Tue 26 Aug, 2008 12:38 pm
I hesitate to start goofy personal threads, but I heard what I think was a distant tornado thirty minutes ago...NV called me and warned me the radio issued a report of a tornado on our road (a major road out of town)and UGA recently instituted a calling system to all students to warn of shooting events on campus and weather emergencies.
I don't have a basement, and I'm not afraid. I know we used to have threads about emerging weather events...and because we don't have the specific search option anymore, I couldn't find it. I thought this one may suffice.
The UGA call said a tornado had been sighted in Athens/Clarke county. I'm hearing weird, sharp thunder sounds...
haul ass away from it if you have time and get to somewhere you can get underground....or just talk on A2K.... we have magical powers to redirect natural disasters
Interior bathrooms are the next safest place.
Lash, I have slid down into a culvert before when **** got real spooky.
I don't have a basement, but I know where the nearest safe spot is, and watch the skies...
Thanks, you guys!!! Dragged my mattress to the most central place I can figure....Wonder how I'll get the dog and cat under it with me...hahaha
[movie reference]If all else fails, hide in a lead-lined refridgerator. I hear you can survive nuclear blasts in those things.[/move reference]
Can you believe I was just sizing up the fridge? Good one, DD!
I know of a guy found his fridge 150 miles away after a big one...
Got a bathtub?
Immediately dispenses fridge idea...haha. Thanks, Rock. Meanwhile, i just got an all clear call from UGA...quite cool feature, especially if there had been a shooting incident. Anyone facing an emerging weather event, feel free to use this thread. OMG!! The storm is over Clemson. My son is there,.....calling... OK, he's in Anderson, SC at an Olive Garden...He's laughing at me as I tell him to go into the Olive Garden kitchen is the wind gets too strong...
just do something to be safe for pete's sake
Got the All Clear call, BVT, but thank you!!!
Lash wrote:Meanwhile, i just got an all clear call from UGA...quite cool feature, especially if there had been a shooting incident.
Dang. It's really cool that they have such a system in place.
@old europe,
Agreed! I'd feel a lot more confident as a parent, knowing my child had this feature. Meanwhile, the tornado is reported to have hit Clemson...and they had no such warning.
Yikes, no basement?!
Another reason to move...
Glad you're OK.
...and hope Clemson's OK.
Lash wrote:
. . . UGA recently instituted a calling system to all students to warn of shooting events on campus and weather emergencies.
I know this thread is a few years old, but just how many shooting incidents did they have to justify the system.