Re: Is it Normal to Feel Ruttish, Every Moment of the Day?
PoetSeductress wrote:<PoetSeductress' secretary, fanning herself, trying not to faint from the sight of the strikingly handsome man standing in front of her>:
"Paging Chai Tea! Please come to the front desk. Quickly! There is a rigorous, debonair blond by the name of (trying to catch her breath) Lord-Help-Us (ahem)... Lord Ellpus ruttishly waiting for you."
look....tell him I'll get there when I get there.....he can just hold onto his egg beater in the meantime and wait.
if he gets antsy just give him some of those old computer punch cards in the lower left drawer....he likes to hold them up to the light and make designs on the wall.....that'll keep him occupied for hours....
with any luck, perthbunnies will notice he's missing at lunch and come by to take him home.