heya mm. thanks for the bayh info. the more i'm finding out about him the more i'm likin' him.
it's promising to me when any candidate fails to receive less than a 100% or so from the various interest groups. sorta says that he's at least close to being moderate. and that's where i think most americans really are, despite the polarization that one issue or another can inspire.
admittedly, my first interest was simply based on memories of my pop constantly griping about bayh's dad when we lived in louisville ("that
damned birch bayh!!

), but i'm actually kinda impressed.
bit to be honest dude, based on what the interviews i've heard with allen, i can't really consider him at all. for me, he's just too much like what we have now. just like the dems, the republicans need to dig deeper.
i really believe that after the total cluster jump of the last decades, where partisanship is the trump card, america not only deserves, but should insist that the next president be a man of all the people. not just for "the base" or the single issue stormcrows.
i used to like mccain quite a bit. and as a senator i still appreciate him. but he's been too ready to take it in the neck for the party.
rudy ? umm. hard to say. he
does appear moderate. but like someone else mentioned, he could get dragged behind the woodshed for "a l'il eddicatin'" by those who are "base-centric".
i'd like to see chuck hagel run. and if lindsay graham would lose some of his more annoying religious thing, he'd be interesting. i think he's probably a pretty decent human being.
also, colin powell. i think he's exellent.
hillary might do a great job. but she'd have to get there. and if she did get the nomination, the republicans, christian right and right leaning moderates would stop at nothing.
it would/will be yet another blood bath. and that's what we don't need, right?
the new kid, mark warner, he's worth watching. might have some interesting povs once he gets his message together.
two words i'd love to see erased from the political debate so we can focus on the crap that actually means something to every american;
liberal and conservative.