Is homosexuality a bad thing?

Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 07:41 pm
Hating people for the way they enjoy having sex, now that in my opinion is insane. As long as they are both in their right mind and they both want to do it that way, then, hey, go ahead, enjoy yourselves ! Now if they would come into my house and force me to have gay sex with them, only then i would hate them (but that would be rape and that's another matter). What i'm trying to say is that there are only a few things that give you the right to hate a person or a category of people (take serial killers for example), and the way they get off in the sack is not one of them. Why would it seem insane to you letting homosexuals adopt. Do you think they would "innoculate the kids with the vile homosexuality virus" and turn them into homosexuals too. I can seriously doubt you can bring arguments to such an afirmation. You can't believe that a child raised by homosexual parents would grow up to be homosexual too. If that were true then how come so many regular families produce gay offsprings ? How come their efforts to have their kids growing up straight don't pay off. Now if the gay parents would relentlesly try and raise the kid to be gay, despite the kid's wishes to be straight, that would be a serious problem (in my mind at least), and those people would not deserve their choices to be aknowledged and they should be put to the wall, but not for being gay, but for being irresponsible parents. I do find homosexuality a bit odd in one regard. It's not "natural". What i mean by that is that the purpose of sex is (in nature at least) to procreate. Despite their best efforts i doubt gay people will ever be able to accomplish this. But, humans are peculiar creatures and they have sex for so many reasons appart from procreation, so if we look kindly uppon other types of sexual behaviour then we should look kindly uppon homosexuality as well. I also have another "problem", well actually i find ridiculous one trait of most homosexuals, or at least of the ones i've seen or met. I see that it has been previously discussed in this topic but i wanna put my 2 cents in too : why the heck do they feel the need to act so efeminatly. They are free to do it as long as they want, but i personaly will always find it absolutely ridiculous and hilarious. Oh, and i'm not gay, in case you were wondering.
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Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 08:18 pm

You're fabulous.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 04:41 am
Thank you. Glad you like it and happy to be among open minded people. I'll try and bring my contribution.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 05:19 am
I was waiting that the pseudo-progressives would attack me this way....

If 2 men want to have a sexual relation it is their problem and none can stop them. But they don't have the right to pull others in their "fetish" - I am talking about pederasts and other losers of this kind. Why I am against child adoption by homosexuals? What a child of two people of the same sex can become? This is against the laws of nature, it never happened to a spiece since life exists at this Earth, the pseudo-progressives are not going to change nature, for your sake.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 05:40 am
against the laws of nature

you gotta love that kind of reasoning, it's like koolaid for the soul.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 06:47 am
Ellinas, same-sex couples of many species raise children. Penguins have been seen doing this as have other animals.

There are times when two child-raisers are not partners sexually but are perhaps sisters, brothers, father and son, etc., who have taken on the role of raising a child after the death of a natural parent. There is nothing "unnatural" about two loving people raising a child whether the two share a bed or not.

We have all seen too many heterosexual couples who should not be raising the child or children that they have, and it is easy to see that the children being neglected or bullied will have a difficult adult life because of their raising.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 08:14 am
Eretiq wrote:
I see that it has been previously discussed in this topic but i wanna put my 2 cents in too : why the heck do they feel the need to act so efeminatly. They are free to do it as long as they want, but i personaly will always find it absolutely ridiculous and hilarious. Oh, and i'm not gay, in case you were wondering.

Firstly, I really wish you'd had separated your post into paragraphs.

Secondly, in respects to your questions...

Beats me. I have no idea. Perhaps it comes naturally, which may suggest feminisation of the brain. I myself am more or less straight, yet I've been told I have a few effeminate postures. (My homophobic mother keeps telling me not to cross my legs, because she thinks it's an effeminate posture for a guy to take and may suggest to people that I'm gay. No, she doesn't know I'm gay).

What really gets me is Gay Pride Parades. We want equal rights, right? So what the Heck is the point of participating in a parade where you flaunt your differences? How can you argue for equal rights if you keep pointing out the differences that show you're anything but (in terms of behaviour at least).
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 08:24 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
Eretiq wrote:
I see that it has been previously discussed in this topic but i wanna put my 2 cents in too : why the heck do they feel the need to act so efeminatly. They are free to do it as long as they want, but i personaly will always find it absolutely ridiculous and hilarious. Oh, and i'm not gay, in case you were wondering.

Firstly, I really wish you'd had separated your post into paragraphs.

Secondly, in respects to your questions...

Beats me. I have no idea. Perhaps it comes naturally, which may suggest feminisation of the brain. I myself am more or less straight, yet I've been told I have a few effeminate postures. (My homophobic mother keeps telling me not to cross my legs, because she thinks it's an effeminate posture for a guy to take and may suggest to people that I'm gay. No, she doesn't know I'm gay).

What really gets me is Gay Pride Parades. We want equal rights, right? So what the Heck is the point of participating in a parade where you flaunt your differences? How can you argue for equal rights if you keep pointing out the differences that show you're anything but (in terms of behaviour at least).

You're a closet casey Wolf_O, you wouldn't understand. :wink: (Just kidding mate)

I think they do it 'cause they can and why shouldn't they? I don't see anything wrong with it, and the parades can be fun.

It's really about *being* able to do it. It's a strange kind of freedom. Many of us spend years in the closet, some their whole lives. When we finally come out some of us feel like a weight has been lifted off our shoulder, it's a liberating experience.

Myself, I think pride parades are really about showing the world that society has no hold on you and for people that have been repressed for most of their lives that's a powerful thing.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 08:36 am
Eryemil wrote:
You're a closet casey Wolf_O, you wouldn't understand. :wink: (Just kidding mate)

I think they do it 'cause they can and why shouldn't they? I don't see anything wrong with it, and the parades can be fun.

I can understand that. Heck, I wanted to go, but I had work. Sad Missed the guy in pink speedoes, pink cape and a black Darth Vader mask.

But it just doesn't logically make sense, if you think about it. The point of wanting equal rights, is saying, "Hey, we're not that different. Except for our sexuality, we're just like you." Except, the point of the Parade is, "We're very different and we don't care. Learn to live with it."

Pride Parades can stir up very homophobic reactions and cement stereotypes about the homosexual community. Sure, it's great for the gay guys, gay women and straight women watching and it's a lot of fun, but does it send out the right message?
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 08:49 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
Pride Parades can stir up very homophobic reactions and cement stereotypes about the homosexual community. Sure, it's great for the gay guys, gay women and straight women watching and it's a lot of fun, but does it send out the right message?

Does it matter? You can't live your life according to others. I won't live my life as an everlasting message of how 'normal' I am.

What about Mardi Gras? Isn't it basically the same thing?

When others complain about gays doing the same thing they do, that's hypocrisy.

So straight men have been conditioned to think that seeing to guys kiss is the most disgusting thing in the world. Well I pity them but I won't stop living for the sake of anyone's sensibilities, specially when they turn around and bombard me their own sexuality.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 10:39 am
Eryemil said it well.

It's not like all straight sex is kept behind closed doors and never hinted at or shown. There is straight sexuality ALLL over the place! From billboards to commercials (I just saw that Jessica Simpson "poppers" commercial for the first time, what the heck is going on there??) to TV to movies to actual factual real-life public displays of (hetero) affection all over the place.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 12:50 pm
Eryemil wrote:
I think they do it 'cause they can and why shouldn't they? I don't see anything wrong with it, and the parades can be fun.

Myself, I think pride parades are really about showing the world that society has no hold on you and for people that have been repressed for most of their lives that's a powerful thing.

I sincerely doubt that the main reason they do it is because they can. If that would be true then that's a very childish attitude. And there's nothing wrong with it, i just find it very amusing.
I think there are two valid answers to that question : they either do it because they feel that way and it's the only way they know how to act or they do it because they THINK that's the way they SHOULD act. The second option could come from a very hipocritical attitude of following stereotipical behaviour combined with an aggresive defense against people who persecut them. In other words they think that acting that way is the best way to show people how gay they really are and how much they don't care about what everyone else thinks. Well, so do they want a medal for it or what. I find that kind of behaviour to be very very immature.
Now if the rest of the people would act maturely and logicaly, there would be no need for that kind of behaviour from the gay side of the baricade. They would just go along minding their own buisness and sexual preferences because they would have no side to rebel so colorfully against. Gay pride parades fall into that same category and i will agree with Wolf_ODonnell on this one, they can stir up very homophobic reactions. What puzzles me is : is that what being gay is about ? Wearing spandex and acting like a girl ? I bet gay people that don't feel they should dress up like a clown feel not so gay after they take a look at the real gay people parading in the pride parade.
On the other side, if homosexuals would act naturally and carry on with their life without actually caring about what everyone else thinks (cause extreme behaviour only proves to me that they do care about what everyone else thinks) it would be a pretty boring world and i would have less things to get amused about.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 01:28 pm
Google up 'Mardi Gras' Eretiq, that's all I have to say.
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 01:34 pm
Ellinas wrote:
I don't have problems with homosexuals if they keep their relation just for their self. Child adoption by them and this kind of things are just insane!

Yeah, and i don't have any problem with stupid people so long as they keep to themselves.

Rolling Eyes

That's how dumb you sound.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 02:14 pm
I always had the impression that gay pride parades were also supposed to mean something, that there was a purpose to them and that the purpose was to show the world that gay people are not afraid to come out of the closet as what they really are. Therefore, i always thought that through their parades they wanted to show the world a glimpse of their unafraid true self. When i look at gay pride parades i see a lot of men dressing up and acting like girls, and that would explain my question : is that what being gay is all about ?
Mardi Gras on the other hand is just a big party and it's all about having fun.
Now if gay pride parades have no agenda behind them and they are just trying to have a big party, then my bad.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 02:50 pm
Gay parades mean a lot of things to a lot of people Eretiq. I was, on my previous, posts trying to give a general idea of what it's all about.

The GLBT community's the most varied worldwide group there is, opinions are aplenty. :wink:

A bunch of men want to dress up and act like women, ok I get that, I still don't see where you're coming from unless you're saying that doing that is in itself inherently wrong in some way.

I mean, if an act as trivial as a guy dressing up like a woman would change people's opinions enough to dislike that guy, well that says more about the people than it does about the guy.

Oh, and for the most part bigots remain bigots and no matter what gays do to prove or disapprove their supposed culpability that they'll still think the same.

People are not so easily swayed.
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 02:53 pm
Eryemil wrote:

I mean, if an act as trivial as a guy dressing up like a woman would change people's opinions enough to dislike that guy, well that says more about the people than it does about the guy.

What an honest and valid point.

I totally agree with you.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 03:16 pm
Hey, I totally agree with you too, and like i said in my first post, there are only a few things that give people the right to hate other people, and the way they dress up is not one of them. If someone hates people cause they dress up like a woman then that person is not in his/her right mind.
I think you understand what i mean but for some reason still want to argue. I never said there is something wrong with dressing up like a woman. They can dress up like santa if they want but here is how i see things : they go on a parade to show the world what they stand for and in that parade they dress up like women... Again i am forced to ask : is that what being gay is all about ? Is a gay person that doesn't feel he needs to dress up like a woman suppose to feel less gay ? (i trust you will see the retorical meaning of that question). That's the part that i don't get.
If that's true then, again, my bad. But if that's not true, why do they do it ? I also said that i think they do it cause they wanna show the world how gay they really are and how much they don't care about what the world thinks. But having a parade to convince the world to accept them only shows that they do care about what the world thinks. Now, someone who doesn't care would totally go on with his life and not give a rat's arse about who thinks what. You must see the truth in that. Again, i must say i never said anything about something being wrong or right. I just said i find it amusing, childish, ridiculous and hilarious.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 03:47 pm
In my opinion it's supposed to be funny *shrugs*

I usually have a great time watching how outrageous these boys (And girls) can be. Smile

I'm not the right person to ask about the philosophy behind pride parades I suppose, I just think it's fun and liberating. It's definitely not for the benefit of the people that are watching that's for sure.
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2006 03:55 pm
Who cares why they do it?

Why do we have the Macy's day parade? Or pep rallys in high school before games? Or any other function? Because WE CAN and it makes us feel good.
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