Life: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 07:29 am
What was that device for women in Snow Crash? You need one of those, Lash.
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Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 07:30 am
Aha! A Dentata!

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Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 07:31 am
I understand soz.

If it was somebody I knew, I'd be throwing red flags all over the place.

I appreciate your comments.

I realize care is mandatory.

Not so much putting eggs in Future basket as I am enjoying the Present feeling....

Present feelings seem underrated sometimes--and after all, they are today...

<kisses chickies>
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Reply Wed 2 May, 2007 12:11 pm
OMG!!!! Freeduck!!!! My real Dentata!!!!!!!

(may buy one....HA!!!)
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Reply Wed 2 May, 2007 12:29 pm
I can imagine that just the knowledge that such things are freely available could significantly cut the rape rates everywhere. Laughing
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 12:39 pm
Trouble in Paradise.

I have discovered I'm fickle!!!!
(I guess)

I'm thinking of trading mins.

And, I appear to require obscene amounts of reassurance from the man I'm involved with.... WHO KNEW!!????

I'm a task master!!!! (demoralized)

(but cracks whip anyway)
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 09:56 pm
Lash wrote:

Discuss! (I'd like to hear what people are saying about this long distance internet dating stuff.)

Er. Do you really want my advice? I flew to Oz to meet a guy for 2 weeks.
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Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 12:31 am
I took a bus to Belgium... also for about two weeks.

Go for it! Cautiously, of course. But also vigorously.
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Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 03:52 pm

I booked tic today----for almost 3 weeks.

I am officially insane!!!

Come on girlies!!! Kris, what was it like? Dag!!! Can you tell me how it went?


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Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2007 03:52 pm
It's day 5 of my vacation with the guy I met online...

Having a wonderful time.
I guess we were lucky... Enjoying beautiful scenery, casinos, his family...

Problem: My feminist grandmothers are likely whirling in their graves...He's a traditional man, and I'm waiting on him hand and foot...laughing at myself...so happy....cooked spaghetti for Italians and they ATE EVERY MORSEL....LOL

Nevada is beautiful. Bike Week coming up, Cowboy Poetry, Miner's Expo, the Rumble on the Ruby's (mountain party), the Shoshone tribe is having a to- do...Hope to get pics and share...

Meanwhile, mah man's hungry...(giggles)...gotta go...

Love yas.
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Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2007 04:22 pm
<giggling and shaking head>

Hope to hear more soon - and see pics!
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Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2007 05:24 pm
Three words, Lash. Witness protection program.
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:40 pm

Dials witness protection program...

He's a very attentive, tactile lover (may we pause for propers here...LOL)....I am reputedly a massage arteest, worked out a persistant knot in his back and relieved long term pain in his lower back...and a good cook (who the fuc.k knew???) (Muscular info through Nursing classes + good hands = compelling massage...he moans more during massage than sex....(broils) LOL

But, he's ornery re: sleep. Not down with ornery. I've heard of mean drunks, ...he's a mean sleeper. His cat jumps on the bed and he's all irate, "What the hell is THAT!" ...to me. <raises homicidal eyebrow>

So, I borrowed from Mike Myers' So You Married an Axe Murderer, and told him I was going to jam an ice pick in his ear while he was sleeping one night if he spoke to me like that again. <He surveys my expression for a reassuring hint of a smile,...not finding one> Ha.

Really nutty moments: We are walking down the street in town, shop-hopping--and he says, "You walk on the inside," and crosses around me so he's between me and the street. I'm like, "What are you doing?" ...and he's like, "Don't you know women walk on the inside?"


<He's serious>


And: He walks ahead sometimes... (eh?) We've done a lot of walking and really enjoyed it, but sometimes, I'll pause or browse or adjust my sandals, and he's a half a block ahead...(PET PEEVE!!!)...so, I'm all "You know, a bear could've gotten me, and you'd never know. What's the point of saving me from the cars if you let the bears get me?" So, now he stops and wanders back to me, saying, "Just want you to know I'm all over this bear thing, baby."


<He's really cute with the whole Protectin Mah Woaman Thang>

<still get all silly inside when he reaches out and takes my hand and squeezes and says "Love you, baby"> <squeals> <big pale blue eyes>

He's incredibly deferential to me...which was nice for the first three days...lol. Now, I feel he thinks femininity is an infirment that he has to calculate into our interactions. I swear.

Old school.

Also, it's hard not working or studying or doing anything productive. Not used to vacation... So, I'm housekeeping and waiting on him like a seventeenth century housewife...sewing buttons...geeesh....lol

Um, and he's a smidge passive aggressive. Jaysus.

But, the positives outweigh my little bickersons. Really seems to be a pedestal placer kinda guy--not used to the attention and caring he's getting, and very appreciative. We've only had a couple of tense moments--I usually end them in humor, and he's coming around later to clarify and apologize and I know he's trying to amend his prickly parts...

I guess this is sort of a weird audition. LOL He's referred to me as his girlfriend---I haven't seen a contract, yet...LOL Still, it's been a while since the hand-holding and sweet PDA and butt slaps...LOL So, swimmy surreality being invaded in bits by reality. Works for me so far...

Kris--I really would love to hear how yours went----if not specific---a summary of what your expectations were, and what the reality was.... This is like a social experiment... And YOU were on a different CONTINENT...

I'm really glad I did it, though. Week One...LOL
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:48 pm
You been cheating on me, Lash?

You cheap, tawdry whore!

I am...........hurt.
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 01:03 pm
Sorry, Baby.

You can have the kids....

<I was so up front about my whoreyness...>
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 01:07 pm
Sounds like you're pretty clear-eyed, and having fun. (Both good things!)
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 01:28 pm
Sounds like fun, Lash. Very gutsy of you to go on a vacation with someone you've just recently met. How long has it been? In fact, let me ask you something else:

How long from the time you met this guy until the first boinking? I just want to know, in case I meet someone and get this same opportunity. I want to be able to rate her sluttiness as it relates to you. From now on you will be my standard of sluttiness in all sexual escapades. I will consider anyone who sleeps with me earlier than you a complete whore, and anyone who doesn't will be a prudish bitch. You of course are juuuuust right.
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 05:07 pm
Laughed OUT LOUD, Kicky!

I am a complete slut.

We'd seen each other and chatted online for only 6 weeks!!! LOL He started calling me almost immediately--and we talk for HOURS on the phone every day...<night>

Of course, to temper my sluttitude a bit, I closed down negotiations with a MULTITUDE of other guys when I felt this connection with him. We knew each other pretty well--IF I believed him. I did. Everything he's told me has turned out to be accurate. (Grand Theft Auto in the 70s...LOL)

I'd been dating guys in Ath, and couldn't scare up a visceral attraction---coupled with a desire to find a monogamous relationship--and a satisfying emotional connection. I could also watch his interactions with other people on the chat site, and I sorta evaluated him based on all these things--mostly our phone conversations.

So, Kicky. To answer your question: We had a three and a half hour ride from Salt Lake airport to his home in Nevada... He kept pointing out attractions on the road---and oddly, we kept running off the road. After about four of these look/nearly crash episodes, I noted that he was sneaking peeks at my boobage when my head was turned...LOL ... I introduced myself to Mr Happy on I-85.... about two hours after laying eyes on him for the first time.......

I think we lasted three hours at the house before baptizing the bedroom.... It was a sacred experience. (giggles.....flashback...mmmm) Then, we wuz bunnies for three days.... Happy bunnies....weeeeeeee

I feel confident saying that any woman beating my time is .....more bend-y. LOL!!!


This isn't something I've ever done before---or probably ever would again, but I'm damn happy I did. He just came home for lunch, I catch him just watching me cook....the smile on his face, how sweet he is...how much he seems to want me with him..."Baby, is it cool enough in here for you?" (always checking baby's temp...)

We're both those infuriating types who are always saying, "No, you decide...no, you decide..." We could stand on a street corner for thirty minutes trying to get the other one to choose where we're going for dinner... Sorta easygoing and wanting to please the other... It works so well... He said, "It really doesn't matter where we go....It's who you're with, isn't it?" <hand squeeze>



Whatever happened with the cute girl you were thinking about pursuing?
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 12:51 pm
Going home tomorrow....

I don't know what's going to happen...and that's the way it should be. We decided not to make any plans until we see how we feel being apart. This has been ...a wonderful experience. I've never been myself to such a degree with anyone. This time in life is so freeing... Yay 40s.

He says he thinks he wants to move in with me--but he's leaving a sister and a pretty plush job--- and moreso, I'm worried the south will be a freaking culture shock he may eventually blame me for.... (hmmm) It's a different world here--and if it wasn't for my kids, I'd probably seriously mull moving here. (He asked)

He has the most fabulous sis and bro in law. We went to the Bike Rally (damn, my favorite kind of people...tats, chaps, phat bikes....damn, glory) Bro in law bought so many shot rounds, I nearly got us thrown out of the tiki bar...(too enthusiastic smacking the pool cue on the table....) Um, we won anyway!!! woooohoooo Ferking bartender.

Lash<------------public enemy #1 in Elko, NV

Bro in law (see dictionary under Supreme Italian with Don Vito whispery talking voice) occasionally employs the Punch and Run in bars, which immediately precedes running from angry miners... We talked him into not punching the ranchers from Wyoming in the Tiki bar.... none of us could run...

Joan Jett played Sat night...she performed great, but her new album is bland... FYI Saw ATMs outside local whorehouse...LOL

So, back to reality. Will see if dream incorporates... He's planning to come for holidays...if we still feel this way apart... Fun having something neat and vital in my life again.... Options = a good thing.

I learned a new skill, as well. He smiles. Ha.

Beautiful Ruby Mountains, hiking... Lovely place. I feel like I've been somewhere... Feel all independent. ....FEEL.
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 12:54 pm
Thanks for the update. Sounds promising all around.
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