Anon-Voter wrote:real life wrote:Anon-Voter wrote:real life wrote:Anon-Voter wrote:dyslexia wrote:I'm thinking suicide by certain persons, as a result of some social interaction, could be a blessing for society.
And in some cases. a blessing for the person themselves.
You are both sad cases.
No, You are sadly misinformed. You also shoot your mouth off when you have little to no facts!!
I have provided far more documentation (several links to outside sources) of my position than you have (which would be none).
And I maintain that anyone who asserts that suicide as a result of social interaction is a 'blessing' for society, or for the deceased, is an individual with a sick, twisted view of reality.
That would be both of you, assuming you are both ready to defend your statements.
Setenta has done a fine job of discredting your source, so I don't need to do that. As to suicide, I won't hijack this thread with a diversion from the subject. I will tell you I have personal experience with a family suicide, and have spent a liftime studying it. In short, you know nothing about it!! Don't try to pretend you do!!
I have professional experience dealing with suicidal persons as well as personal experience with family as well.
So, I repeat: anyone who asserts that suicide as a result of social interaction is a 'blessing' for society, or for the deceased, is an individual with a sick, twisted view of reality.
That would be you, unless you are going to disavow your statement.
As for Setanta 'discrediting' the link I provided, it is apparent that he hadn't even read it before he was moved to comment on it the first time.
His laughable assertion that any research must include 'all' homosexuals in 'all' demographic areas is as ridiculous as it can be.
By this standard, no research on any subject would be valid unless it covered 100% of the possible subjects of the research.