THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 06:21 am
Very Happy Sounds like bedlam, Izzie! But good bedlam!

I'd be just as anxious as you about their first steps outdoors. But I'll bet it'll be OK.

Good luck!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 05:37 am
My cat George has got a "tumor" (the vet's word for it, disturbing a word choice as it is) on his right front leg, right above the 'thumb' claw on his paw. We found it because there was a blooddrop trail coming from somewhere on him, and the vet discovered it after a thorough exam (his long black hair made it difficult). We have him on a 3 day regimen of antibiotics, then I have to take him in to be put under anesthetic and have the thing removed and biopsy sent to a lab at LSU for evaluation.

I really love this stupid cat, and don't exactly know how I'd handle it if something was really wrong (even though intellectually I know and accept the whole reality about us and our pets all being mortal, with limited time). When we're just hanging out, I think I feel like it will be like this forever, then something like this reminds me that we aren't guaranteed good health, nor longevity, nor nothing.

Anyway some folks and friends tell me their animals have had similar growths removed with no further related incident, so I'm pretty optimistic about this particular thingie.

thanks for letting me share.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 05:42 am
Hope all is well with the little guy!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 08:09 am
Snood, I hope your kitty will be OK. I have three of the little beasties and I love them.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 09:08 am
Miranda was back at the vet for a check-up this am by the way.

She's looked well the past few weeks, and has been very happy and snuggly.

Vet very pleased with her.

So...even if we haven't bought her MUCH time, it's turned out to be really good quality time...and I am happy with that.

She looks about 6 years old again!!!
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 02:53 pm
Smiling big time.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 01:00 am
I really love this stupid cat, and don't exactly know how I'd handle it if something was really wrong (even though intellectually I know and accept the whole reality about us and our pets all being mortal, with limited time). When we're just hanging out, I think I feel like it will be like this forever, then something like this reminds me that we aren't guaranteed good health, nor longevity, nor nothing.

Anyway some folks and friends tell me their animals have had similar growths removed with no further related incident, so I'm pretty optimistic about this particular thingie.

Aw, snood, I'm so sorry. In spite of what you say about George being a "stupid cat" (& I don't believe you actually think this for a minute! Smile Wink ), I know you'd be very, very unhappy if something was seriously wrong with him. So I have my fingers crossed that you're absolutely correct about his "thingie" not being one of the nasty ones. Please keep us posted, snood.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 01:05 am
Miranda was back at the vet for a check-up this am by the way.

She's looked well the past few weeks, and has been very happy and snuggly.

Vet very pleased with her.

So...even if we haven't bought her MUCH time, it's turned out to be really good quality time...and I am happy with that.

She looks about 6 years old again!!!

Clever girl, Miranda! Yay! Very Happy

I'm so pleased about this latest bit of news, Deb! Particularly about her enjoying good quality time with you.

You've made the right decisions. I'm so glad it's worked out so well.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:25 am
Hey, love the Afghan Girl. I've been debating ordering the poster from National Geographic.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:32 am
So, Ms Izzie...

How did the Big Outdoor Venture go?
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 11:43 am
Deb, how old is Miranda? I think I missed it back in the thread. I had a cat who lived with Addison's disease (JFK had it) for 5 yrs to a ripe old age of 18 with me medicating him twice a day. He was very good about it. He died in December of'04 and I still can't throw away his meds. I know, I know...sentimental here. I could write a book about "Cats I Have Loved"!

Roger, I love the picture of the Afghan girl also and was thinking of purchasing it. Haunting isn't it?

My present kitties are two almost 4 yr olds...brother and sister half Persian and half American shorthairs....CoCo and Fergus. CoCo looks black but has a very dark brown undercoat and long hair. Fergus looks like an ocelot! He has medium length hair and is silver with black and white. His pink nose is perfectly lined with black like its been outlined. People just stop in their tracks when they see him he is so unusual. Olga, on one of my non Luddite days I will figure out how to put their pictures online! The other baby is a 14 going on 15 yr old Siamese that is so sweet and hardly makes a peep but is cuddly. The other two do not like to be held but flop on you at the most inopportune times...like when you are reading a newspaper or doing a crossword puzzle, they sit right in the middle of it with their rear ends in your face. Typical, no?
neko nomad
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:06 pm
Miss Molly wants everyone to know she's been discharged from
the Nomad rcovery ward as of this weekend as fully recovered.
Here she is enjoying a fresh air break today:


And here's how she was doing the same a gear ago:


Spring can't come soon enough for her....
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:10 pm
My present kitties are two almost 4 yr olds...brother and sister half Persian and half American shorthairs....CoCo and Fergus. CoCo looks black but has a very dark brown undercoat and long hair. Fergus looks like an ocelot! He has medium length hair and is silver with black and white. His pink nose is perfectly lined with black like its been outlined. People just stop in their tracks when they see him he is so unusual. Olga, on one of my non Luddite days I will figure out how to put their pictures online! The other baby is a 14 going on 15 yr old Siamese that is so sweet and hardly makes a peep but is cuddly. The other two do not like to be held but flop on you at the most inopportune times...like when you are reading a newspaper or doing a crossword puzzle, they sit right in the middle of it with their rear ends in your face. Typical, no?

<Counting on finger> So that makes 5 in all, VN?
For someone who has only ever lived with moggies, they sound a particularly attractive & rather exotic lot. I'd love to visit your place & seem all. Must be something to see! Very Happy

(Never feel the necessity to explain your Luddite ways to me, VN! Wink )
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:14 pm
@neko nomad,
Miss Molly wants everyone to know she's been discharged from
the Nomad rcovery ward as of this weekend as fully recovered.

Hooray! Good for you, Miss Molly! Very Happy

I love the photographs, neko. I can see the snow has lost its novelty appeal for her! Wink

Bring on spring!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:38 pm











Hey there

Neko - so pleased Miss Molly is out and about and doing heaps better. Deb - great news about Miranda too. Quality time - good!

Well - the kitties didn’t go out this weekend tho they do keep bolting for the door each time it’s opened. The weather has been all over the place with gusty winds and lots of rain - so I didn’t want to risk them going out in case they did get skittish and took off, only to get to lost in the wind and rain -especially as the river gets so high.

They have got their chips now and nametags and all that… so…. When it’s a good day will take them out on Maddies lead to start off with in the garden. Have put some of the litter around the garden and a step leading up to the cat flap. So, all set - just need the sun to shine and the stormy weather to calm down. Need to get them out before the big lolloping dog gets back - get them used to the garden so when the games begin - they will be familiarised with where they are.

They are flying thru the house at the moment - fur EVERYWHERE! Very happy kitties!
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:52 pm
Aw, I love the photographs, Izzie! I always do. Very Happy

Well - the kitties didn’t go out this weekend tho they do keep bolting for the door each time it’s opened. The weather has been all over the place with gusty winds and lots of rain - so I didn’t want to risk them going out in case they did get skittish and took off, only to get to lost in the wind and rain -especially as the river gets so high.

I had a feeling the big event might have been postponed. Wise move, Iz. Not only do weather conditions need to suit, but you need to have steeled yourself, so's to feel absolutely ready, too! I know, from so many similar "introduction to the big world" experiences. It can be (& was for me) quite a nerve wracking business!
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 05:19 pm
yeah....... I kinda bottled it! Wink The weather just helped me bottle it Very Happy

They really do want to go out..... and with 2 dawgs, 2 kitties, a little fella and the house the size it is.... I need to be brave and let them go play - they will have so much fun. They're a good size and I'm sure all will be fine - the garden is lovely and there are fields all around. Just can't bear the thought of them taking off.

We're due for nasty weather for a few days - so.... maybe next weekend a? Smile
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 05:36 pm
We're due for nasty weather for a few days - so.... maybe next weekend a?

Yep, sounds good to me, Izzie! Very Happy
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 07:25 am
OK.... beautiful day here today (weatherman - ha)....

tried to take Murphy out on Maddies lead - not a good plan! Their collars are safety collars to snap off with a slight tug in case they get caught on something - so....

I'm going to be brave and open the door and ...................

keep fingers crossed they are hungry enough to come back. Lots of fields and green around -

ooooooooooooooooooh nervous!
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 08:31 am
We did it ..... oh my goodness.... they are back inside (phew phew phew)

Covered their paws in butter (does that work?????) and opened the door and off they ventured for about an hour as I followed them around.

KC came back in when I called him (he is far more adventurous than Murphy and took a peek at the river and was up on the fence) but Murphy I had to corner and grabba hold of him to get him in (he's the one that's going to worry me more about going near the road I think - albeit it's a small road but there are mighty big tractors and a fair bit of thru traffic....)

Anyhoo........ enough nervous energy for one day - they have now had a big food treat and are currently licking butter off their paws and catching flies in the conservatory! Razz

post pics laterz

OH MY - exhausted!

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