Wow-- That seemed like ages ago.
We talked and it was sort of blah...we called it off.
Went to a midnight screening with a guy--the Quay Brothers' Piano Tuner of Earthquakes. Interesting movie--fascinating guy. But a little odd.
I have had such a great time!!!
This is funny!!!
I was walking through campus at about 2AM--and I walked up on a trio of Thurston Howell IIIs, playing Night Frisbee. The conversation was hilarious--we were sort of walking at the same pace with me a little behind them--just trying to pass, but between them thrwoing frisbees and me trying to stay out of their way-we kept walking together...
Biff: (drags on cigar) I say, I've been having a serious problem with my Captain Crunch. It's affecting my quality of life.
Thurston: What's with the crunch?
Biff: Not crunchy. I've got this abdominal thing--and I had to switch to Lactaid. It doesn't stay crunchy nearly as long. This is completely disrupting a life long relationship I've had with those scratches on the roof of my mouth...
Trey: (looks at me, grins) Well, dude, I think you should apply some MILF to that situation, pronto.
Biff: (grins, looks at me) I concur with that assessment!!
Thurston: I concur.
Me: (desperately keeps level countenance, picks up pace, smiles like mule eating briars when they can't see my face.) I know they didn't think I heard the f instead of the k-- I grinned all night.
A good night.