G'day, Msolga. Nice to hear from you! Hope you're having a lovely day!
I am, my dear. And not long out of bed.
I must say, you've come on in leaps & bounds! Well done!
What's the difference, for those of us who are yiddish impaired, between a schmendrick and a schlemeil?
schmendrick-- stupid
schlemiel-- spastic
Schmendrick Low down in the pantheon of klutzes, one up from the schlemiel. Look: a schlemiel, a schlemazl and a schmendrick go for a drive. The schmendrick crashes the schlemazl's car and the schlemiel apologises.
OK, considering this new information, Guy #2 may be a schlemazl.
(That may make ME the schlemiel.) HA!
I'm enraged. Guy #3's smoldering corpse can be sniffed down wind.
I'm glad to have had an excuse to extricate myself...
Do you know what he said....<waits for dramatic delivery>
I did ask what his toxic friend said about his description of our night....(so I guess I asked for it...) He said his friend (female) said (because we didn't have sex on the first date) "She doesn't like sex" and (because I'm rather poor) "She's dating for money."
People, my blood is boiling. I always discreetly ask the waitress for separate checks--which I did, and I paid for everything I ate or drank at the restaurant. I always do that.
With everything I am doing--and the attendant tedious finances, it is still important to me to pay my way. I dislike the feeling when someone else does, unless we are in an exclusive relationship.
I asked how he responded to what she said. Any man that I have an interest in would have immediately set her straight. He says, "Well, don't worry about it. You two will never meet."
******* A we won't meet.
The first time in the Dating Carousel I've been really mad.
I am learning things, though. I didn't know my financial situation might be an issue. Interesting. I'll just weed out these guys who think it's any of their business. I don't screen for income. That's repulsive. ******* schlemeil.
errrrrrrr #1
is he a carcass as well? or just in reserve?
#1-- I'm not mad at him, but his quirk is something I choose not to incorporate into my life, so: friends, but he's been voted off the island...
#2 and I are still seeing each other, and I think I'm going to go to the pen for a replacement... LOL.
Awwwww, what was #1's quirk? The ex-girlfriend nearby? (Sorry if I have them confused...)
sozobe wrote:Awwwww, what was #1's quirk? The ex-girlfriend nearby? (Sorry if I have them confused...)
OCD. It manifested in a weird way. He became tense if his mental storyboard didn't quite work out on dates.
(LOL) Sounds crazy. Um, well, it is.
Well awwww again. He sounded really cool otherwise.
I'm liking your general attitude, though. It's not all "does he like me does he like me will he call??" but whether YOU like the guy in question. Good going.
Thanks. I was really unsteady when I started out, but I'm calling my shots--they can call theirs.
I'm feeling really great about it now.
You're sweet, soz.
PS-- It WAS really sad to make that decision--because he was absolutely wonderful otherwise.
But, damn. :wink:
You have your own baggage and you've earned the right to refuse to carry any odd-shaped parcels that someone else has trouble handling.
You don't need a man--you need a bit of adult frivolity.
I have reduced my luggage to a light carry-on. Feels like a feather... And, yes. I'm not carrying anyone's bags.
Good going - giggles, luggage refusal and all.
Somebody just told me about a Blues Festival on Beale Street in May. I think I'm gonna go. I've never camped before... Anyone else?
Serious attraction to Guy #4-- He is physically gorgeous and perfect. Dropped my pocketbook and nearly passed out when he kissed me--which he did ALL NIGHT... I stayed dizzy... We were evil together. We played pool, and taunted each other with massive amounts of really tantalizing PDA to throw one another off our game......(But, we were on top of the torturous sexual teasing game...LOL
Unfortunately, I am several worlds below him on the hierarchy of physical beauty scale--so I probably won't hear from him again.
But, what a night.
You're accumulating wonderful memories.