jespah wrote:I'm going to suspend MA's parentheses privileges due to, um, waaay more of them in his post on page 10 than most people see in a lifetime.
Dontcha folks know parentheses cost money? It's the curvy part - they're handcrafted in Madagascar out of misshapen commas, fashioned in a kiln heated to 75,000 degrees F and then plunged immediately into a bath of dry ice. They are then wrapped in blue beeswax and mauve tissue paper and shipped here for your use via express shipping.
* Rest assured that Able2Know only uses the finest handcrafted free-range parentheses, we do not believe in child punctuation labor, and we pay our Madagascar (Madagascarian? Madagascaresque? Madcap?) parentheses craftspersons a living wage.
Madagascar madam?
Are you mad?
I fear that we are being had!
Your virtuosity astounds,
It makes me smile (look at my mug

But such wild fibbing's out of bounds
You'd have us 'fraid to ((((((((((((hug!!)))))))))))
PS Hi Sealpoet bienvenido!
Hi P & L (belatedly)...had a nice time in NY eh?