Momma Angel wrote:PoetSeductress,
I agree. So, if you are married and you are harmlessly flirting with someone on A2K (Yes, Chai, on A2K), is that bad or wrong? If all parties involved know that it is just harmless flirting and nothing more, is that ok?
I haven't a clue as to what he really looks like, how old, anything. It's that avatar and his talk! It drives me wild!
I am going to have to take lessons from PS though. She's got this way about her that is irresistable and endearing. She's the kind of person that even if they had the worst singing voice in the world Simon Cowell would never say a bad them about them.
Oh, MA, if you were a man and not married, you would be in trouble! :wink:
Flirting is a natural part of life, at least for me. To me, natural, innocent flirting (No. 1) is just recognizing a person's desirability... sort of like appreciating a fine work of art. There are no "signals", just appreciation. With most people who are not uptight, this happens unconsciously, without any effort. It's just natural.
As for being married, well, I'm not going to hand down any judgments there, because none of us have the right to assume we know what is going on privately between the husband and wife, or what kind of agreements they have between each other. So No.'s 1, 2, or 3 are up to the married individual. The only time it could be harmful, that I know of, is if one or both of the parties fall in love, or if the spouse finds out and gets violent, or demands a divorce. Those are the risks.
I think it's very human of you to have a crush!!
(now you have me curious...)