@Fil Albuquerque,
Quote:Tradition does, and Human nature...what else ? Is there another argument concerning, well...everything ?
Argument ad Antiquitatem is a logical fallacy. 'Tradition' is never a logical reason for doing anything. Modern-day actions must stand on their own logical accord. This is a fundamental truth that any freshman-level debater should understand.
Heterosexual marriage identity is enough of an answer...pi nuts in your perspective unfortunately...
There's no such thing as 'heterosexual marriage identity.' It doesn't exist. You made it up. It is a convenient phrase that bigots like to utter in order to pretend that there is a victim of Homosexuality.
Even if we were to accept your premise - which I don't - in what way would that identity be harmed? I am married. I can tell you that my marriage is in no way affected by gays being married at all, not in terms of identity or what my marriage means to me. In what ways has my life been harmed that I am unaware of? Please be very specific.
Another stroke of blessed ignorance on your part...fast forward...
I think it's safe to say that there is no answer on your part. You may refer to it as
my ignorance if you like, but I doubt any reader of this account would agree with you.
I asked you a very simple question: what is meaningful about marriage that goes beyond the legal definition? If you can't answer again I am going to be forced to conclude that you were just making **** up.
No I don´t !
This is a structural perspective on how equality to what is equal, and equity to what is different, should mean upon building meaningful concepts in a just Society...also about the Nature of Law and its adequacy to protect the majority´s and their cultural paradigms or beliefs, precisely the reason why Law differs from country to country... and can be applied to almost anything besides the gay agenda...not about gay at all, not that important to me anyway.
This paragraph is unfortunately something of a backslide when it comes to your ability to make yourself understood clearly. But I will say this: the 'majority' has zero rights to have their cultural paradigms (whatever that is) protected by the law; at least, here in America, it doesn't. Perhaps they do things differently wherever you are from. But here, you usually have to show - specifically - how people are harmed by an action before it can be made illegal.