're stoic critters.

I do hope the eye will be well!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 01:31 am
Fingers crossed here, too, Iz
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:17 am
Thanku everyone - he's doing well today. He escaped out the door this morning for about 10 mins but came back in without too much cajoling - a few whistles and the hint of sardine aroma (peuw) has wonderful effect on the kitties Wink He's had his antibiotics - took them no probs thankfully and metacam anti-inflams and pain meds dropped onto the sardines - and munched it all straight down. Phew.

So, so pleased he is doing well - thanku for your wishes for him - even tho it looks nasty, I'm hoping/fairly sure he's not in pain. Just so grateful I found him in the house and could get him straight to the vet - he was verra brave. The vet is an opthamology specialist that folk come near and far for his expertise in the West Country - so that was very fortunate.

So, all is well with the black boy - now, if I could only get him to stop scrapping with his brother - it really is playful scrapping and tumbling, racing like twisters through the house - he's less likely to scrap outside - but he won't be used to being the one eyed black shadow - so..... will see what vet says on Saturday. Think he may be able to go out again once he's had his first post op check.

I need to think about insurance for the cats.... the cost of the op (not that it isn't worth it - he's worth every penny) was the cost of a holiday to Italy or feeding a small nation for a year. Hefty vet fees - not sure I can do that again tho gawd forbid any of the animals/family get hurt - so, gonna have to find out about insurance. Always had the animals insured in my previous life with a regular income - but, you know..... times a change. Need to make some phonecalls. One of those responsible jobs I keep putting off.

Kitty is doing well right now - so that's good news. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 May, 2009 01:17 am
thank goodness for that!

Rest and relax all round.
Reply Fri 22 May, 2009 05:49 pm
Back to the vet tomorrow - he seems to be doing well.... can see a little of his eye so think a stitch may have come out- he's been quieter today - but really, considering, he's doing grand. He's a trooper cat of the colour. Love him. x
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 05:39 am
I hope the news is good tomorrow, Iz!
Good luck!
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 07:13 am
Hey hey - oh it is, it is!

Kitty went to vet, they put local anaesthetic in his eye, pair of scissors and cut some of the stitches - you can see some/most of his eye now but his third eyelid is very scraggy and still has lots of dissolvable stitches in. Thismorning when I woke up the noise from the dawn chorus was so loud so I opened all the bedroom windows - of course, Kitty decided to engage The Great Escape and out onto the conservatory roof - he was not gonna come in (nyah nyah nyah na nyah sorta thing) - mission impossible, so had to clamber onto the roof (thankee kindly no neighbour was nearby <ahem>) - and got him in. So far he's managed 3 escapes - but the vet said he can go back outside again now - he is so happy.

Have to take him back to the vet in 10 days to check the corneal puncture has healed over - but ya know, I KNOW he's gonna be just fine.

There's not too much I can do to stop the boyz tumbling as they do - or racing around the house - they are actually better outside where they climb trees and play - too confined in the house. They really do tear around - naughty kittens - love it.

'Aye 'Aye - as the pirate kitty would say! Razz
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 07:19 am
...but ya know, I KNOW he's gonna be just fine.

I have the same feeling, Izzie. I do hope we're both right! Very Happy

You wouldn't happen to have a photograph of your good self on the roof, rescuing young black cat, would you? Wink

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