I'm very mixed on this. I entirely see ehBeth's point, which Lash has seen too. Indeed it has been a sporadic wail of mine on relationship threads, that some fair amount of crisis angst is from fear of being alone (though maybe I didn't always use those exact words, I think I did sometimes.) I rememember going on and on about getting used to self sustainment being a positive step. Have probably said as much on this thread.
On the other hand, in your shoes, Lash, I'd likely go to NY. I've quite the 'go for it' romantic past, which didn't always work out. Heh. Well, neither did the long thoughtful marriage, in the end. I
was single until I met my husband at 34, so whatever the scenario, I was well used to being with me.. and don't regret that time. I'd stopped paying any attention to 'dating' when I met my husband - I was too busy and rather bored by all the Wrongs. In fact I was irritated that these people, actors from a local university, were there in our studio when I came home from work. Cripes, what did they want? I worked myself up to being polite to these possible sub-letters. Heh, again.
So, I'm not really against what Sozobe is saying.
I just have trouble imagining me not checking out this phantom whom you do partially know and do feel connected to.
Also agree that daily life laundry, etc. is different than a magic weekend, re decision making.