the term GOD in hebrewis ELOHIM wich means: PLURAL formation of GOD. once again : iam using scientific fact to back me up.there are many mentions ofGODS-plural in the bible such as; heb 3: 7 , josh 22:22, psalm136:2, dan2:47 dan 11:36, exod 18:11, chron 16;26, 2;5 just to name afew. please read luke 3:22 . yes i agree with you that they do have all qualities. JESUS never called Mary as Mother he referred to as woman, Mary is the surrogate mother. look at john2:4-19. everyone else refferd to Mary as Mother ,NOT JESUS. IF YOU HAVE A FATHER,SON, WHAT IS MISSING HERE? i believe it would be a MOTHER.