So, because he wasn't speaking to my daughter, my feelings for him just plummeted. We went through a very tense, stupid week of passing one another in the house--of him coming in from work and going directly to the bedroom... So, one day I said "I think it's pretty obvious that I should move out." And, his exasperation pretty evident, he says, "You've been wanting to do that for the past four months..."
I didn't think that was fair, so I explained to him in
detail how I felt toward him at each juncture, and reminded him of conversations we'd had before he moved in about specific things---how he'd responded (or not responded) to those conversations, and how each response (or non-response) affected my feelings for him--I drew a diagram with a color-coded key...
I was surprised that I started crying when I was explaining how I felt about how he was treating my daughter. He hasn't been outwardly rude, but the absence of kindness and acceptance is rude to me. She has had to live through enough bullshit without me presenting her with more via a boyfriend. I reminded him that any possible future with any man I spent time was contingent on how they interacted with my children.
And, there is this really crappy "money" thing going on that infuriates me. I give. He takes. We seem to have this down.... When it is time for him to give and me to take, we seem to have problems. (I may as well say this happens in bed, too, though to a lesser degree.) I told him a few days ago he may as well leave a fidty on the nightstand....
I tell him maybe we can hang out once in a while...try to salvage a friendship before we wind up hating each other. He's wiping tears and saying he loves me...which I believe he does as much as he's capable of loving---it just doesn't seem like enough for me...or the same kind of love in my universe.
I looked at my finances and I can't afford to move out until September. I asked him if I can stay until then...He says he wants me to stay longer. I say I don't want to talk about that now...
The next day my daughter calls me for lunch and says, "You must have talked to NV, because he was talking my ear off this morning after you went to class." She goes on to say how he was going out of his way to find things to say to the Barney Fife conversation...."Yep, that's what I'm gonna do...Go to the drugstore,...get a bottle of pop...walk over to Thelma Lou's and watch that George Raft movie..."
These things break my heart. It's like he's moving heaven and earth to be who I need him to be...but if it's so hard for him, and requires frequent break-ups...jeez. He sat in the den with us last night...she doesn't enter the room without him speaking now...but ...
So, I thanked him for considering her feelings.
Interestingly, my SON is worried about NV

. He thinks the relationship is doomed because lack of a deep connection, and that I should put NV out of his misery (which I guess I did). He says the children shouldn't be an issue because they don't live with me (!!!) He says NV's always been nice to him. In other words, my son is making me feel that I'm impossible to please where my kids are concerned. I can't for the life of me reconcile these sentiments with my kid. How did he ever get this kind of opinion?
Anyhoo, in my poor pea brain, I am beginning to think if NV is making such attempts to amend himself to what I need,...and we can solve this last thing (the giving/receiving ratio)--we may possibly be happy.
Is this what they mean by working out relationship problems...or is this pushing a boulder up a hill...forever?
How do you know the difference?
btw, he says he can afford the apt if I leave. *whew*
He talked with me about the money issue--and said he still has issues about
trust where money is concerned because the last two women he was with (he felt strongly) used him and left him in financial disarray, but that doesn't explain why he is not as giving
Anyway. I haven't changed my mind about moving out...but wouldn't I be facing some of these issues in every relationship I find myself in?