THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 08:39 am
So hard when the kids grow up, eh?
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 09:10 am
yep.... felt like the first day of school! (oooh "will they be alright", "oh, don't fall in the river" "don't eat the daffodils leaves, you'll be poorly" - ha. I'm even glad they are in right now and fur is flying everywhere having already done the hoovering.

oh gosh - got to go thru it all over again tomorrow! Razz
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 09:20 am
or today.... Murphy made a dash for it.... he's outside and giving me the "yeah right, my tummy is full, I'm smelling the roses" look... ohhhhhhhh....

going to busy myself now! Confused
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 09:54 am
ohhhhhhh.... he climbed a tree - mad mad kittie - he's loving it! Back in now - doors firmly closed!!!!!!!!!!

(so not good for the nerves)
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 12:23 pm
Dropped George off this morning for his surgery (tumor on leg removed). supposed to pick him up at about 4pm, after they've had time to make sure he's recovered from anesthesia okay. Poor little guy had to segregated from his fellow cats at the last two mealtimes, in order to fast before surgery. And he looked bewildered all the way up to when I left him at the doc's. Good news is, they said they wouldn't call unless there was some complication, and they haven't called yet - and its been long enough that he should be in recovery now...

I'll keep y'all posted on how Georgie does...
Debra Law
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 12:30 pm
Cats are very resilient animals, thus their reputation for having 9 lives. But that doesn't stop us from worrying about them. I'll be watching for your updates.
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Debra Law
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 12:54 pm
It's been a long time since I posted on the cat thread.

Our three babies are still healthy, but always a handful. Our newest girl, Sally, has been with us just over four years. Our middle girl, Tabby (13 years old this year), is STILL jealous of Sally and engages in spiteful acts. The cats have a play cube, but the only one that really enjoys it is Sally. We call it "Sally's house" because she has invented many games involving the cube. She's so funny, full of playfulness, and makes us laugh all the time. She LOVES her house.

Tabby, on the other hand, is our grumpy girl. Last night, she went into Sally's house. My husband and I were looking at each other with raised eyebrows and commenting on how strange that was because Tabby NEVER goes into the cube. Sally immediately noticed and ran over to inspect. "What are you doing in my house?" Then I heard the telltale scratching sound. Tabby pooped in Sally's house! How MEAN is that?

We accept the fact that Tabby is mean and spiteful, we love her anyway. But I am astounded by the many things she does to be mean to Sally.

Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 01:40 pm
Oh Snood ... I must've missed your previous post - so hoping George will be alright. Keep us posted...

Debra - hey there - my boys here are brothers and tho they tumble all the time - are both very reliant on each others company. They make me laugh with the antics they get up to. Not sure how they will be with the neighbours cat who believes he lives he too - he's always popping by - think some kitty fights or growls may start up once they decide whose territory belongs to whom!
Debra Law
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 02:09 pm
Izzie wrote:
Debra - hey there - my boys here are brothers and tho they tumble all the time - are both very reliant on each others company. They make me laugh with the antics they get up to. Not sure how they will be with the neighbours cat who believes he lives he too - he's always popping by - think some kitty fights or growls may start up once they decide whose territory belongs to whom!

My three girls go wild if they notice a strange cat in our yard. They race from window to window trying to get glimpses of the intruder--and they are clearly MAD!
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 03:57 pm
@Debra Law,
Here's the boys on their 1st outing!

(there's a wabbit lurking around about!) Razz

Snood... what's news mate?
Debra Law
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 05:22 pm
Izzie wrote:

Here's the boys on their 1st outing!

How old are they? They're handsome boys, and very busy ones too. They must keep you on your toes. Smile
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Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:05 pm
Well, I got him home.
The doc said his tumor came off without any event - they didn't have to go very deep, and only needed a couple of stitches. They have his whole foreleg shaved and the wound wrapped with an orange pressure bandage that they tell me I'm supposed to take off tonight. whew!

I don't have much experience that would tell me what a normal reaction to the after effects of anesthesia would be for a cat, but George seems to me to be debilitated in the extreme. When I put the carrier down in the house and let him out, first he sat there looking dim-eyed and lost for several minutes, then he literally dragged himself out, as if all of his legs were useless, and not just the one wrapped in bandages. He dragged himself out, then flopped on one side and stopped. I called the vet and the tech said some cats were very slow shaking off the effects of being "under". Now 2.5 hours later, he has thrown up twice, not taken any water or food, and not walked 4 steps without falling. I'm just staying with him in my room, watching him sleep. Sure will be glad when he starts feeling more himself.

The only experience I've had with anesthesia is a couple operations of my own on my shoulder and wrist. I think I was up and about a few hours later.

Geez I'm like a doting old mother hen, here. Can't help it - George is m'boy.
Debra Law
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:11 pm
Good for George. He needs to sleep it off. Tonight, you will have to place him in a carrier or cage to make sure he isn't stumbling about while you're asleep. He could injure himself otherwise.
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Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:21 pm
Oh Snood - glad he is home and recovering

In my experience - my cats (not the boys above) who have had anaesthesia stayed groggy for quite a few hours after - really.... around 24 hours before they have looked as tho they hadn't had a few beers.

It's horrible to watch because they can be so disorientated and try to get up and then flop down. Lots of peace and calm and away from the other kitties - no loud noises... that's what I did ... if you think he's still struggling later on, give the vet another call - they won't mind reassuring you, I'm sure. So glad they managed to remove the tumour.

Hey Debra - the boys are 8ish months now - I got them from the Cats Protection League - they had been there a while because no-one wanted them Sad - how could they NOT! They really are a bundle of energy and compliment each other in every way. Currently, playing with marbles in the conservatory - it's like kitty subbuteo out there. Very Happy
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Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 07:35 pm
Hey, Snood! Not unusual to have groggy cats when you bring them home. My experience and I do have lots, is that it takes awhile for them to get the "stuff" out of their systems. They have to metabolize it and it will take a few hours. Leave the water bowl out and don't try to feed until cat is fully awake and really knows what is going on.

When will you know the pathology report? I really hope it is benign and have my fingers crossed.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 11:45 pm
Thanks, VN Nurse and all who have offered words of enlightenment and encouragement. He is slowly coming around - actually had the wherewithal to climb from my chest, as I lay on the floor with him, to the bed without any boost from me. I'm hoping by sunrise he will have shaken off the worst of the grogginess, and feels and acts more himself.
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 12:46 am
Kind of heart-wrenching, isn't it?

Hope the biopsy results are good!!!
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Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 01:22 am
We did it ..... oh my goodness.... they are back inside (phew phew phew)

Covered their paws in butter (does that work?????) and opened the door and off they ventured for about an hour as I followed them around.

Well done, Izzie!

Well done, pussy cats!

You all survived!

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 01:28 am
ohhhhhhh.... he climbed a tree - mad mad kittie - he's loving it! Back in now - doors firmly closed!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like Murphy is the confident one, Iz.

But I suspect he'll calm down once the backyard is more "normal" to him.

Here, have a glass of Oz Sav Blanc ...... It'll calm your nerves a little. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 01:32 am
Aw, snood, I know how you feel about dropping George off to the vet like that! You feel for them & they don't know what the heck is going on! Sad

Yes, please tell us how the surgery went.
Fingers crossed.
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