My friend is Republican because his parents were, he's an ex-Marine and you would not guess that he was gay even with fine-tuned gaydar. I was doing some lighting in a very high end linen store in Fashion Island, Newport Beach and they did not know that he was gay -- he happen to come in while I was finishing the job. After he left, the gals at the counter began their "he's hot" dialogue. The owner's wife happened to be there and let them in on the secret. You don't suppose the thought crossed their mind, "Well, there's a challenge," do you? One stated, "Yeah, all the good lookin' ones turn out to be gay." That's really not true but it isn't the first time I've heard that one.
This is after all, Disneyland country and many can sing the theme song, "It's a Gay World After All!"
(...and we won't talk about Walt's sexual orientation -- he was around children all the time and it may disillusion those with constricted naive brains).