Eryemil wrote:You're a closet casey Wolf_O, you wouldn't understand. :wink: (Just kidding mate)
I think they do it 'cause they can and why shouldn't they? I don't see anything wrong with it, and the parades can be fun.
I can understand that. Heck, I wanted to go, but I had work.

Missed the guy in pink speedoes, pink cape and a black Darth Vader mask.
But it just doesn't logically make sense, if you think about it. The point of wanting equal rights, is saying, "Hey, we're not that different. Except for our sexuality, we're just like you." Except, the point of the Parade is, "We're very different and we don't care. Learn to live with it."
Pride Parades can stir up very homophobic reactions and cement stereotypes about the homosexual community. Sure, it's great for the gay guys, gay women and straight women watching and it's a lot of fun, but does it send out the right message?