A poem about mah crazy mountain man:
The One for this Age
Life dry, her frozen limbs
forever beseech heav'n and hell..
Moon glow bathes
through her crystalline branches,
a sister's silent interpretation falls across the snow
Priest's robes, ethereal shadows passed by here in the green days of life...
the last whisper of man to cross her barren arms.
Her only lover, the killing Night.
Grey fingers latent push through hard earth, to sigh.
Ancient beauty has stolen inward unseen unknown, to die...
All eyes turned
Those knowing souls who held her through the age
felt him there and signified
A rush of voices, fear joy trembled beneath the pulsing stage
.....He is here....
All eyes watched from the dark, priest and spirit, owl, errant angel caught
He moved lightly through the wood: The One For This Age
entered their holy clearing,
They spoke in their primeval way, wind caressing his face,
boughs dance, springs surge, life from center roiling up
through the ground, beneath him,
through him, winding up around him, the essence,
piercing his heart.
He has the knowing, yet unaware,
whispers to himself that he's been there,
and they testify to him in an ancient hum.
A moment's swirl around his form, he breathes them in
as he pauses in the timeless glen...
She bends against time and death
to touch his sleeve
as he leaves...
So, Mr. Four, hereafter known as Achilles, is emailing me every day and asked me out for Saturday night. Just an update.
Mr. Harley asked me out for this week--but no time--crunched by school...
A new guy (Mr. 5) says we'll get together next week for drinks after class,....and
A guy who says this is an un-date will meet me at a blues show next Friday night.
I can't believe how this compares to a month ago.
I'm going out with the chicklets from work as well.
It's like an alternate universe.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch--no one can tell me when the Stillpoint will be published...
If anyone else is doing different, unusual or just plain fun stuff--please share here.
Has Kicky nailed the girl with the cute legs?
I've so lost track.
Sounds fun though!
How do you handle insecurity dating a guy much better looking than you?
Me: Stop seeing him.
If this happens again--what to do? I'm trying to improve--but I really couldn't tolerate the insecurity of expecting to be dumped.
It was destined to fail--but I feel like a weeny for not having the emotional fortitude to wait for it....or did I do the right thing?
Don't feel like a weenie for that! Feel like a weenie for basing your decision on such criteria.
It's the whole package, not just the ribbon and the bow!
Poor guy!
Does he know why you stopped seeing him?
Maybe HE doesn't think he's so much better looking. (And they're the best ones.)
Lash, I just discovered your thread and I regret I did not find it earlier as I found a Lash I never imagined possible. What a living-thinking out-of- the-box person you are.
It's never too late in life to learn what it's all about. Enjoy the enlightenment!
Poor Mr # 4.
Did you tell him he was too good-looking for you?
Re: Lash
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:Lash, I just discovered your thread and I regret I did not find it earlier as I found a Lash I never imagined possible. What a living-thinking out-of- the-box person you are.
It's never too late in life to learn what it's all about. Enjoy the enlightenment!
How sweet, BBB!! What a nice thing to say. I'm glad you're here now. For God sake, get out of the chair and HELP ME!!!
Everybody else: Oh, he knows. He's really sweet, though. But, he knows how goodlooking he is. I've endured some real zingers. (unintentional, but not painless)... But, we've parted friends, and we may maintain communication... (wish we could maintain smooching) LOL
"Knows he's good-looking" does not equal "knows he's TOO good-looking for YOU..." did he agree with that? :-?
Lash, I bet a lot of us could regale you with stories of the great loves of our lives. But no one can match your elegant prose.
Re: Lash
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:Lash, I bet a lot of us could regale you with stories of the great loves of our lives. But no one can match your elegant prose.
You're full of ****. LOL You aren't getting off that easy!! Tell me, BBB!! Everyone is welcome to tell of their loves and losses and victories... (If and when you feel like it... :wink:
Soz, ehBeth, etc...
Steve has been really damaged by a couple of manipulative wives (his side, I know) and is Vengeance Dating. I sort of called him on it--and I was amazed at how calculatedly he has built a devastating body and appearance --like a warrior sharpens a weapon... I sort of disarmed him a bit with some kindness and understanding and a rather incisive psychiatric eval (LOL) --(just informed in your face honesty)--and he really softened toward me--started telling me really personal stuff--frankly, made himself really vulnerable to me...
...so, we're both getting pretty deep into territory neither of us are quite ready for...
He was making major changes (or trying to) to acclimate himself to me--(lowering his standards) and I should admit I was doing the same (working in the gym too much--to the neglect of everything else)... way too much, way too soon...
So, more than looks, I guess. LOL
I don't need to bite off all that (though nibbling on it was glorious LOL)
....so, NEXT!!
PS-- Love you guys.
OK OK if it wasn't just the "too good-looking" bit.
Looks like you're establishing some friendships though, that's cool. (Maybe not Mountain Man, but Steve sounds promising.)
Yeah. Steve could use a friend. I have other dates and stuff--but it's starting to feel funny to talk about them-- Still, if anything funny or weird happens, I'll share it.
He asked for us to keep in touch--and he was a little hurt about the pre-emptive break, but he understood.
It's weird. Most of the guys I'm attracting are based on intellectual connections--and they are safe and "fun," but I can't seem to work up an attraction--and then there's the Visceral guys. (Steve) All attraction, but psychic minefields.
Oh my!
[She was too kind, wooed too persistently]
Samuel Butler (1805-1932)
..> i
She was too kind, wooed too persistently,
Wrote moving letters to me day by day;
The more she wrote, the more unmoved was I,
The more she gave, the less could I repay.
Therefore I grieve, not that I was not loved,
But that, being loved, I could not love again.
I liked, but like and love are far removed;
Hard though I tried to love I tried in vain.
For she was plain and lame and fat and short,
Forty and over-kind. Hence it befell
That though I loved her in a certain sort,
Yet did I love too wisely but not well.
Ah! had she been more beauteous or less kind
She might have found me of another mind.
And now, though twenty years are come and gone,
That little lame lady's face is with me still;
Never a day but what, on every one,
She dwells with me, as dwell she ever will.
She said she wished I knew not wrong from right;
It was not that; I knew, and would have chosen
Wrong if I could, but, in my own despite,
Power to choose wrong in my chilled veins was frozen.
'Tis said that if a woman woo, no man
Should leave her till she have prevailed; and, true,
A man will yield for pity, if he can,
But if the flesh rebels what can he do?
I could not. Hence I grieve my whole life long
The wrong I did, in that I did no wrong.
Had I been some young sailor, continent
Perforce three weeks and then well plied with wine,
I might in time have tried to yield consent
And almost (though I doubt it) made her mine.
Or had it been but once and never again,
Come what come might, she should have had her way;
But yielding once were yielding twice, and then
I had been hers for ever and a day.
Or had she only been content to crave
A marriage of true minds, her wish was granted;
My mind was hers, I was her willing slave
In all things else except the one she wanted:
And here, alas! at any rate to me
She was an all too, too impossible she.
This is too rich.
I have a date next weekend with a doctor of THEOLOGY and economics at a "non-flagship" school In The ATL. As Bob is my witless, I'm showing up in full gothic regalia.
I can't even describe my anticipation.....
Ha! I wish we could get some damn pictures.
littlek wrote:Ha! I wish we could get some damn pictures.
Hah! Pictures would under-do-it. My imagination is much more vivid than any picture could be.
Lash wrote:... the pre-emptive break...
I'm still feeling frustrated by this (!) but, vapid you aint, and I hardly know ye, so I'll shut up.
Ooooh. Gothic regalia.