THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2009 09:42 am
Oh Snood... sorry.

It's a very personal decision on which way to go now. So sorry.

Let us know how it goes tomorrow. Talk to the vet and see what their thoughts are about how progressive it will be.

My big orange cat had cancer. It's a tough call what to do for the best.

Think on it a little before making a decision.

Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2009 05:12 pm
What happened wth your big orange cat?
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2009 05:52 pm
well... he had tmour behind his ear.... I had i removed, it regrew - it caused his to twitch in the face as his whole face was pulled tight as they had to remove a lot. After the second surgery - I waited for a bit - it started regrowing and the twitching and diorientation had worsened. They thought it was like a epileptic fit. He had a second surgery.

One day Snood - he was just sat on my printer looking at me as I was typing...twiching, a tad uncomfotable - he smiled at me and closed his eyes - you know like they do when the say their loving up - he purred... then he tiwtched badly... he smiled again - gave me permission.... I called the vet - within half and hour I had the vet in my house and held him when they put him to sleep lying in my arms.... (k....tears now)... his whole face was tight and disformed - so i made the call. Broke my heart but he didnt have to suffer in anyway. He was around 7 years old. Still makes me very sad but I do believe we did what we coud so he would have quality of life. I couldnt put him through any more surgery. I let him sleep.

Hoping you wont have to go through that - chemo is a lot for a kitty to go through but ... it the chances are good....hard to tell hunni. Good luck.

Talk with the vet tomorrow. xxxx
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 02:12 am
Aw snood, I'm so sorry about the prognosis.
Poor little George. Poor you! Sad

Please feel free to talk the issues through with us cat lovers here, if it helps you. Many of us have been through similar, sad experiences with some of our darling critters. Sigh.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 03:37 am
So sorry to hear that Snood.

I do hope the little fella has some great days left.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 05:33 am
Oh, Snood, I am so sad to hear the news about George. Talk to your vet...and watch your kitty. He will let you know what to do.
neko nomad
Reply Thu 26 Mar, 2009 02:36 pm
My sincerest condolences..
I'm already dreading when the day comes when I won't hear Nekochan's loud breathing in the bedroom anymore. And she's as active as ever.

On a lighter note:
Here it is,Thursday again, and Miss M just loves laundry day,
in case you didn't already know:


Not exactly a guilty expression on her face, wouldn'y you say?
Reply Thu 26 Mar, 2009 11:49 pm
Talk to your vet...and watch your kitty. He will let you know what to do.


Thinking of you, Snood. And also George, of course.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Mar, 2009 11:53 pm
@neko nomad,
Not exactly a guilty expression on her face, wouldn'y you say?

No, not exactly, neko.
But then, it looks like Thursday is her favourite day. Obviously! Wink
I think she thinks you don't mind, either! Smile
neko nomad
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2009 08:46 am
Miss M has a social life of her own now, and Murphy, a grey
fluffy shorthair from Max's former home, pays her a visit daily.
Usually they'll sit on the lawn chairs by the back door, but sometimes
there'll be a game of tag, as shown here where Molly is out of reach.


Murphy's still too shy for having his picture taken any closer than this.

Anyway, this sort of thing lasts for about a half-hour, after which she's
ready to come back inside.
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2009 11:25 am
aw, Snood! Sorry to hear about cancer. My mom's cat had cancer and lived without chemo for several good years longer, she did have to go in periodically for surgeries to have the masses removed. Talk to your vet and get all of your options. It is true that George will let you now what is the right way to go.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 02:49 am
@neko nomad,
Molly & Murphy.
Aw, that's nice for her, neko! A daily visitor! Very Happy

um ... Murphy isn't looking for a new home, by any chance? Wink
neko nomad
Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 12:13 pm
He doesn't appear to be so far. MsO; he has a very caring home environment, and furthermore, these visits are reciprocal. Miss Mollie spends time in his backyard also. We have no intention of inviting him in, either. But time will tell, though.

The late Max, on the other hand, would pay Nekochan visits daily, pawing at the back door to be let in- regardless of weather- and would vocally inform us when he was ready to leave, and if the weather would be bitter cold or snowing, I'd carry him back and place him indoors at his house. You see, he was an elderly cat. Max had, in effect, two homes.

I must say that Murphy and Miss Mollie have it all: caring guardians and a social life outside the house.

Reply Mon 30 Mar, 2009 07:49 pm
@neko nomad,
I must say that Murphy and Miss Mollie have it all: caring guardians and a social life outside the house.

I can't argue with that, neko. It doesn't get much better for felines than that!

Max sounded like an old sweetie. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 07:17 am
Help. I need an extra pair of hands around here! I'm having a helluva time trying to give Poppy antibiotics twice a day, plus wash the wound on her back twice a day, too. She's becoming increasingly ferocious about not wanting this treatment & struggles like crazy to get away from me.
I might have mentioned that there was a new, rather handsome young tabby cat (called Nelson) next door. He came with the new (very nice) neighbours. But unfortunately he seems to be involved in non-stop territorial wars with about 3 other cats in the area. And sadly, my poor, gentle Poppy copped a rather nasty bite on her back courtesy of Nelson, who appears to believe that her territory is his. I was not impressed! Evil or Very Mad Nor was I thrilled at having to visit the vet (Poppy hates car travel), say nothing of the size of the vet's bill. (How come it costs more for a cat's visit to the vet than it does for a human's to visit a doctor? But that's another issue ... ) So now I am trying to figure out all sorts of clever ways to sneak up on her, catch her unawares, & try to quickly pop one of those dreaded pills down her throat before she struggles to get away from me. Three days down & quite a few more to go yet before this is over. She is treating me with great suspicion, wondering why I'm torturing her like this ... Sigh. This is not fun! Sad
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 08:11 am

I hear you, sister.

Have you tried a pill-popper to see if it makes it easier?
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 08:15 am
Yes. Even got a new one.
Trouble is, she grits her teeth. Really, really tightly. Sort of like lock jaw.
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 08:21 am
0 Replies
neko nomad
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 08:48 am
A hello to the folks down under from

Cat At Work:


Miss Mollie is really becoming the girl of the neighborhood, now counting a handsome
male tuxedo cat among her visitors, who are all well-behaved.
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 02:13 am
@neko nomad,
Hello back to you, neko & critters!

Perhaps your visiting tuxedo cat could teach young Nelson from next door some manners on how to share territory without the aggro? Rolling Eyes

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